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540 Artikel gefunden


Lexikon der Romantik; Malerei - Skulptur - Architektur - Lyrik, Prosa und Drama - Musik; Herausgeber: Francis Claudon.

Lexikon der Romantik; Malerei Skulptur Architektur Lyrik, Prosa und Drama Musik;..

15,40 €
Koelbl, Herlinde: Jüdische Portraits; Photographien und Interviews.

Koelbl, Herlinde: Jüdische Portraits; Photographien und Interviews.

40,00 €
Janicot, Claude: Mediterranee orientale; Guide de croisiere pour les escales et pour les excursions a partir de ces escales; Reihe: Les Guides Bleus sous la direction de Francis Ambriere.

Janicot, Claude: Mediterranee orientale; Guide de croisiere pour les escales et pour les excursions..

30,80 €
Rowles, William Francis: How to make and manage a garden.

Rowles, William Francis: How to make and manage a garden.

30,00 €
Turner, Francis Earl: Stratigraphy and mollusca of the eocene of Western Oregon. Geological Society of America Special papers 10.

Turner, Francis Earl: Stratigraphy and mollusca of the eocene of Western Oregon. Geological Society..

45,00 €
Meer-Fisch und Krusten-Tiere. Von Auster bis Wolfsbarsch

Meer-Fisch und Krusten-Tiere. Von Auster bis Wolfsbarsch

9,00 €
Lys, Francis John: Quae marmoreo fert monstra sub aequore pontus. Carmen latinum praemio donatum.1885.

Lys, Francis John: Quae marmoreo fert monstra sub aequore pontus. Carmen latinum praemio..

30,00 €
Murat, Francis: La politique des placements à long terme en France et à l'éntranger. Dissertation.

Murat, Francis: La politique des placements à long terme en France et à l'éntranger..

35,00 €
Maingourd, Francis: Du patronage des libérés. Dissertation.

Maingourd, Francis: Du patronage des libérés. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Maurel, Francis: Le nouveau statut des actions à vote privilégié : loi du 13 novembre 1933. Dissertation.

Maurel, Francis: Le nouveau statut des actions à vote privilégié : loi du 13 novembre 1933..

35,00 €
Azambuja, Francis d': Les économistes libéraux et la législation sociale d'après guerre en France. Dissertation.

Azambuja, Francis d': Les économistes libéraux et la législation sociale d'après guerre en..

30,00 €
Borrey, Francis: La Franche-Comté en 1814. Dissertation.

Borrey, Francis: La Franche-Comté en 1814. Dissertation.

75,00 €
Borrey, Francis: L'esprit public chez les prêtres francs-comtois pendant la crise de 1813 à 1815 : documents inédits recueillis et publies avec une introduction, des éclaircissements et des notes. Dissertation.

Borrey, Francis: L'esprit public chez les prêtres francs comtois pendant la crise de 1813 à 1815..

90,00 €
Streif, Francis: Das Pfandrecht und andere Formen des Realkredits im Sovjet-Recht. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Streif, Francis: Das Pfandrecht und andere Formen des Realkredits im Sovjet Recht. Dissertation..

16,00 €
Abbott, James Francis: The morphology of Coeloplana. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Zoolog. Jahrbücher 24, S. 41-70.

Abbott, James Francis: The morphology of Coeloplana. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Zoolog..

15,00 €
Day, Francis: The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, Fishes vol. 1 + 2.

Day, Francis: The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, Fishes vol. 1 + 2.

400,00 €
Harper, Francis: Birds of the Ungava Peninsula. University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History, Miscellaneous publication 17.

Harper, Francis: Birds of the Ungava Peninsula. University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History..

19,00 €
Harper, Francis: Land and Fresh-water Mammals of the Ungava Peninsula. University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History, Miscellaneous publication 27.

Harper, Francis: Land and Fresh water Mammals of the Ungava Peninsula. University of Kansas, Museum..

14,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: Notes on Francis Walker's types of North American flies of the family Tachinidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 80,2910.

Aldrich, J. M: Notes on Francis Walker's types of North American flies of the family Tachinidae..

12,00 €
Jaeger, Francis: Le problème de la souveraineté dans la doctrine de Kelsen : exposé et critique. Dissertation.

Jaeger, Francis: Le problème de la souveraineté dans la doctrine de Kelsen : exposé et critique..

50,00 €
Dubois, Leo Louis: Saint Francis of Assisi social reformer. Dissertation.

Dubois, Leo Louis: Saint Francis of Assisi social reformer. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Petry, Ray C: The Ideal of poverty in Francis of Assisi. Dissertation (Teildruck9.

Petry, Ray C: The Ideal of poverty in Francis of Assisi. Dissertation (Teildruck9.

19,00 €
Costello, David Francis: Tussock meadows in Southeastern Wisconsin. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical gazette 97, S. 610-648.

Costello, David Francis: Tussock meadows in Southeastern Wisconsin. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

12,00 €
Bradshaw, Francis F: The American Council on Education Rating Scale : its reliability, validity, and use. Dissertation.

Bradshaw, Francis F: The American Council on Education Rating Scale : its reliability, validity..

25,00 €
King, Francis Plaisted: Basic magnesian Rocks : associated with the corundum deposits of Georgia Dissertation.

King, Francis Plaisted: Basic magnesian Rocks : associated with the corundum deposits of Georgia..

19,00 €
Cragin, Francis Whittemore: Paleontology of the Malone Jurrassic Formation of Texas. Dissertation.

Cragin, Francis Whittemore: Paleontology of the Malone Jurrassic Formation of Texas. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Williamson, Francis Torrance: Germany and Morocco before 1905. Dissertation.

Williamson, Francis Torrance: Germany and Morocco before 1905. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Beach, Fred Francis: The custody of school funds : an appraisal of systems of school fund custody with particular reference to New York State. Dissertation.

Beach, Fred Francis: The custody of school funds : an appraisal of systems of school fund custody..

20,00 €
Harmon, Francis L: The effects of noise upon certain psychological and physiological processes. Dissertation.

Harmon, Francis L: The effects of noise upon certain psychological and physiological processes..

20,00 €
Peterson, Francis Edwin: Philosophies of education current in the preparation of teachers in the United States : a study of four state teachers colleges, twelve normal schools, and nine liberal arts colleges. Dissertation.

Peterson, Francis Edwin: Philosophies of education current in the preparation of teachers in the..

25,00 €
Ballaine, Francis Knight: The relations between wisdom and science : illustrations of the history of a distinction. Dissertation.

Ballaine, Francis Knight: The relations between wisdom and science : illustrations of the history..

20,00 €
Watson, Harold Francis: The sailor in English fiction and drama : 1550 - 1800. Dissertation.

Watson, Harold Francis: The sailor in English fiction and drama : 1550 - 1800. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Bayley, Francis Chilton: The causes and evidence of beliefs: an examination of Hume's procedure. Dissertation.

Bayley, Francis Chilton: The causes and evidence of beliefs: an examination of Hume's procedure..

35,00 €
Wood, Francis, Asbury: I. Verner's law in gothic ; II. The reduplicating verbs in germanic. Dissertation.

Wood, Francis, Asbury: I. Verner's law in gothic ; II. The reduplicating verbs in germanic..

20,00 €
Cornell, Francis Griffith: A measure of taxpaying ability of local school administrative units. Dissertation.

Cornell, Francis Griffith: A measure of taxpaying ability of local school administrative units..

30,00 €
Francis, Malcolm: Spawning migration of moki (latridopsis ciliaris) off eastern New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 15, 267-273.

Francis, Malcolm: Spawning migration of moki (latridopsis ciliaris) off eastern New Zealand..

8,00 €
Francis, Malcolm P: Meristic and morphometric variation in the lancet fish, Alepisaurus, with notes on the distribution of A. ferox and A. brevirostris. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of zoology 8. 403-408.

Francis, Malcolm P: Meristic and morphometric variation in the lancet fish, Alepisaurus, with notes..

8,00 €
Castelnau. Francis de: On a new ganoid fish from Queensland. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 3.

Castelnau. Francis de: On a new ganoid fish from Queensland. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

30,00 €
Bauer, Francis: Droits de la concubine : lésée par un accident mortel survenu à son concubin. Dissertation.

Bauer, Francis: Droits de la concubine : lésée par un accident mortel survenu à son concubin..

24,00 €
Francis, John de (Ed.): Report of the annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Teaching.

Francis, John de (Ed.): Report of the annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language..

7,00 €
Dinneen, Francis P. (Ed.): Report of the seventeenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies. Monograph series on languages and linguistics Vol. 19 (1966).

Dinneen, Francis P. (Ed.): Report of the seventeenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and..

9,00 €
Kelly, Thomas Augustine Francis (ed.): Between system and poetics : William Desmond and philosophy after dialectic.

Kelly, Thomas Augustine Francis (ed.): Between system and poetics : William Desmond and philosophy..

50,00 €
Griffith, Francis Llewellyn: Meroitic Studies II, III, IV. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Bd. 3, 111 - 124; 4, 21-27; 4, 159-173.

Griffith, Francis Llewellyn: Meroitic Studies II, III, IV. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Egyptian..

35,00 €
Bather, Francis Arthur: The fossil Crinoidea in the British Museum. (An attempt to put into practice modern ideas of museum arrangement.). Sonderdruck aus: report. Museums Association for 1891, 79-110.

Bather, Francis Arthur: The fossil Crinoidea in the British Museum. (An attempt to put into..

25,00 €
Lerch, Francis J. et al: Goddard Earth Models for oceanographic applications (GEM 10B and 10C). Sonderdruck aus: Marine Geodesy 5, 145 - 187.

Lerch, Francis J. et al: Goddard Earth Models for oceanographic applications (GEM 10B and 10C)..

9,00 €
Sauvage, Francis: De la nature du droit de vote. Dissertation.

Sauvage, Francis: De la nature du droit de vote. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Marceau, Francis: Recherches sur la structure et le développement comparés des fibres cardiaques dans la série des vertébrés. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Annales des sciences naturelles, zoologie 19, S. 191-366.

Marceau, Francis: Recherches sur la structure et le développement comparés des fibres cardiaques..

25,00 €
Oeuvres de Jean Peyrissac. Provenant de le Collection de Monsieur X.

Oeuvres de Jean Peyrissac. Provenant de le Collection de Monsieur X.

15,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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