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7.156 Artikel gefunden


Dickens, David R. (Hrsg.) and Andrea (Hrsg.) Fontana: Postmodernism and Social Inquiry.

Dickens, David R. (Hrsg.) and Andrea (Hrsg.) Fontana: Postmodernism and Social Inquiry.

15,00 €
Renfrew, Colin: Before Civilization. The Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe.

Renfrew, Colin: Before Civilization. The Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe.

25,00 €
Osborne, Robin: Archaic and Classical Greek Art. [= Oxford History of Art].

Osborne, Robin: Archaic and Classical Greek Art. [= Oxford History of Art].

15,00 €
Ellis, Linda (Hrsg.): Archaeological Method and Theory. An Encyclopedia.

Ellis, Linda (Hrsg.): Archaeological Method and Theory. An Encyclopedia.

95,00 €
Dobres, Marcia-Anne (Hrsg.) and John (Hrsg.) Robb: Agency in Archaeology.

Dobres, Marcia-Anne (Hrsg.) and John (Hrsg.) Robb: Agency in Archaeology.

45,00 €
Cook, R. M. and Pierre Dupont: East Greek Pottery.

Cook, R. M. and Pierre Dupont: East Greek Pottery.

35,00 €
Hale, John: The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance.

Hale, John: The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance.

7,50 €
Outcault, Buster Brown - Abroad W. & R. Chambers o. J. 1904

Outcault, Buster Brown - Abroad W. & R. Chambers o. J. 1904

180,00 €
Aytoun, W. Edmondstoune, Theodore Martin and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Poems and ballads of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Transl. by W. Edmondstoune Aytoun and Theodore Martin.

Aytoun, W. Edmondstoune, Theodore Martin and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Poems and ballads of..

29,00 €
Fishman, George S: Concepts and Methods in Discrete Event Digital Simulation. [A Wiley-Interscience Publication].

Fishman, George S: Concepts and Methods in Discrete Event Digital Simulation. [A Wiley Interscience..

21,00 €
Enslow Jr., Philip H. (Ed.): Multiprocessors and Paralell Processing. [Comtre Corporation].

Enslow Jr., Philip H. (Ed.): Multiprocessors and Paralell Processing. [Comtre Corporation].

17,00 €
Couger, J. Daniel (Ed.) and Robert W. Knapp (Ed.): System Analysis Techniques.

Couger, J. Daniel (Ed.) and Robert W. Knapp (Ed.): System Analysis Techniques.

14,00 €
Neubert, Gunter (Hg.): Technical Dictionary of Hydraulics and Pneumatics. English/French/German/Russian with a Supplement in Spanish. Containing about 3500 Technical Terms.

Neubert, Gunter (Hg.): Technical Dictionary of Hydraulics and Pneumatics..

27,00 €
Fisher, Len: Reise zum Mittelpunkt des Frühstückseis. Streifzüge durch die Physik der alltäglichen Dinge.

Fisher, Len: Reise zum Mittelpunkt des Frühstückseis. Streifzüge durch die Physik der..

23,00 €
Gourevitch, Philip: Auf Eis gelegt. Ein ungeklärter Doppelmord in New York.

Gourevitch, Philip: Auf Eis gelegt. Ein ungeklärter Doppelmord in New York.

23,00 €
Morris, William ( Design ). - Introduction / Einführung: Arlene Raven: Giftwraps by artists. Designs by William Morris. 16 full-color, tear-oot sheets, for all occasions. - A Joost Elffers book.

Morris, William ( Design ). Introduction / Einführung: Arlene Raven: Giftwraps by artists..

38,00 €
Introduction / Einführung: Susan Meller: Roses / Rosen. From the collection of / Aus der Sammlung von / de la collection de The Design Library..

Introduction / Einführung: Susan Meller: Roses / Rosen. From the collection of / Aus der Sammlung..

57,00 €
Newmeyer, Frederick J: Generative linguistics. A historical perspective ( = Routledge history of linguistic thought series ).

Newmeyer, Frederick J: Generative linguistics. A historical perspective ( = Routledge history of..

23,00 €
Lemon, M. C: The discipline of history and the history of thought. - From the contents: What is history ? / The structure of narrative / The practising historian / history and theory.

Lemon, M. C: The discipline of history and the history of thought. From the contents: What is..

37,00 €
Fowler, Alastair: Renaissance realism. Narrative images in literature and art.

Fowler, Alastair: Renaissance realism. Narrative images in literature and art.

37,00 €
( Defoe, Danie l): Robinson Crusoe.

( Defoe, Danie l): Robinson Crusoe.

37,00 €
Jarre, Maurice: Lara`s Theme From "Doctor Zhivago" - Piano Solo.

Jarre, Maurice: Lara`s Theme From "Doctor Zhivago" - Piano Solo.

4,00 €
de Jong (Edited), Cees W: PIET MONDRIAN * - THE STUDIOS. AMSTERDAM LAREN PARIS LONDON NEW YORK. With Texts by Marty Bax, Marjory Degen, Martijn F. Le Coultre, Katjuscha Otte u. Ingelies Vermeulen.


24,50 €
Cartier-Bresson, Tete a tete - 1998 ERSTE AMERIKANISCHE AUSGABE

Cartier-Bresson, Tete a tete - 1998 ERSTE AMERIKANISCHE AUSGABE

55,00 €
Frank, Robert. Die Amerikaner. Einführung von Jack Kerouac - USA AMERICA

Frank, Robert. Die Amerikaner. Einführung von Jack Kerouac - USA AMERICA

160,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Fairy Tales and Stories. Translated by Dr. H. W. Dulcken. With ten full-page colored plates and sixty woodcuts. [= Routledge's Colored Classics]
 New York, George Routledge & Sons, ohne Jahr [um 1900].

Andersen, Hans Christian: Fairy Tales and Stories. Translated by Dr. H. W. Dulcken. With ten full..

54,00 €
Gamkrelidze, Thomas V. / Ivanov, Vjaceslav V. - With a preface by Roman Jakobson. - English version by Johanna Nichols. - Edited by Werner Winter: Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans. Part 1: The text. - A reconstruction and historical analysis of a prot

Gamkrelidze, Thomas V. / Ivanov, Vjaceslav V. With a preface by Roman Jakobson. English version..

87,00 €
Grolier, Eric de: Glossogenetics. The origin and evolution of language ( = Models of scientific thought, a series of monographs and tracts, volume I ). - From the contents: Part I - Neurobiology, primatology and paleoanthroplogy / Part II: Symbolism, comm

Grolier, Eric de: Glossogenetics. The origin and evolution of language ( = Models of scientific..

82,00 €
Sapir, Edward. - edited by E. F. K. Koerner. - texts by Franz Boas, Franklin Edgerton, Diamond Jenness, Ruth Benedict, C. K. Ogden, C. N. Modjeska, Stephen O. Murray, Robert H. Lowie, Alfred Louis Kroeber and many others: Edward Sapir - Critical assessmen

Sapir, Edward. edited by E. F. K. Koerner. texts by Franz Boas, Franklin Edgerton, Diamond..

507,00 €
Bridgwater, Patrick: The German Gothic Novel in Anglo-German Perspective. (= Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft Band 165, herausgegeben von Norbert Bachleitner). - From The contents: Part I: Goethe / Veit W

Bridgwater, Patrick: The German Gothic Novel in Anglo German Perspective. (= Internationale..

138,00 €


140,00 €


350,00 €
Vano, Love you from Prague AKTFOTOGRAFIE

Vano, Love you from Prague AKTFOTOGRAFIE

45,00 €
Paine, Spiegel der Venus AKTFOTOGRAFIE - 1966 - F. Sagan und F. Fellini.

Paine, Spiegel der Venus AKTFOTOGRAFIE - 1966 - F. Sagan und F. Fellini.

75,00 €
Buch: Warships Today, Chant, Chris. 2005, Barnes & Noble Books, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Warships Today, Chant, Chris. 2005, Barnes & Noble Books, gebraucht, gut

16,40 €
Buch: A Hedonist's guide to New York, Stone, Andrew. 2010, Filmer Ltd

Buch: A Hedonist's guide to New York, Stone, Andrew. 2010, Filmer Ltd

8,68 €
Buch: Das Wasserwerk, Roman. Doctorow, E. L., 1995, Kiepenheuer & Witsch

Buch: Das Wasserwerk, Roman. Doctorow, E. L., 1995, Kiepenheuer & Witsch

8,41 €
Buch: Prosa. Gedichte. Stücke, Cocteau, Jean. 2 Bände, 1978, Volk und Welt

Buch: Prosa. Gedichte. Stücke, Cocteau, Jean. 2 Bände, 1978, Volk und Welt

12,56 €
Buch: Rosen für Ilse, Rieck-Sonntag, Christine, 2004, Stroemfeld Verlag

Buch: Rosen für Ilse, Rieck-Sonntag, Christine, 2004, Stroemfeld Verlag

8,66 €
Niikura, Safety-Zone 1961-1991 - Umfassende Werkschau - JAPAN

Niikura, Safety-Zone 1961-1991 - Umfassende Werkschau - JAPAN

120,00 €
Glassman, Peter (edit.): Oz. The hundredth anniversary celebration.

Glassman, Peter (edit.): Oz. The hundredth anniversary celebration.

26,00 €
Croce, Arlene: The Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers book.

Croce, Arlene: The Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers book.

12,00 €
Buch: With the compliment of United Nations Sales Section, Publishing Service

Buch: With the compliment of United Nations Sales Section, Publishing Service

8,79 €


380,00 €
The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art. 1906.

The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art. 1906.

45,00 €
Filmplakat.- New Line Cinema - Warner Bros. Pictures: (Filmplakat) Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs UND Casablanca (Rückseite).

Filmplakat. New Line Cinema Warner Bros. Pictures: (Filmplakat) Der Herr der Ringe Die..

23,00 €
Bruch, Anne-Marie: Die wundersame Reise des Jaroslav Blaschek. Auf den Spuren des Prinzen Eugen.

Bruch, Anne-Marie: Die wundersame Reise des Jaroslav Blaschek. Auf den Spuren des Prinzen Eugen.

41,00 €
Broderick, Mick: Hibakusha Cinema : Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film. (=Japanes Studies, ed. Yoshio Sugimoto).

Broderick, Mick: Hibakusha Cinema : Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film..

67,00 €


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