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411 Artikel gefunden


Snowdon (Antony Armstrong-Jones): Ansichten. Personal View.

Snowdon (Antony Armstrong-Jones): Ansichten. Personal View.

12,00 €
Mit dem Wind um die Welt

Mit dem Wind um die Welt

7,00 €
ZAGON, A., Totterdell, S., , Jones, R. S. G: Direct projections from the ventrolateral medulla oblongata to the limbic forebrain. anterograde and retrograde tract tracing studies in the rat.

ZAGON, A., Totterdell, S., , Jones, R. S. G: Direct projections from the ventrolateral medulla..

4,00 €
Wynne-Jones, Tim: Brandspuren.

Wynne-Jones, Tim: Brandspuren.

4,00 €
Womack, James P. & Daniel T. Jones: Lean solutions. How companies and customers can create value and wealth together.

Womack, James P. & Daniel T. Jones: Lean solutions. How companies and customers can create value..

15,00 €
Wellington, Duke of: My dear Mrs. Jones. The letters of the first Duke of Wellington to Mrs. Jones of Pantglas.

Wellington, Duke of: My dear Mrs. Jones. The letters of the first Duke of Wellington to Mrs. Jones..

7,00 €
VENTIMIGLIA, R: VENTIMIGLIA, R., Jones, B. E., Moller,  A., A quantitative method for morphometric analysis in neuronal cell culture. Unbiases estimation of neuron area and number of branch points., J. Neurosci, ethods 57, 63-66 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES93]..,

VENTIMIGLIA, R: VENTIMIGLIA, R., Jones, B. E., Moller, A., A quantitative method for morphometric..

4,00 €
Ungerer, Friedrich, Peter Pasch., Peter Lampater & Rosemary Hellyer-Jones: Learning English. Grundgrammatik.

Ungerer, Friedrich, Peter Pasch., Peter Lampater & Rosemary Hellyer Jones: Learning English..

4,00 €
Jones, Daniel: Everymans English pronouncing dictionary.

Jones, Daniel: Everymans English pronouncing dictionary.

6,00 €
Sherk, Helen: The claustrum and the cerebral cortex.

Sherk, Helen: The claustrum and the cerebral cortex.

4,00 €
JONES, B. E: Paradoxial sleep and chemically identified neurons of the reticular formation., In Inlee, Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators,  A. Wauquier et al (Eds.)., Raven Press, New York 1985, pp. 43-56, Obr.,  [SD180].-.,// JONES, B. E., Neuroanatom

JONES, B. E: Paradoxial sleep and chemically identified neurons of the reticular formation., In..

5,00 €
SCHREYER, D, J., Jones, E. G: Axon elimination in the developing corticospinal tract of the rat.

SCHREYER, D, J., Jones, E. G: Axon elimination in the developing corticospinal tract of the rat.

4,00 €
Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones., Die Geschichte eines Findlings.

Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones., Die Geschichte eines Findlings.

6,00 €
Jones, G.W: Satans Tochter.

Jones, G.W: Satans Tochter.

6,00 €
PIERIBONE, V. A: PIERIBONE, V. A., Aston-Jones, G., The iontophoretic application of fluoro-gold for the study of afferents to Deutschep brain nuiclei. Brain Res. 475, 259-271 (1988)., Obr-.  [WES91]..,// PIERIBONE,. V. A., Aston-Jones, G., Bohn, M. C., A

PIERIBONE, V. A: PIERIBONE, V. A., Aston Jones, G., The iontophoretic application of fluoro gold..

5,00 €
PETERS, A: PETERS, A., Chandelier Cells. In Cerebral Cortex I-.,. A. Peters & E. G F. Jones (Eds.) ,// PETERS, A., Bipolar cells in Cerebral CortexI. A. Peters & E. G. Jones, (Eds.)., Plenum, New York 1984, pp. 381-407.-, Kopie, //  PETERS, A., Saint-Mari

PETERS, A: PETERS, A., Chandelier Cells. In Cerebral Cortex I .,. A. Peters & E. G F. Jones (Eds.)..

4,00 €
Mars-Jones, Adam: Everything is different in your house.,.

Mars-Jones, Adam: Everything is different in your house.,.

7,00 €
KEENAN, R. W., Jones, M: A rapid and simple microprocedure for myelin isolation.

KEENAN, R. W., Jones, M: A rapid and simple microprocedure for myelin isolation.

4,00 €
LEAKE-JONES & ROMAND: LEAKE-JONES, P. A., Snyder, R. L., Uptake and transport of HRP by chochlear spiral ganglion neurons., Hearing Res. 8, 199-223 (1982)., Obr.,  WES31].., //.

LEAKE JONES & ROMAND: LEAKE JONES, P. A., Snyder, R. L., Uptake and transport of HRP by chochlear..

4,00 €
Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones. Die Geschichte eines Findlings. II.

Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones. Die Geschichte eines Findlings. II.

6,00 €
Kahn, James: Indiana Jones und der Tempel des Todes.

Kahn, James: Indiana Jones und der Tempel des Todes.

4,00 €
Jones, William R: Yosemite. The Story behind the Scenery.

Jones, William R: Yosemite. The Story behind the Scenery.

4,00 €
Fielding, Henry: Historie des menschlichen Herzens nach den Abwechselungen der Tugenden und Laster in den sonderbaren Begebenheiten  Thomas Jones, eines Fündlings Moralisch und satyrisch beschrieben.

Fielding, Henry: Historie des menschlichen Herzens nach den Abwechselungen der Tugenden und Laster..

39,00 €
Jones, Stan: Weißer Himmel , Schwarzes Eis.

Jones, Stan: Weißer Himmel , Schwarzes Eis.

4,00 €
Jones, Meirion & Robert Erdmann: So läßt sie ihr Gedächtnis nie im Stich.

Jones, Meirion & Robert Erdmann: So läßt sie ihr Gedächtnis nie im Stich.

4,00 €
Jones, Mal Lewis: Ballett-Internat Hohenstein.

Jones, Mal Lewis: Ballett-Internat Hohenstein.

4,00 €
Jones, James: Mai in Paris.

Jones, James: Mai in Paris.

4,00 €
Jones, James: Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit.

Jones, James: Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit.

4,00 €
Jones, James: Die Entwurzelten.

Jones, James: Die Entwurzelten.

4,00 €
Jones, Ellen: Die Königin und die Hure.

Jones, Ellen: Die Königin und die Hure.

4,00 €
Jones, E.G: Jones & Powell, the cortical projection of the ventroposterior nucleus of the thalamus in the cat.,  Brain Res. 12, 298-318 (1969)., // Jones, Varieties and distribution of non-pyramidal cells in the somatic sensory cortex of the squirrel monk

Jones, E.G: Jones & Powell, the cortical projection of the ventroposterior nucleus of the thalamus..

4,00 €
JONES, E. G: JONES, E. G., Hendry, S, H. C., Brandon, C., Cytochrome oxidase staining reveals functional organization oof monkey somatosensory thalamus., Exp. Brain Res. 62, 438-442 (1986)., Obr.,  [SDG129].., // DE FELIPE, J., Conley, M., Jones, E. G.,

JONES, E. G: JONES, E. G., Hendry, S, H. C., Brandon, C., Cytochrome oxidase staining reveals..

6,00 €
Jones, E G. & B. K. Hartmann: Recent advances in neuroanatomical methodology.

Jones, E G. & B. K. Hartmann: Recent advances in neuroanatomical methodology.

4,00 €
Jones, Dylan: Stigma.

Jones, Dylan: Stigma.

4,00 €
Jones, Celeste, Kristina Jones & Juliana Buhring: Nicht ohne meine Schwestern., Gefangen und missbraucht in einer Sekte – unsere wahre Geschichte.

Jones, Celeste, Kristina Jones & Juliana Buhring: Nicht ohne meine Schwestern., Gefangen und..

5,00 €
Jones, Bridget: Köstlichkeiten der diabetischen Küche.

Jones, Bridget: Köstlichkeiten der diabetischen Küche.

5,00 €
Jones, Bridget: Internationale Nudelgerichte.

Jones, Bridget: Internationale Nudelgerichte.

4,00 €
Jones, Allan Frewin: Sie liebt mich, sie liebt mich nicht.

Jones, Allan Frewin: Sie liebt mich, sie liebt mich nicht.

4,00 €
Jones, Allan Frewin: Durch Mark und Bein.

Jones, Allan Frewin: Durch Mark und Bein.

4,00 €
Jones, Alexandra: Die Dinge des Lebens.

Jones, Alexandra: Die Dinge des Lebens.

4,00 €
Jones, Alexandra: Der Zauber des Sommers.

Jones, Alexandra: Der Zauber des Sommers.

4,00 €
Jones, Adrienne: fast ein Mann.

Jones, Adrienne: fast ein Mann.

7,00 €
Jones,  Jack: Ich bin der Fänger im Roggen. Der Mann der John Lennon erschoß.

Jones, Jack: Ich bin der Fänger im Roggen. Der Mann der John Lennon erschoß.

12,00 €
HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C-. Jones, E. G-., Vaughn,  J. E: Morphological diversity of immunocytochemically identified GABA neurons in the monkey sensory-motor cortex.

HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C . Jones, E. G ., Vaughn, J. E: Morphological diversity of..

4,00 €
HERKENHAM, M: HERKENHAM, M., New perspectives on the organization and evolution of nonspecific thalamocortical projections. In Cerebral Cortex V. Ed, V. E. G. Jones, & A. Peters, Plenum, New York 1986, pp. 403-445., Obr.-,  [SD134]..,// HERKENHAM M., Edle

HERKENHAM, M: HERKENHAM, M., New perspectives on the organization and evolution of nonspecific..

5,00 €
HENDRY, S. H. C: HENDRY, S. H. C., Jones, E. G., Hockfield, S., MacKay, R. D. G., Neuronal populations stained with the monoclonal antibody Cat-301 in the mammalian cerebral cortex and thalamus. J. Neurosci. 8, 5178-542 (1988)., Obr.,  [WES63]..,// HENDRY

HENDRY, S. H. C: HENDRY, S. H. C., Jones, E. G., Hockfield, S., MacKay, R. D. G., Neuronal..

5,00 €
HENDRY, S. H. C: H. , , C.,, Jones, E. G.,, Graham, J., Thalamic relay nuclei for cerebellar and certain related fiber systems in  the cat., J. Comp, Neurol. 185, 679-714 (1979)., Obr., Unterstr.  [SD134]..,//H. & , Jones, E. G., Thalamic inputs to identi

HENDRY, S. H. C: H. , , C.,, Jones, E. G.,, Graham, J., Thalamic relay nuclei for cerebellar and..

4,00 €
Hellyer-Jones, Rosemary & Peter Lampater: Adventure on Christmas eve.

Hellyer-Jones, Rosemary & Peter Lampater: Adventure on Christmas eve.

4,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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