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7.156 Artikel gefunden


Hoang, Michel: Dschingis Khan.

Hoang, Michel: Dschingis Khan.

5,50 €
Starr, Chester G: The Ancient Romans.

Starr, Chester G: The Ancient Romans.

10,00 €
Shaw, Carl A: Satyric Play. The Evolution of Greek Comedy and Satyr Drama.

Shaw, Carl A: Satyric Play. The Evolution of Greek Comedy and Satyr Drama.

30,00 €
Plautus, T. Maccius und C. S. Harrington: T. Macci Plauti Captivi, Trinummus, et Rudens.

Plautus, T. Maccius und C. S. Harrington: T. Macci Plauti Captivi, Trinummus, et Rudens.

15,00 €
Bury, J.B. und Russell Meiggs: A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great.

Bury, J.B. und Russell Meiggs: A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great.

15,00 €
Preiser, Arno: Das Entstehen und die Entwicklung der Predella in der italienischen Malerei. [= Studien zur Kunstgeschichte Band 2].

Preiser, Arno: Das Entstehen und die Entwicklung der Predella in der italienischen Malerei. [=..

10,00 €
Curtis, Edward S: The North American Indians. Text compiled with an introduction by Joseph Epes Brown.

Curtis, Edward S: The North American Indians. Text compiled with an introduction by Joseph Epes..

14,00 €
Wyeth, Andrew: The Helga Pictures. Text by John Wilmerding.

Wyeth, Andrew: The Helga Pictures. Text by John Wilmerding.

25,00 €
Kraftner, Johann (Hrsg.): Vorbild Rubens. Lichtenstein Museum Wien.

Kraftner, Johann (Hrsg.): Vorbild Rubens. Lichtenstein Museum Wien.

15,00 €
Dee, Elaine Evans: Views of Florence and Tuscany by Giuseppe Zocchi, 1711-1767. Seventy-Seven Drawings from the Collection of The Pierpont Morgan Library New York.

Dee, Elaine Evans: Views of Florence and Tuscany by Giuseppe Zocchi, 1711 1767. Seventy Seven..

35,00 €
Emily Mason

Emily Mason

20,00 €
Travellers in Switzerland 1949 - Description and travel - Reise-Beschreibung

Travellers in Switzerland 1949 - Description and travel - Reise-Beschreibung

45,00 €
Higgens Clark, Mary; Wintersturm, Psycho-Thriller, 1995

Higgens Clark, Mary; Wintersturm, Psycho-Thriller, 1995

2,50 €
Pignone, Charles: Frank Sinatra 100. Forewords Tony Bennett - Steve Wynn
 New York, Thames & Hudson, (2015).

Pignone, Charles: Frank Sinatra 100. Forewords Tony Bennett Steve Wynn New York, Thames &..

30,00 €
Breker, Arno (1900 - 1991): Salute America - 6 Original-Lithographien: The Angel - Pallas Athene - Herald - Hymn to Freedom - Youth - The Judgement of Paris.

Breker, Arno (1900 1991): Salute America 6 Original Lithographien: The Angel Pallas Athene..

1.107,00 €
Gibbon, David and Ted Smart

Gibbon, David and Ted Smart

7,95 €
The Panama Gateway. BISHOP, Joseph Bucklin.

The Panama Gateway. BISHOP, Joseph Bucklin.

70,79 €
A Reference Guide to the Literature of Travel. Including Voyages, Geographical D

A Reference Guide to the Literature of Travel. Including Voyages, Geographical D

114,79 €
Evokationen. LESSING, Erich (1923-2018).

Evokationen. LESSING, Erich (1923-2018).

3.010,79 €
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Waisenhauskirche in Wien, in welcher der 12-jährige Moz

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Waisenhauskirche in Wien, in welcher der 12-jährige Moz

354,79 €
New York. LEITICH, Ann Tizia.

New York. LEITICH, Ann Tizia.

20,79 €
One Hundred and Twenty-Five Photographic Views of Chicago. The most complete col

One Hundred and Twenty-Five Photographic Views of Chicago. The most complete col

44,79 €
New York. Greetings from the Great Metropolis.

New York. Greetings from the Great Metropolis.

92,79 €
King`s views - New York. 400 Illustrations. Dem Wiener Männergesang Verein zu Er

King`s views - New York. 400 Illustrations. Dem Wiener Männergesang Verein zu Er

210,79 €
Unplanned Wars. The Origins of the First and Second Punic Wars. HOYOS, B. D.

Unplanned Wars. The Origins of the First and Second Punic Wars. HOYOS, B. D.

127,79 €
Arbeit in der Schlieker-Werft, Hamburg. LESSING, Erich.

Arbeit in der Schlieker-Werft, Hamburg. LESSING, Erich.

307,79 €
Tower of Ivan and Cathedral of Archangel Michael, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia.

Tower of Ivan and Cathedral of Archangel Michael, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia.

34,79 €
Imagina. Gedichte. RODEN, Max [i. e. Rosenzweig].

Imagina. Gedichte. RODEN, Max [i. e. Rosenzweig].

73,79 €
The American Engineers in France. PARSONS, William Barclay.

The American Engineers in France. PARSONS, William Barclay.

124,79 €
Art Postcards from the Viennese Workshop by Kokoschka, Schiele et al. 24 Ready-t

Art Postcards from the Viennese Workshop by Kokoschka, Schiele et al. 24 Ready-t

104,79 €
Ein Spaziergang um die Welt. HÜBNER, Alexander Frhr. v.

Ein Spaziergang um die Welt. HÜBNER, Alexander Frhr. v.

210,79 €
Die Brigittenau.

Die Brigittenau.

44,79 €
Insel Lobau.

Insel Lobau.

44,79 €
Die Ferdinand`s-Brücke in Wien.

Die Ferdinand`s-Brücke in Wien.

39,79 €
Fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

Fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

29,79 €
[Naschmarkt im Freihausviertel].

[Naschmarkt im Freihausviertel].

53,79 €
Old Minaret, from Court of Oranges, Cordova, Spain.

Old Minaret, from Court of Oranges, Cordova, Spain.

28,79 €
The Votiv-Kirche, the memorial of a king - (towers 325 ft.), Vienna, Austria.

The Votiv-Kirche, the memorial of a king - (towers 325 ft.), Vienna, Austria.

19,79 €
Namur, Belgium, from the Fortress Hill.

Namur, Belgium, from the Fortress Hill.

29,79 €
Native Hula-Girls in Characteristic Attire near Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.

Native Hula-Girls in Characteristic Attire near Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.

104,79 €
Rotterdam, Netherlands - Southwest from the Witte, Showing the River and Paralle

Rotterdam, Netherlands - Southwest from the Witte, Showing the River and Paralle

29,79 €
Neuester Zeitungs-Atlas für Alte & Neue Erdkunde. MEYER, J. (Hrsg.)

Neuester Zeitungs-Atlas für Alte & Neue Erdkunde. MEYER, J. (Hrsg.)

1.410,79 €
Shopping in the Market, Santiago, Cuba.

Shopping in the Market, Santiago, Cuba.

29,79 €
The Mozart Monument, Vienna, Austria.

The Mozart Monument, Vienna, Austria.

18,79 €
Grand Portal, Imperial Palace, Vienna, Austria. Der Haupteingang zum kaiserliche

Grand Portal, Imperial Palace, Vienna, Austria. Der Haupteingang zum kaiserliche

19,79 €
The Imperial Museums, from the Hofburg Theatre Vienna, Austria.

The Imperial Museums, from the Hofburg Theatre Vienna, Austria.

49,79 €
Christian Missions: Their Agents, and their Results. MARSHALL, T. W. M.

Christian Missions: Their Agents, and their Results. MARSHALL, T. W. M.

170,79 €
Viennese Stained Glass Designs in Full Color. RENNER, Franz C. - SEEMANN, Max.

Viennese Stained Glass Designs in Full Color. RENNER, Franz C. - SEEMANN, Max.

90,79 €


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