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183 Artikel gefunden


Matsumoto, Walter M: Descriptions of Euthynnus and Auxis larvae from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and adjacent seas. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dana-report 50.

Matsumoto, Walter M: Descriptions of Euthynnus and Auxis larvae from the Pacific and Atlantic..

21,00 €
Raleigh, Walter: A  new history of England ecclesiastical and civil from the establishment of King Egbert , the first monarch of England to the end of the rebellion in the year 1746., I & II.

Raleigh, Walter: A new history of England ecclesiastical and civil from the establishment of King..

282,00 €
Stiles, Walter: Photosynthesis : the assimilation of carbon by green plants.

Stiles, Walter: Photosynthesis : the assimilation of carbon by green plants.

16,00 €
Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde: Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas : a distributional list.

Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde: Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas : a distributional..

50,00 €
Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, Part 1: Phanerozonia and Spinulosa. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 76,1.

Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, Part 1: Phanerozonia..

45,00 €
Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, part 2: Forcipulata (part) + 3: Forcipulata (concluded). Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 76,2.3 (2 vol.).

Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, part 2: Forcipulata..

70,00 €
Wesché, Walter: The genitalia of both the sexes in Diptera, and their relation to the armature of the mouth. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, ser. 2, v. 9, part 10.

Wesché, Walter: The genitalia of both the sexes in Diptera, and their relation to the armature of..

29,00 €
editio.   Plachta, Bodo / Winfried  Woesler (Hrsg.): editio   Band 13 / 1999. Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft / International Yearbook of..

editio. Plachta, Bodo / Winfried Woesler (Hrsg.): editio Band 13 / 1999. Internationales..

27,00 €
editio.   Woesler, Winfried (Hrsg.): editio   Band 4 / 1990. Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft / International Yearbook of Scholarly Editing / Revue..

editio. Woesler, Winfried (Hrsg.): editio Band 4 / 1990. Internationales Jahrbuch für..

27,00 €
Harris, Walter: Hibernica. Or, Some Antient Pieces Relating to Ireland.  A fragment of the history of ireland. By Maurice Regan. Appendix, containing an alphabetical list of such English and Welsh adventurers, as assisted in the reduction of Ireland durin

Harris, Walter: Hibernica. Or, Some Antient Pieces Relating to Ireland. A fragment of the history..

312,00 €
Courtenay, Walter R: Atlantic fishes of the genus Rypticus (Grammistidae). Proceedings of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia 119, 241-293.

Courtenay, Walter R: Atlantic fishes of the genus Rypticus (Grammistidae). Proceedings of the..

16,00 €
Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,2.

Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
Gasche, Rodolphe: The Honor of Thinking. Critique, Theory, Philosophy ( Cultural Memory in the Present ).

Gasche, Rodolphe: The Honor of Thinking. Critique, Theory, Philosophy ( Cultural Memory in the..

23,00 €
Castro Callado, Tereza de: Walter Benjamin e a  Experiencia da Origem. Prefacio de Olgaria Matos. ( Colecao Argentum nostrum ).

Castro Callado, Tereza de: Walter Benjamin e a Experiencia da Origem. Prefacio de Olgaria Matos. (..

23,00 €
Macior, Lazarus Walter: Pollination ecology of the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Melanderia 15.

Macior, Lazarus Walter: Pollination ecology of the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains..

19,00 €
Hunter, Walter David; Bishopp, Fred Corry: The Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick : with special reference to the problem of its control in the Bitter Root Valley in Montana. US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 105.

Hunter, Walter David; Bishopp, Fred Corry: The Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick : with special..

24,00 €
Hunter, Walter D.; Pratt, F. C. ; Mitchell, J. D: The principal cactus insects of the United States. US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 113.

Hunter, Walter D.; Pratt, F. C. ; Mitchell, J. D: The principal cactus insects of the United..

19,00 €
Hunter, Walter David; Hooker, W. A: Information concerning the North American fever tick, with notes in other species. US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 72.

Hunter, Walter David; Hooker, W. A: Information concerning the North American fever tick, with..

24,00 €
Schulz-Hoffmann, Carla; Judith C. Weiss (Hrsg.): Max Beckmann Retrospektive.

Schulz-Hoffmann, Carla; Judith C. Weiss (Hrsg.): Max Beckmann Retrospektive.

10,00 €
Bergström, Stig M.; Sweet, Walter Clarence: Conodonts from the Lexington limestone (middle ordovician) of Kentucky and its lateral equivalents in Ohio and Indiana. Bulletins of American paleontology 50 = 229.

Bergström, Stig M.; Sweet, Walter Clarence: Conodonts from the Lexington limestone (middle..

24,00 €
Fleming, Walter E: Biology of the Japanese beetle. Agricultural Marketing Service Technical bulletin 1449.

Fleming, Walter E: Biology of the Japanese beetle. Agricultural Marketing Service Technical..

25,00 €
Kundler, Herbert: RIAS Berlin; Eine Radio-Station in einer geteilten Stadt; Programme und Menschen - Texte, Bilder, Dokumente.

Kundler, Herbert: RIAS Berlin; Eine Radio Station in einer geteilten Stadt; Programme und..

28,00 €
Volkner, Werner: Many Rivers I Crossed (Verfasserwidmung).

Volkner, Werner: Many Rivers I Crossed (Verfasserwidmung).

290,00 €
Machek, Ernst: Verrückte neue Welt; Ein Panoptikum von Tollheiten.

Machek, Ernst: Verrückte neue Welt; Ein Panoptikum von Tollheiten.

30,80 €
Unsworth, Walter: Tiger in the snow the life and adventures of A.F. Mummery.

Unsworth, Walter: Tiger in the snow the life and adventures of A.F. Mummery.

15,00 €
Düing, Walter; Ostapoff, Feodor; Merle. Jacques: Physical Oceanography of the tropical Atlantic during GATE.

Düing, Walter; Ostapoff, Feodor; Merle. Jacques: Physical Oceanography of the tropical Atlantic..

35,00 €
Woodward, Walter Carleton: The rise and early history of political parties in Oregon 1843-1868. Dissertation.

Woodward, Walter Carleton: The rise and early history of political parties in Oregon 1843 1868..

70,00 €
Smart, Walter Kay: Some English and Latin sources and parallels for the morality of Wisdom. Dissertation.

Smart, Walter Kay: Some English and Latin sources and parallels for the morality of Wisdom..

30,00 €
Myers, Walter Raleigh: The technique of bridging gaps in the action of German drama since Gottsched : part first: until the death of Lessing. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 8.

Myers, Walter Raleigh: The technique of bridging gaps in the action of German drama since Gottsched..

20,00 €
Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology 1/1, October 1962.

Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology 1/1, October 1962.

24,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J. ; Payne, K. R: Cicadellidae (Typhlocybinae) with a check list of the British Auchenoryhyncha (Hemiptera, Homoptera). Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,2,c.

Le Quesne, Walter J. ; Payne, K. R: Cicadellidae (Typhlocybinae) with a check list of the British..

20,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Cicadomorpha, Deltocephalinae. Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,2,b.

Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Cicadomorpha, Deltocephalinae. Handbooks for the identification of..

16,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Fulgoromorpha. Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,3.

Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Fulgoromorpha. Handbooks for the identification of British insects..

16,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Cicadomorpha (excluding Deltocephalinae and Typhlocybinae). Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,2,a.

Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Cicadomorpha (excluding Deltocephalinae and Typhlocybinae)..

16,00 €
Tattersall, Walter M: Crustaceans of the orders Euphausiacea and Mysidacea from the western Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 69,2634.

Tattersall, Walter M: Crustaceans of the orders Euphausiacea and Mysidacea from the western..

9,00 €
Bodenhafer, Walter Blaine: The comparative rôle of the group concept in Ward's "Dynamic Sociology" and contemporary American sociology. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American journal of sociology 26, S. 273-314, 425-474, 588-600, 716-743.

Bodenhafer, Walter Blaine: The comparative rôle of the group concept in Ward's "Dynamic Sociology"..

20,00 €
Larsson, Walter: Petrology of interglacial volcanics from the Andes of Northern Patagonia. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Geological Institute of Upsala 28, 191 - 405.

Larsson, Walter: Petrology of interglacial volcanics from the Andes of Northern Patagonia..

24,00 €
Bachmann, Frederick William: Some German imitators of Walter Scott : an attempt to evaluate the influence of Scott on the subliterary novel of the early nineteenth century in Germany. Dissertation.

Bachmann, Frederick William: Some German imitators of Walter Scott : an attempt to evaluate the..

24,00 €
Beardslee, John Walter: The use of physis in fifth-century Greek literature. Dissertation.

Beardslee, John Walter: The use of physis in fifth-century Greek literature. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Marx, Walter John: The development of charity in medieval Louvain. Dissertation.

Marx, Walter John: The development of charity in medieval Louvain. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Dennison, Walter: The epigraphic sources of the writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Archaelogy 2, S. 26 - 70.

Dennison, Walter: The epigraphic sources of the writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus..

15,00 €
Monroe, Walter Scott: Development of arithmetic as a school subject. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: United States Bureau of Education. Bulletins 10.

Monroe, Walter Scott: Development of arithmetic as a school subject. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

20,00 €
Rosenlof, George Walter: Library facilities of teacher-training institutions. Dissertation.

Rosenlof, George Walter: Library facilities of teacher-training institutions. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Sauvain, Walter Howard: A study of the opinions of certain professional and nonprofessional groups regarding homogeneous or ability grouping. Dissertation.

Sauvain, Walter Howard: A study of the opinions of certain professional and nonprofessional groups..

15,00 €
Friedrich, Walter George: The Stella of Astrophel : a portion of the Astrophel elegies ; a collection of poems on the death of Sir Philip Sidney (1595) ; a critical edition. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English lit. history 3,2, S. 114

Friedrich, Walter George: The Stella of Astrophel : a portion of the Astrophel elegies ; a..

15,00 €
Ashby, Lyle Walter: The efforts of the states to support education as related to the adequacy of financial support provided and the ability of the states to support education. Dissertation.

Ashby, Lyle Walter: The efforts of the states to support education as related to the adequacy of..

25,00 €
Adams, Walter Harris: The placement of students in teaching positions as carried on by higher educational institutions - including normal schools, teachers colleges, colleges and universities. Dissertation.

Adams, Walter Harris: The placement of students in teaching positions as carried on by higher..

25,00 €
Young, Helen Hawthorne: The writings of Walter Pater: a reflection of British philosophical opinion from1860 to 1890. Dissertation.

Young, Helen Hawthorne: The writings of Walter Pater: a reflection of British philosophical opinion..

35,00 €
Wilke, Walter Herman: An experimental comparison of the speech, the radio, and the printed page as propaganda devices. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 169.

Wilke, Walter Herman: An experimental comparison of the speech, the radio, and the printed page as..

20,00 €
Hager, Walter E: The Quest for Vocational Adjustment in the Profession of Education. Dissertation.

Hager, Walter E: The Quest for Vocational Adjustment in the Profession of Education. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Starck, Walter A.; Courtenay , Walter R: Chorististium eukrines, a new serranid fish from Florida, with notes on related species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 75, 159--167.

Starck, Walter A.; Courtenay , Walter R: Chorististium eukrines, a new serranid fish from Florida..

11,00 €
Walter, L. S: Geodynamics : proceedings of a workshop held at the Airlie House, Airlie, Virginia, February 15-18, 1983. NASA Conference Publication 2325.

Walter, L. S: Geodynamics : proceedings of a workshop held at the Airlie House, Airlie, Virginia..

30,00 €
Danilchik, Walter ; Shah, S. M. Ibrahim: Stratigraphy and coal resources of the Makarwal Area, Trans-Indus Mountains, Mianwali District, Pakistan. US Geological Survey Professional paper 1341.

Danilchik, Walter ; Shah, S. M. Ibrahim: Stratigraphy and coal resources of the Makarwal Area..

30,00 €
Dewey, John F; Stephen Cande; Walter C Pitman: Tectonic evolution of the India/Eurasia collision zone. Sonderdruck aus: Eclogae geologicae helvetiae 82, 717-734.

Dewey, John F; Stephen Cande; Walter C Pitman: Tectonic evolution of the India/Eurasia collision..

9,00 €
Pohl, Walter ; Niedermayr, Gerhard: Geology of the Mwatate Quadrangle sheet 195/2 and the vanadium grossularite deposits of the area. Sonderdruck aus: Mitteil. Gesell. Geol. Bergbaustud. Österr. 26, 9-65.

Pohl, Walter ; Niedermayr, Gerhard: Geology of the Mwatate Quadrangle sheet 195/2 and the vanadium..

12,00 €
Crane, Walter: The Baby`s Bouquet. A fresh bunch of old rhymes & tunes. Arranged & decorated by Walter Crane. The tunes collected & arranged by L[ucy]. C(rane). Cut & printed in colours by Edmund Evans. A companion to the Baby`s Opera.

Crane, Walter: The Baby`s Bouquet. A fresh bunch of old rhymes & tunes. Arranged & decorated by..

30,00 €
Crane, Walter: The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a Series of 52 Designs. Eines von 300 nummerierten und vom Autor signierten Exemplaren.

Crane, Walter: The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a Series of 52 Designs. Eines von 300..

300,00 €
Gronau, Georg (Preface): The Bachstitz Gallery Collection. Volume I. Catalogue of paintings and tapestries. Limited edition of 300 numbered copies.

Gronau, Georg (Preface): The Bachstitz Gallery Collection. Volume I. Catalogue of paintings and..

250,00 €
Crane, Walter: The work of Walter Crane. With notes by the artist.

Crane, Walter: The work of Walter Crane. With notes by the artist.

180,00 €
Reed, Peter and Kathryn Smith: The Show to End All Shows. Frank Lloyd Wright and The Museum of Modern Art, 1940.

Reed, Peter and Kathryn Smith: The Show to End All Shows. Frank Lloyd Wright and The Museum of..

29,00 €
Of, Walter: Die Retikulierung des Epithels in den Gaumentonsillen. Dissertation.

Of, Walter: Die Retikulierung des Epithels in den Gaumentonsillen. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Edwards, Walter Manuel: The Spirit of Adventure. Chancellor's prize : Latin verse 1922.

Edwards, Walter Manuel: The Spirit of Adventure. Chancellor's prize : Latin verse 1922.

30,00 €
Wildi, Walter et al: Mesozoic subsidence history of the European marginal shelves of the alpine Tethys (Helvetic realm, Swiss Plateau and Jura). Sonderdruck aus: Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 82, 817-840.

Wildi, Walter et al: Mesozoic subsidence history of the European marginal shelves of the alpine..

9,00 €
Walter, Adriaan: Optical Applications of Solid Glass Spheres. Dissertation.

Walter, Adriaan: Optical Applications of Solid Glass Spheres. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Lewin, Walter Hendrik Gustav: Determinations of nuclear decay energies and conversion coefficients using. Dissertation.

Lewin, Walter Hendrik Gustav: Determinations of nuclear decay energies and conversion coefficients..

16,00 €
Shears, Lambert Armour: The Influence of Walter Scott on the Novels of Theodor Fontane. Dissertation. Columbia University Germanic Studies. 1. Ed.

Shears, Lambert Armour: The Influence of Walter Scott on the Novels of Theodor Fontane..

24,00 €
Schipper, J: The Poems of Walter Kennedy. Edited with. Introductions, various readings, and notes. Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien phil.-hist. Cl. Bd. 48,1.

Schipper, J: The Poems of Walter Kennedy. Edited with. Introductions, various readings, and notes..

24,00 €
Schulz, Walter: James Henry Leigh Hunts "Story of Rimini". Dissertation.

Schulz, Walter: James Henry Leigh Hunts "Story of Rimini". Dissertation.

17,00 €
The Cornerstone of a New Social Edifice - Der Grundstein eines neuen geselligen Gebäudes 22. März 1832 - Thomas Carlyle : Goethes Tod / Death of Goethe

The Cornerstone of a New Social Edifice Der Grundstein eines neuen geselligen Gebäudes 22. März..

5,00 €
Taylor, Ronald & Walter Gottschalk: A German- English Dictionary of Idioms. Idiomatic and Figurative German Expressions with English Translations.

Taylor, Ronald & Walter Gottschalk: A German English Dictionary of Idioms. Idiomatic and..

9,00 €
Tolles, Walter E: Application and methods of counting and sizing in medicine and biology.

Tolles, Walter E: Application and methods of counting and sizing in medicine and biology.

16,00 €
Herausgegeben von Joachim Heidrich, Hiltrud Rüstau und Diethelm Weidemann: Indian Culture: Continuity and Discontinuity - In Memory of Walter Ruben (1899 - 1982).

Herausgegeben von Joachim Heidrich, Hiltrud Rüstau und Diethelm Weidemann: Indian Culture:..

20,90 €
The art of Bertolt Brecht. Weideli, Walter

The art of Bertolt Brecht. Weideli, Walter

10,00 €
Molesworth, Mary Louisa.: The adventures of Herr Baby. By Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane.

Molesworth, Mary Louisa.: The adventures of Herr Baby. By Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter..

75,00 €
Crane, Walter: The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest masters. Engraved & printed in colours by Edmund Evans.

Crane, Walter: The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest..

110,00 €
The Girls' All-Round Book of Stories, Sports, and Hobbies. Edited by Mrs. Walter Wood (Edith Wood).

The Girls' All-Round Book of Stories, Sports, and Hobbies. Edited by Mrs. Walter Wood (Edith Wood).

50,00 €
Number Six Joy Street. A medley of prose & verse for boys and girls. By Walter de la Mare, Compton Mackenzie, Eleanor Farjeon, Lord Dunsany, Roy Meldrum, Mabel Marlowe, Hugh Chesterman, Madeleine Nightingale, Laurence Housman, Valery Carrick, Marian Allen

Number Six Joy Street. A medley of prose & verse for boys and girls. By Walter de la Mare, Compton..

60,00 €
Gibson, Walter: Poker is the Name of the Game.

Gibson, Walter: Poker is the Name of the Game.

3,00 €
Old, Walter Gorn: The Shu King or the Chinese Historical Classic. Being an authentic record of the religion philosophy customs and government of the Chinese from earliest times.

Old, Walter Gorn: The Shu King or the Chinese Historical Classic. Being an authentic record of the..

56,00 €
Hamilton, Walter: A geographical, statistical, and historical Description of Hindostan and the adjacent Countries. Vol. I & II.

Hamilton, Walter: A geographical, statistical, and historical Description of Hindostan and the..

45,00 €
Scott, Walter: The heart of Mid-Lothian.

Scott, Walter: The heart of Mid-Lothian.

4,00 €
Retan, Walter: It's still alive!. Amazing survivors of the Dinosaur age.

Retan, Walter: It's still alive!. Amazing survivors of the Dinosaur age.

8,00 €
Ranson, Stephen Walter & Sam Lillard Clark: The anatomy of the nervous system., Its development and function.,  Chapter X. Medulla obongata. , XI. Pons XII. Mesencephalon XIII. Cranial nerve. XIV. Cerebellum.  XV. Diencephalon. XVI. Cerebral hemispheres.

Ranson, Stephen Walter & Sam Lillard Clark: The anatomy of the nervous system., Its development and..

6,00 €
Flechsig, Walter (Ed.): Oberbayern. Land und Leute von Berchtesgaden bis zum Allgäu. / Bavarian Beauty . Photographs of Upper Bavaria.

Flechsig, Walter (Ed.): Oberbayern. Land und Leute von Berchtesgaden bis zum Allgäu. / Bavarian..

8,00 €
Baumann, Walter & Roger Schneider: Zürich,. Lebendige Stadt am See / Une ville animee au bord du lac  / A town full of life on the lek.

Baumann, Walter & Roger Schneider: Zürich,. Lebendige Stadt am See / Une ville animee au bord du..

6,00 €
Baker, Walter W / Gilbert H. Glaser, Donald P. Granger & D,C. Higgins: Pharmacology of the central nervous system. / Clinical neurology.

Baker, Walter W / Gilbert H. Glaser, Donald P. Granger & D,C. Higgins: Pharmacology of the central..

6,00 €
Baethmann, A. & K. Messmer (Eds.): Surgical Research. Recent concepts and Results. Festschrift Dedicated to Walter Brendel on Occasion of his 65th Birthday.

Baethmann, A. & K. Messmer (Eds.): Surgical Research. Recent concepts and Results. Festschrift..

16,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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