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GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,: Chromatin assembly coupled to DNA repair. A new role for cromatin assembly factor I.

GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,:..

4,00 €
FORGER, N. G: FORGER, N. G., Roberts, S. L., Wong, V., Breedlove, S, M., Ciliary neurotrophic factor maintains motoneurons and their target muscles in developing rats., J. Neurosci. 13, 4720-4726  (1993)., Obr.,   Obr.,  [WES138].,., // FORGER, N. G., Hod

FORGER, N. G: FORGER, N. G., Roberts, S. L., Wong, V., Breedlove, S, M., Ciliary neurotrophic..

5,00 €
Fohrer, Georg, H. W.Hoffmann, F. Huber, L. Markert & G. Wanke: Exegese des Alten Testaments., Einfuehrung in  die Methodik.

Fohrer, Georg, H. W.Hoffmann, F. Huber, L. Markert & G. Wanke: Exegese des Alten Testaments..

4,00 €
DUNBAR, G. L., Butler, W. M., Fass, B., Stein, D. G: Behavioral and neurochemical alterations induced by exogenous gangliosides iin brain damaged animals.  Problems and perspectives.

DUNBAR, G. L., Butler, W. M., Fass, B., Stein, D. G: Behavioral and neurochemical alterations..

4,00 €
Falbo, T., D. L. Poston, G. Ji., S. Jiao, Q., Jing, S. Wang, Q,. Gu., H. Yin & Y. Liu: Physical, achievement and personality characteristics of chinese children.

Falbo, T., D. L. Poston, G. Ji., S. Jiao, Q., Jing, S. Wang, Q,. Gu., H. Yin & Y. Liu: Physical..

4,00 €
EISENMAN, L. M: EISENMAN, L. M., Gorgacci, G. P.,  A double label retrograde tracing study of the olivocerebellar projection to the pyramis and uvula iun the rat., Neurosci,.Letters 41, 15-20 (1983)., .// EISENMAN, L. M., Uptake of the retrograde fluoresc

EISENMAN, L. M: EISENMAN, L. M., Gorgacci, G. P., A double label retrograde tracing study of the..

4,00 €
EBERT, F., Enriquez, G.- L., Muehlpfordt, H: Electronmicroscopic studies of the phagocytosis of leishmania donovani by hamster peritoneal macrophages and ist lysosomal activity in vivo.

EBERT, F., Enriquez, G. L., Muehlpfordt, H: Electronmicroscopic studies of the phagocytosis of..

4,00 €
DALSGAARD, C. J: DALSGAARD, C. J., Hoekfelt, T., Elfin, L. G., Skirboll, L., Emson, P., Substance p-containing primary sensorys neurons projecting to the inferior mesenteric ganglion. Evidence from combined retrograde tracing and immunocytochemistry,. Neu

DALSGAARD, C. J: DALSGAARD, C. J., Hoekfelt, T., Elfin, L. G., Skirboll, L., Emson, P., Substance p..

6,00 €
D Aurevilly, Jules Barbey: Teufelskinder. Mit 19 Zeichnungen von A. Kubin.

D Aurevilly, Jules Barbey: Teufelskinder. Mit 19 Zeichnungen von A. Kubin.

82,00 €
CRAWFORD, M. L. J., Harwerth, R. S., Smith, E. L., Van Noorden, G. K: Loss of stereopsis in monkeys following prismatic binocular dissociation during infancy.

CRAWFORD, M. L. J., Harwerth, R. S., Smith, E. L., Van Noorden, G. K: Loss of stereopsis in monkeys..

4,00 €
COLBY, C. L., Gattass, R., Olson, C. R., Gross, C. G: Topographical organization of cortical afferents to extrastriate visual area PO in the macaque . A dual tracer study.

COLBY, C. L., Gattass, R., Olson, C. R., Gross, C. G: Topographical organization of cortical..

4,00 €
LAI, J., Riedl, M., Stone, L. S., Arvidsson, U., Bilsky, E. J., Wilcox, G. L., Elde, R., Porreca, F: Immunofluorescence analysis of antisense oligodeocynucleotide-mediated knock-down of the mouse delta opioid receptor in vitro and in vivo.

LAI, J., Riedl, M., Stone, L. S., Arvidsson, U., Bilsky, E. J., Wilcox, G. L., Elde, R., Porreca..

4,00 €
CHALY & MILICH: CHALY, N., Setterfield, G., Kaplan, J. G., Brown, D. L., Nuclear bodies in mouse splenic lymphocytes. I. Ultrastructural changes during stimultaion by concanavalin A., Biol. Cell. 47, 275-284 (1983)., Obr.,  [SDG126].-..// //.

CHALY & MILICH: CHALY, N., Setterfield, G., Kaplan, J. G., Brown, D. L., Nuclear bodies in mouse..

4,00 €
CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J. Y., Vestibular and cochlear efferent neurons in the monkey identified by immunocytochemical methods., Brain Res. 408, 275-280 (1987)., Obr.,  [WES80].., // CA

CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J..

6,00 €
NORTHCUTT, R. G., Bulter, A. B: The diencephalon and optic tectum of the Longnose Gar, Lepisosteus osseus (l.),. Cytoarchitecture and distribution of acetylcholinesterases.

NORTHCUTT, R. G., Bulter, A. B: The diencephalon and optic tectum of the Longnose Gar, Lepisosteus..

4,00 €
Burian, F. & L. G. Farkas: The use of anthropology in the observation of caial clefts.

Burian, F. & L. G. Farkas: The use of anthropology in the observation of caial clefts.

4,00 €
BRITTO, L. R. G: AZEVEDO, T. A., Cukiert, A-., Britto, L. R. G., The pretectal projection upon the accessory optic nucleus in the pigeon,.. An anatomical and electrophysiological study., Neurosci. Letters 43, 13-18 (1983)., Obr.,  [SD169].., //  BRITTO, L

BRITTO, L. R. G: AZEVEDO, T. A., Cukiert, A ., Britto, L. R. G., The pretectal projection upon the..

5,00 €
BRESSON, F., Maury L., Pieraut-Le Bonniec, G., De Schjoenen, S: Organization and lateralization of reaching in infants. An instance of asymnmetric functions in hands collaboration.

BRESSON, F., Maury L., Pieraut Le Bonniec, G., De Schjoenen, S: Organization and lateralization of..

4,00 €
BOSTAN &  DINGES: BOSTAN, M, Brasoveanu, L. I., Livescu, A., Manda, G., Neagu, M., Iordachescu, D, Effects of synovidal fluid on the respiratory burst of granulocytes in theumatoid arthritis., J. Cell, Mol. Med. 5, 188-19300 (2001)., Obr.,  [SDG127].., //

BOSTAN & DINGES: BOSTAN, M, Brasoveanu, L. I., Livescu, A., Manda, G., Neagu, M., Iordachescu, D..

4,00 €
BORTOLAMI, R: PASSATORE, M., Lucchi, M. L., Filippi, G. M., Manni, E., Bortolami, R., Localization of neurons innervating masticatory muscle spindle and priodontal receptors in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus and their reflex actions.,  Arch. Ital.,

BORTOLAMI, R: PASSATORE, M., Lucchi, M. L., Filippi, G. M., Manni, E., Bortolami, R., Localization..

5,00 €
BLOXAM, D. L., Tricklebank, M. D., Patel, A. J., Curzon, G: Effect of albumin, amino acids, and clofibrate on the uptake of tryptophan by the rat brain.

BLOXAM, D. L., Tricklebank, M. D., Patel, A. J., Curzon, G: Effect of albumin, amino acids, and..

4,00 €
Bliznakov, Emile G-., Herald L. Hunt: Die Entdeckung., Energie-Vitamin Q10.

Bliznakov, Emile G-., Herald L. Hunt: Die Entdeckung., Energie-Vitamin Q10.

4,00 €
BJoeRKLUND, A: BJoeRKLUND, A., Baumgarten, H. G., Lachenmayer, L.-, Rosengren, E., Recovery of brain noradrenaline after 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-induced axonal lesions in the rat., Cell Tiss. Res. 161, 145-155 (1975)., Obr.,.  [WES78]..,.,// SKAGERBERG, G

BJoeRKLUND, A: BJoeRKLUND, A., Baumgarten, H. G., Lachenmayer, L. , Rosengren, E., Recovery of..

5,00 €
BENEDEK, G: BENEDEK, G., Mucke, L., Norita, M., Albowitz, B., Creutzfeld, O. D., Anterior ectosylvian visual area (AEV) of the cat. physiological properties.,  Progr. Brain Res. 75, 245-255 (1988)., Obr.,  [WES106]..,// BENEDEK G., Hicks, T. P., The visua

BENEDEK, G: BENEDEK, G., Mucke, L., Norita, M., Albowitz, B., Creutzfeld, O. D., Anterior..

8,00 €
Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe., Band 23, 1990.

Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe..

9,00 €
Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe., Band 21, 1988.

Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe..

9,00 €
Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe., Band 19, 1986.

Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe..

9,00 €
Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe., Band 17, 1984.

Beck, L., H. G. Bender, V. Friedberg, O. Kaeser, W. Kuenzel, E.J. Plotz (eds.): Der Gynaekologe..

9,00 €
Barrett, Ethel: There I stood in all my splendor.

Barrett, Ethel: There I stood in all my splendor.

4,00 €
Barag, L. G: Belorussiche Volksmaerchen.

Barag, L. G: Belorussiche Volksmaerchen.

9,00 €
Bachmann, L. G: Bruckner, der Roman der Sinfonie.

Bachmann, L. G: Bruckner, der Roman der Sinfonie.

4,00 €
Bach,  G. L: Wichtige rheumatische Erkrankungen des Erwachsenen, ihre Diagnose und Differentialdiagnose.

Bach, G. L: Wichtige rheumatische Erkrankungen des Erwachsenen, ihre Diagnose und..

7,00 €
ARAMANT, R. B: ARAMANT, R. B., Giron, L. T., Ziegler, M. G., Postnatal development of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunoreactive fibres of the spinal cord of the rat. Developm. Brain Res., 25, 161-171 (1986), Obr., [SD58]. . //  SEILER, M. J., Aramant, R. B

ARAMANT, R. B: ARAMANT, R. B., Giron, L. T., Ziegler, M. G., Postnatal development of dopamine beta..

5,00 €
ALVAREZ-BUYLLA &  SOFRONIEW: ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, R., Livett, B. G., Uttenthal, L. O., Hope, D. B., Milton, S. H., Immunochemical evidence for the transport of neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the dog., Z. Zellforsch., 137,435-450 (197

ALVAREZ BUYLLA & SOFRONIEW: ALVAREZ BUYLLA, R., Livett, B. G., Uttenthal, L. O., Hope, D. B..

5,00 €
ALHEID, G. F., Carlsen, J., De Olmos, J., Heimer, L: Quantitative determination of  collateral anterior olfactory nucleus projections using a fluorescent tracer with an algebraic solution to the promblem of double retrograde labeling.

ALHEID, G. F., Carlsen, J., De Olmos, J., Heimer, L: Quantitative determination of collateral..

4,00 €
Alexander, L. G: Sixty steps to precis.  A new approach to summary–writing  for overseas students.

Alexander, L. G: Sixty steps to precis. A new approach to summary–writing for overseas students.

9,00 €
Alexander, L. G: Poetry and prose appreciation. ‚.

Alexander, L. G: Poetry and prose appreciation. ‚.

10,00 €
ADAM, H: HACKER, G. W., Polkak, J. M., Sporingall, D. R., Tang, S. K.  Van Norden, S., Lackie,. P., Grimelius, L., Adam, H., Immunogold-silver staining (IGZS), Eine uebersicht. Mikroskopie (Wien) 423, 318-325 (1985)., Obr.,  [SD7]..,/// SCHULTZ, J. H-., A

ADAM, H: HACKER, G. W., Polkak, J. M., Sporingall, D. R., Tang, S. K. Van Norden, S., Lackie,. P..

5,00 €
Abrey, G. L. G. J: Concours de l amelioration des races animales domestiques.

Abrey, G. L. G. J: Concours de l amelioration des races animales domestiques.

6,00 €
WODARCZYK, L-.. Merrill, V. K. L., Perry, G. W: Differential regulation of fast axonally transported proteins during the early response of rat retinal ganglion cells to axotomy.

WODARCZYK, L .. Merrill, V. K. L., Perry, G. W: Differential regulation of fast axonally..

4,00 €
WEBSTER, H. D.. Lamperth, L., Favilla, J. T., Lemke, G., Tesin, D., Manuelidis, L: Use of biotinylated probe and in situ hybridization for light and electron microscopic localization of P0 mRNA in myelin forming Schwann cells.

WEBSTER, H. D.. Lamperth, L., Favilla, J. T., Lemke, G., Tesin, D., Manuelidis, L: Use of..

4,00 €
SAIJA, A., Hayes, R. L., Lyeth, B. G., Dixon, C. E., Yamamoto, T., Robinson, S. E: The effect of concussive head injury on central cholinergic neurons.

SAIJA, A., Hayes, R. L., Lyeth, B. G., Dixon, C. E., Yamamoto, T., Robinson, S. E: The effect of..

5,00 €
PODUSLO, J. F., Curran, G. L: Permeability at the blood-brain and blood nerve barriers of the neurotrophic factors. NGF, CNTF, NT-3 and BDNF.

PODUSLO, J. F., Curran, G. L: Permeability at the blood brain and blood nerve barriers of the..

4,00 €
DoeVING, K. B., Gemme, G: Electrophysiological and histological properties of the olfactory tract of the Burbot (Lota loita l.).

DoeVING, K. B., Gemme, G: Electrophysiological and histological properties of the olfactory tract..

4,00 €
Thorbecke, Franz und Marie-Pauline: Im Hochland von Mittel-Kamerun - 3. Teil Beiträge zur Völkerkunde des Ost-Mbamlandes. (Unter Mitarbeit von Theodor Mollison und Wilhelm Heinitz).

Thorbecke, Franz und Marie Pauline: Im Hochland von Mittel Kamerun 3. Teil Beiträge zur..

150,00 €
Steinwachs, Ginka: G - L - Ü - C - K.     Signiert ! -- rosa prosa -- originalfälschung.

Steinwachs, Ginka: G - L - Ü - C - K. Signiert ! -- rosa prosa -- originalfälschung.

10,00 €
Read, Herbert; Patrick Waldberg; G. di San Lorenzo: Mario Marini. L´ Œuvre Complet.

Read, Herbert; Patrick Waldberg; G. di San Lorenzo: Mario Marini. L´ Œuvre Complet.

465,00 €
Sowjetkunst 20er und 30er Jahre.

Sowjetkunst 20er und 30er Jahre.

18,00 €


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