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32 Artikel gefunden


International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Ch. Verecque / M. Jones / C. Pemberton / P. Curran / J. Katayama / and others: Vol. 2, No. 3, September 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Cont

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Ch. Verecque / M. Jones / C. Pemberton / P..

47,00 €
Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

16,95 €
Barron, Stephanie - Sabine Eckmann: exiles + emigrés. The Flight of European Artists from Hitler. / (Titel der deutschen Ausstellung: Exil - Flucht und Emigration Europäischer Künstler 1933 - 1945).

Barron, Stephanie Sabine Eckmann: exiles + emigrés. The Flight of European Artists from Hitler..

25,00 €
Kongressbeiträge.- I.D. Rojanski, A.V. Akhoutine, Boniface Kedrov u.a: Beiträge zum XIII. Internationalen Kongress für Geschichte der Wissenschaft.  (Beiträge Sektionen III, IV). Moskau 18. - 24. August 1971.

Kongressbeiträge. I.D. Rojanski, A.V. Akhoutine, Boniface Kedrov u.a: Beiträge zum XIII..

27,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 117 - 2022 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

25,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 115 - 2020 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

24,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 114 - 2019 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

24,00 €
Kreuser, Ernst (Bearb.): A concise account of the Waterloo Campaign from various authors. Für den Schulgebrauch ausgewählt und bearbeitet. (Dyks Neusprachliche Schulkausgaben, 21. Band).

Kreuser, Ernst (Bearb.): A concise account of the Waterloo Campaign from various authors. Für den..

37,00 €
Stieglitz, Alfred - Lisa Mintz Messinger (Ed.): Stieglitz and his Artists - Matisse to O´Keeffe. The Alfred Stieglitz Collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Stieglitz, Alfred Lisa Mintz Messinger (Ed.): Stieglitz and his Artists Matisse to O´Keeffe..

37,00 €
Wilde, Oscar - Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone Critical Traditions Series - Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Ed. Elinor Shaffer).

Wilde, Oscar Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone..

47,00 €
Wilde, Oscar   Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis, Julie A. Hibbard / Alberto Martino (Hrsg.): The Importance of Reinventing Oscar : Versions of Wilde during..

Wilde, Oscar Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis, Julie A. Hibbard / Alberto Martino (Hrsg.): The..

62,00 €
Henriksen, Carol - Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development of Linguistics in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Papers from the conference on the history of linguistics in the nordic countries, Oslo, Novem

Henriksen, Carol Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development..

87,00 €
Journal of Paleontology.- Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralogists AND The Paleontological Society / Raymond L. Ethington et al. (Ed.): Journal of Paleontology. Volume 45, Number 2 March 1971.

Journal of Paleontology. Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralogists AND The..

37,00 €
D. W. Hill
 T. Powell: Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analysis in science, medicine and industry.

D. W. Hill T. Powell: Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analysis in science, medicine and industry.

19,99 €
Louis S. London
 Frank S. Caprio: Sexual Deviations
 A Psychodynamic approach.

Louis S. London Frank S. Caprio: Sexual Deviations A Psychodynamic approach.

29,99 €
Sumner, Jan: Military flags. Bibliography.

Sumner, Jan: Military flags. Bibliography.

57,00 €
Various authors: Planning for Victory over Disablement.

Various authors: Planning for Victory over Disablement.

14,00 €
Drama Review, The - Michael Kirby, Terry Helbing, Mel Gordon (Ed.): The Drama Review - Volume 25, Number 1 (T89), March 1981 : Sex and Performance Issue.

Drama Review, The Michael Kirby, Terry Helbing, Mel Gordon (Ed.): The Drama Review Volume 25..

26,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). -J. B. Webster / A. M. Simons / International Bulletin / Raphael Buck  / and others: Vol. 2, No. 11, May 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Conte

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). J. B. Webster / A. M. Simons / International..

45,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Enrico Ferri / May Wood Simons / W. I. Brown / N. A. Richardson  / and others: Vol. 2, No. 10, April 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Content

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Enrico Ferri / May Wood Simons / W. I. Brown..

45,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Eltweed Pomeroy / A.M. Simons / Emile Vandervelde / Peter E. Burrowes / J. Spargo  / and others: Vol. 2, No. 9, March 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Eltweed Pomeroy / A.M. Simons / Emile..

39,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Kiyoshi Kawakami / Miss Ellen Starr / "Mother" Jones / Hrlof Wisby / and others: Vol. 2, No. 8, February 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Con

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Kiyoshi Kawakami / Miss Ellen Starr /..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Prof. Oscar L. Triggs / Peter Burrowes / Alessandro Schiavi / Helen Archibald Clarke / Louis Bertrand / and others: Vol. 2, No. 7, January 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Jour

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Prof. Oscar L. Triggs / Peter Burrowes /..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). -W. H. Noyes / Bolton Hall / "Parvus" / Louis Bertrand / Robt. Rives La Monte / and others: Vol. 2, No. 6, December 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thou

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). W. H. Noyes / Bolton Hall / "Parvus" / Louis..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Clarence S. Darrow / Ella Wheeler Wilcox / Louis Bertrand / "Parvus" / and others: Vol. 2, No. 5, October 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Co

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Clarence S. Darrow / Ella Wheeler Wilcox /..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Louis Bertrand / Catholicus / Alesandro Schiavi / George Weulersse / and others: Vol. 2, No. 4, September 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Co

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Louis Bertrand / Catholicus / Alesandro..

45,00 €
Nau, Alfred (Hrsg.): World Trade in Jeopardy? Hamburg Symposium of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1979.

Nau, Alfred (Hrsg.): World Trade in Jeopardy? Hamburg Symposium of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung..

23,00 €
Bilbao Fine Arts Museum - Marta Garcia Maruri (Ed.): Bilbao Fine Arts Museum.

Bilbao Fine Arts Museum - Marta Garcia Maruri (Ed.): Bilbao Fine Arts Museum.

23,00 €
Sikimic, Biljana - Petko Hristov (Ed.): Kurban in the Balkans (= Serbian Academy of Science and Art - Institute for Balkan Studies. Special Editions 98).

Sikimic, Biljana Petko Hristov (Ed.): Kurban in the Balkans (= Serbian Academy of Science and..

25,00 €
Lodhi, M.A.K. (Ed.): Islamization of Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology (= Islamization of Knowledge Series No. (9)).

Lodhi, M.A.K. (Ed.): Islamization of Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology (=..

50,00 €
Nakarada, Radmila (Ed.): Europe and the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

Nakarada, Radmila (Ed.): Europe and the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

26,00 €
Various authors: Bunnies, Crocodiles and Me - Stories of Baby Beginnings.

Various authors: Bunnies, Crocodiles and Me - Stories of Baby Beginnings.

8,90 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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