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Saalfeld, Günther Alexander: Aus der Jugendzeit. Sammlung echter deutscher Kinderlieder alter und neuer Zeit. Mit Abbildungen von L. Richter, H. Bürkner, L. Venus, F. Werkmeister, G. Engel.

Saalfeld, Günther Alexander: Aus der Jugendzeit. Sammlung echter deutscher Kinderlieder alter und..

13,00 €
RÖSSLE, R: Allgemeine pathologische Anatomie. VI. Schutzkörperbildung und Immunität.

RÖSSLE, R: Allgemeine pathologische Anatomie. VI. Schutzkörperbildung und Immunität.

5,00 €
ROSENE, D. L: KOSEL, K. C., G. W. Van Hoesen, D. L. Rosene , A direct projection from the perirhinal cortex (Area 35) to the subiculum in the rat. Brain Res. 269, 347-351 (1983) , Obr,[SD55]. / / MOSS, M. B., Rosene, D, L., A perdusion fixation procedure

ROSENE, D. L: KOSEL, K. C., G. W. Van Hoesen, D. L. Rosene , A direct projection from the..

5,00 €
ROSA, M. G. P., Schmid, L. M: Visual areas in the dorsal and medial extrastriate cortices of the marmoset.

ROSA, M. G. P., Schmid, L. M: Visual areas in the dorsal and medial extrastriate cortices of the..

4,00 €
Romanes, John G: L intelligence des Animaux. I. Les animaux inferieurs. Precede d'une preface sur l elvolution mentale par Edmond Perrier.

Romanes, John G: L intelligence des Animaux. I. Les animaux inferieurs. Precede d'une preface sur l..

62,00 €
Roessle, R: Allgemeine pathologische Anatomie. VI. Schutzkörperbildung und Immunität.

Roessle, R: Allgemeine pathologische Anatomie. VI. Schutzkörperbildung und Immunität.

4,00 €
ROBERTSON, R. T: OH, L. J.-, Kim, G., Yu, J., Robertson, R. T., Transneuronal degeneration of thalamic neurons following deafferentiation. Auantitative studies uding 3H-thymidine autoradiography. Brain Res. 63, 191-200 (1991)., Obr.,  [WES65]..,  //  ROBE

ROBERTSON, R. T: OH, L. J. , Kim, G., Yu, J., Robertson, R. T., Transneuronal degeneration of..

7,00 €
MCGRAHAM. L., Hakim , A. M., Robertson, G. S: Hippocampal myc and p53 expression following transient global ischemia.

MCGRAHAM. L., Hakim , A. M., Robertson, G. S: Hippocampal myc and p53 expression following..

4,00 €
Rikken, G. L. J. A., C. J. E. Seppen., A. H. J, Venhuizen, S. Nijhuis & E. G- J. Staring: Frequency doubling of diode lasers with pooled polymers.

Rikken, G. L. J. A., C. J. E. Seppen., A. H. J, Venhuizen, S. Nijhuis & E. G J. Staring: Frequency..

6,00 €
Reynolds, M. L. & Cl. L. Woolf: Reciprocal Schwann cell-axon interactions,  / Snipes, G. J., U. Suter, E. M. Shooter. The genesis of Myelin.

Reynolds, M. L. & Cl. L. Woolf: Reciprocal Schwann cell axon interactions, / Snipes, G. J., U..

4,00 €
PURVES, D: PURVES, D., Voyvodic, J. T., Magrassi, L.-, Yawo, H., Nerve terminal remodeling visualized in living mice by repeated examination of the same neuron., Science 238,, 1122-1126 (1987)., Obr.,  [WES911]..,//  RIDDLE, D. R., Guitierrez, G., Zheng,

PURVES, D: PURVES, D., Voyvodic, J. T., Magrassi, L. , Yawo, H., Nerve terminal remodeling..

5,00 €
Puccini, Giacomo: Die Boheme. Szenen aus Henry Murgers Vie de Boheme in vier Bildern von G. Giacosa & L. Lllica.

Puccini, Giacomo: Die Boheme. Szenen aus Henry Murgers Vie de Boheme in vier Bildern von G. Giacosa..

4,00 €
Pratt, J.G., L. E. Rhine & W. G. Roll (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XXIV. (1960).

Pratt, J.G., L. E. Rhine & W. G. Roll (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XXIV. (1960).

26,00 €
Pratt, J.G., L. E. Rhine & W. G. Roll (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XXIII. (1959).

Pratt, J.G., L. E. Rhine & W. G. Roll (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XXIII. (1959).

26,00 €
Pratt, J.G., L. E. Rhine & W. G. Roll (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XXII. (1958).

Pratt, J.G., L. E. Rhine & W. G. Roll (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XXII. (1958).

26,00 €
PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez-Mendez, L-., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal patterns of neurogenesis in the chick retina., Europ. J., Neurosci. 3, 559--659 (1992), Obr-.  [SDG144]..,. // PRADA, C., Medina, K. I., Lopwz, R., Genis-Galvez

PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez Mendez, L ., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal..

5,00 €
YANG, L., Pollak, G. D: GABA and glycine have different effects on monaural response properties in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the mustache bat. J. neurophysiol. 71, 2014-2024 (1994), Obr., [WES20].,// The roles of GABAergic and Glycine

YANG, L., Pollak, G. D: GABA and glycine have different effects on monaural response properties in..

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Ferrier, Paul M: La Boehme. Quatre actes de M.M G. Giacosta e L. Illica. Musqique de Giacomo Puccini..,Partition pur Piano seuil.

Ferrier, Paul M: La Boehme. Quatre actes de M.M G. Giacosta e L. Illica. Musqique de Giacomo..

72,00 €
Pferde: Hengst Peter. Pferdegeschichten von J. Dreetz, J. R.Harrer, H.. Kienzl, G. W. Pijet, K. Steckhan, D. Wächter, A. Zeddies und L. Tolstoi.

Pferde: Hengst Peter. Pferdegeschichten von J. Dreetz, J. R.Harrer, H.. Kienzl, G. W. Pijet, K..

4,00 €
PEREZ, R. G. Zheng H., Van der Ploeg., L. H.T., Koo, E. H: The beta-amyloid precursor protein of alzheimer's disease enhances neuron viablility and modulates neuronal polarity.

PEREZ, R. G. Zheng H., Van der Ploeg., L. H.T., Koo, E. H: The beta amyloid precursor protein of..

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ORBAN, G. A: VANDUFFEL, W., Van den Bussche, E., Singer, W., Orban, G. A., Metabolic mapping of visual areas in the behaving cat. A 140C-2-deoxyglucose study. J. Comp. Neurol. 354, 161-180 (1995)., Obr.,   [WES6. . //  ROSIER, A., Arckens, L., Orban, G. A

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5,00 €
NEISES, G. R., Mattox, D. E., Gulley, R. L: The maturation of the end bulbs of Held in the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus.

NEISES, G. R., Mattox, D. E., Gulley, R. L: The maturation of the end bulbs of Held in the rat..

4,00 €
Naupert, Alfred: Textilfachkunde.

Naupert, Alfred: Textilfachkunde.

14,00 €
NAGAI, T: NAGAI, T., McGeer,, P. L., Peng, J. H., McGeer, E. G., Dolman, C. E., Choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry in brains of  Alzheimer's disease patients and controls.  Neurosci. Letters 36, 195-199 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES70]..,// TERADA, H.,

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MICHAELIS, M. L., Ranciat, N., Chen, Y., Bechtel, M., Ragan, R., Hepperle, M., Liu, Y., Georg, G: Protection against beta-amyloid toxicity in primary neurons by Paclitaxel (Taxol).

MICHAELIS, M. L., Ranciat, N., Chen, Y., Bechtel, M., Ragan, R., Hepperle, M., Liu, Y., Georg, G:..

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MEYER &  MALORNY: MEYER, H. H., Wesen und Sinn der experimentellen Pharmakologie., In Handb. D. Pharmakologie Erg. Heft l I.,1 10 (1935)., Obr..

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6,00 €
MENTIS, G. Z., Greensmith, L-., Vrbova, G: Motoneurons destined to die are rescued by blocking N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors by MK-801.

MENTIS, G. Z., Greensmith, L ., Vrbova, G: Motoneurons destined to die are rescued by blocking N..

4,00 €
Weber, A.(Ed.): Regulationsstörungen des Kreislaufs Vereinigung der Bad Nauheimer Ärzte (Ed.)., Mit Beiträgen von J. Aschoff, B. Lüderitz, W. H. Hauss, H. J. Schümann., G..

Weber, A.(Ed.): Regulationsstörungen des Kreislaufs Vereinigung der Bad Nauheimer Ärzte (Ed.)..

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KRUSHEL, L. A., Fishell, G., Van der Kooy, D: Pattern formation in the mammalian forebrain. Striatal patch and matrix neurons intermix prior to compartment formation. Eurp.

KRUSHEL, L. A., Fishell, G., Van der Kooy, D: Pattern formation in the mammalian forebrain..

4,00 €
MCGEER, P. L: ARAKI, M., McGeer, P. L. McGeer, E. G. Retrograde HRP tracing combined with a pharmacohistochemical method for GABA transaminase for the identification of presumptive GABAergic projections to the habenula. Brain Res., 304, 271-277 (1984), ,

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Masland, R. L., A. Portera Sanchez & G. Toffano: Neuroplasticity. A new therapeutic tool in the CNS..

19,00 €
Martini, L., Gangong, W. F: Neuroendocrinology. I. Neurosecretion (H. A. Bern & F, G, W, Knowles), VI.  Control of vasopressin scretion., (W. H. Sayer & E Mills).,  VII. Neural control of oxytocin secretion., (B. A. Cross).,  VIII. Hypothalamic releasing

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CARMIGNOTO, G., Maffei, L., Candeo, P., Canella, R., Comeli, C: Effect of NGF on the srvival of rrat retinal ganglion cells following optic nerve secxtion.

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4,00 €
LOEFFLER &  FLIRSKI: LOEFFLER, D. A., DeMaggio, A. J., Juneau, P. L., Brickman, C. M., Mashour, G. A., Finkelman, J. H., Pomara, N., LeWitt, P. A., Ceruloplasmin is increased in the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease but not Parkinson's disease.

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5,00 €
LIU, R., Chang, L., Wickern, G: The dorsal tegmental nucleus. An axoplasmic transport study.

LIU, R., Chang, L., Wickern, G: The dorsal tegmental nucleus. An axoplasmic transport study.

4,00 €
LIPP, H. P: JOUANDET, M. L., Garey, L. J., Lipp, H. P., Distribution of cells of origin of the corpus callosum and anterior commissure in the marmoset monkey. Anat. Embryol. 169, 3005-59 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES82]..,.,// KELLER, F., Lipp, H. P.-, Waser, P. G

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5,00 €
KÖHLER, C: KÖHLER, C., Distribution and morphology of vasoactive intestinal popypeptide like immunoreactive neurons in regio superior of the rat hippocampal formation. Neurosci. Letters 33..

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KLOOSTER, J: KLOOSTER, J., Beckers, H. J. M., Vrensen, G. F. J. M., Van der Want, J. J. L., The peripheral and central projections of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the rat. A ligfht and electron microscopic stracing study. Brain Res. 632, 260-273 (19939

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6,00 €
Katerinov, K., M. C. Briosi Katerinov, L. Berettini, P. Di Gregorio, G. Zaganelli: Si, parlo Italiano!-. Prime conversazione.

Katerinov, K., M. C. Briosi Katerinov, L. Berettini, P. Di Gregorio, G. Zaganelli: Si, parlo..

7,00 €
KIL, J., Kageyama, G. H., Semple, M. N., Kitzes, L. M: Development of the ventral cochlear nucleus projections to the superior olivary complex in Gerbil.

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KAAS, J. H: KAAS, J. H., Krubitzer, L. A., Johanson, K. L., Cortical connections of area 17 (V-I) anad 18 (V-II) of Squirrels., J. Comp. Neurol., 281,  426-446 (1989)., Obr.,  [WES116].,.,//  CUSICK, C. G., Kaas, J. H., Retinal projections in adult and ne

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JOHNSTON, G. A. R., Lodge, D.,  Bornstein J. C., Curtis, D. R.: Potentiation of K-glutamate and l-aspartate excitatiom of cat spinal neurons by the stereoisomeres of threo---3hyfdroxyaspartate.

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JESSEN, K. R., Mirsky, R., Hills, J. M: GAGAergic neurons in the vertebrate peripheral nervous system.

JESSEN, K. R., Mirsky, R., Hills, J. M: GAGAergic neurons in the vertebrate peripheral nervous..

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GUNASEKAR: GUNASEKAR, P. G., Kanthasamy, A. G., Borowitz, J. L., Isom, G. E., Monitoring intracellular nitric oxide formation by dichlorofluorescein in neuronal cells. J. Neurosci. Methods 61, 15-21 (  1995) , Obr., [WES5].., // MILLS, E. M., Gunasekar, P

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5,00 €
Illica, L. & Giacosa, G: Die kleine Frau Schmetterling. Tragödie einer Japanerin v. L. Illica u. G. Giacosa. de v. Alfred Brüggemann. Musik v. Giacomo Puccini.

Illica, L. & Giacosa, G: Die kleine Frau Schmetterling. Tragödie einer Japanerin v. L. Illica u..

4,00 €
Huber, G. Carl et al: Midbain and Istmus. II., L. A. Gillilan, The nuclear pattern of the non-tectal portions of the midbrain and isthmus in ungulates., // James O.Brown. The nuclear pattern of the non tectal portions of the midbrain and isthmus in the do

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Heyde, W. G. & J. L. Burghoff: Mühlhausen.

Heyde, W. G. & J. L. Burghoff: Mühlhausen.

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HENDERSON, J. F., Battell, M. L., Zombor, G., Fuska, J., Nemec, P: Effects of biklaverin on purine nucleotide synthesis and catabolism in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro.

HENDERSON, J. F., Battell, M. L., Zombor, G., Fuska, J., Nemec, P: Effects of biklaverin on purine..

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Hellyer, A. G. L: Garden Plants in colour.

Hellyer, A. G. L: Garden Plants in colour.

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Hawkins, C. J, P. G. Ekert, A. G. Uren., S. P. Holmgreen & D. L. Vaux: Anti-apoptotic potential of insect cellular and viral IAPs in mammalian cells.

Hawkins, C. J, P. G. Ekert, A. G. Uren., S. P. Holmgreen & D. L. Vaux: Anti apoptotic potential of..

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Hajnis, K. & L. G. Farkas: A suggested method of enthropometric investigation of cheiloschisis, gnathochisis and palatochisis.

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7,00 €
GILLER, E. L., Young, J. G., Breakefield, X. O., Carbonari, C., Braverman, M., Cohen, D. J: Monoamine oxidase and catechol-o-methyltransferase activities in cultured fibroblasts and blood cells from children with autism and the gilles de la Tourette Syndr

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4,00 €
Giacosa, G. & L. Illica: Die Bohème. Szenen aus Henry Murgers  Vie de Bohème in vier Bildern. Musik von G. Puccini.

Giacosa, G. & L. Illica: Die Bohème. Szenen aus Henry Murgers Vie de Bohème in vier Bildern..

17,00 €
GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,: Chromatin assembly coupled to DNA repair. A new role for cromatin assembly factor I.

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FORGER, N. G: FORGER, N. G., Roberts, S. L., Wong, V., Breedlove, S, M., Ciliary neurotrophic factor maintains motoneurons and their target muscles in developing rats., J. Neurosci. 13, 4720-4726  (1993)., Obr.,   Obr.,  [WES138].,., // FORGER, N. G., Hod

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Fohrer, Georg, H. W.Hoffmann, F. Huber, L. Markert & G. Wanke: Exegese des Alten Testaments., Einführung in  die Methodik.

Fohrer, Georg, H. W.Hoffmann, F. Huber, L. Markert & G. Wanke: Exegese des Alten Testaments..

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DUNBAR, G. L., Butler, W. M., Fass, B., Stein, D. G: Behavioral and neurochemical alterations induced by exogenous gangliosides iin brain damaged animals.  Problems and perspectives.

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EISENMAN, L. M: EISENMAN, L. M., Gorgacci, G. P.,  A double label retrograde tracing study of the olivocerebellar projection to the pyramis and uvula iun the rat., Neurosci,.Letters 41, 15-20 (1983)., .// EISENMAN, L. M., Uptake of the retrograde fluoresc

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EBERT, F., Enriquez, G.- L., Mühlpfordt, H: Electronmicroscopic studies of the phagocytosis of leishmania donovani by hamster peritoneal macrophages and ist lysosomal activity in vivo.

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DALSGAARD, C. J: DALSGAARD, C. J., Hökfelt, T., Elfin, L. G., Skirboll, L., Emson, P., Substance p containing primary sensorys neurons projecting to the inferior..

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CRAWFORD, M. L. J., Harwerth, R. S., Smith, E. L., Van Noorden, G. K: Loss of stereopsis in monkeys following prismatic binocular dissociation during infancy.

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CHALY & MILICH: CHALY, N., Setterfield, G., Kaplan, J. G., Brown, D. L., Nuclear bodies in mouse splenic lymphocytes. I. Ultrastructural changes during stimultaion by concanavalin A., Biol. Cell. 47, 275-284 (1983)., Obr.,  [SDG126].-..// //.

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Barrett, Ethel: There I stood in all my splendor.

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ALVAREZ-BUYLLA &  SOFRONIEW: ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, R., Livett, B. G., Uttenthal, L. O., Hope, D. B., Milton, S. H., Immunochemical evidence for the transport of neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the dog., Z. Zellforsch., 137,435-450 (197

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