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116 Artikel gefunden


Kristan-Tollmann, Edith: Echinoderms from the Middle Triassic Sina formation (Aghdarband group) in NE Iran. Sonderdruck aus: Anton W. Ruttner (Ed.): The Triassic of Aghdarband (AqDarband), NE-Iran, and its Pre-Triassic frame Bd. 38, S. 175-194.

Kristan Tollmann, Edith: Echinoderms from the Middle Triassic Sina formation (Aghdarband group) in..

9,00 €
Heinemann, Klaus: Pre-incorporation transactions : a comparative analysis. Dissertation.

Heinemann, Klaus: Pre-incorporation transactions : a comparative analysis. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Korany, Bahgat: Afro-Asian non-alignment in the contemporary international system : a pre-theory. Dissertation.

Korany, Bahgat: Afro Asian non alignment in the contemporary international system : a pre theory..

25,00 €
Javanainen, Päivi: Mixed culture pre-ferments of lactic and propionic acid bacteria for baking. Dissertation.

Javanainen, Päivi: Mixed culture pre ferments of lactic and propionic acid bacteria for baking..

14,00 €
Calsteren, Petrus Wilhelmus Clemens: Geochronological, geochemical and geophysical investigations in the high-grade Mafic-Ultramafic complex at Cabo Ortegal and other pre-existing elements in the hercynian basement of Galicia (N. W. Spain). Dissertation.

Calsteren, Petrus Wilhelmus Clemens: Geochronological, geochemical and geophysical investigations..

14,00 €
Eha, Silvio: The Pre-Devonian Sediments on Ymers ö, Suess Land, and Ella ö (East Greenland) and their Tectonics. Dissertation Basel. Meddelelser om Grönland Bd. 111. Nr. 2.

Eha, Silvio: The Pre Devonian Sediments on Ymers ö, Suess Land, and Ella ö (East Greenland) and..

19,00 €
Schmid, S., E. Guenther & K. Kohler: Chneges in thy-1 antgen imuoreactivity in the rat retina durcing pre- and potnatal development-.

Schmid, S., E. Guenther & K. Kohler: Chneges in thy 1 antgen imuoreactivity in the rat retina..

4,00 €
KAGEYAMA, G. H., Meyer, R. L: Dense HRP filling in pre-fixed brain tissue for light and electron microscopy.

KAGEYAMA, G. H., Meyer, R. L: Dense HRP filling in pre fixed brain tissue for light and electron..

4,00 €
HRABE DE-ANGELIS, M..,  Kirchner, C: Fibroblast growth factor induces primitive streak formation in rabbit pre-implantation emryos in vitro.

HRABE DE ANGELIS, M.., Kirchner, C: Fibroblast growth factor induces primitive streak formation in..

4,00 €
LEVIN, B. E., Biegon, A.: Reserpine and the role of axonal transport in the independent regulation of pre- and postsynaptic beta-adrenoreceptors.

LEVIN, B. E., Biegon, A.: Reserpine and the role of axonal transport in the independent regulation..

4,00 €
DELLMANN, H. D., Sikora, K. C., Castel, M: Fine structure of the rat supraoptic nucleus and neural lobe during pre- and postnatal development.

DELLMANN, H. D., Sikora, K. C., Castel, M: Fine structure of the rat supraoptic nucleus and neural..

4,00 €
Boas, Frederich S: Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies [Early Tudor Period]. [6th printing]. [= The World's Classics 418]
 London, Oxford University Press, 1966.

Boas, Frederich S: Five Pre Shakespearean Comedies [Early Tudor Period]. [6th printing]. [= The..

12,00 €
Geology of Poland. Volume I. Stratigraphy. [1] Part 1. Pre-Cambrian and Palaeozoic. [2] Part 2. Mesozoic
 Warsaw [Warschau], Publishing House Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, 1970/1976.

Geology of Poland. Volume I. Stratigraphy. [1] Part 1. Pre Cambrian and Palaeozoic. [2] Part 2..

54,00 €
Lüthi, Karl J. (Schriftltg.): Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum 1932 / No. 1 Jahrgang/ Année XVIII     Musée Gutenberg Suisse. Zeitschrift für Buchdruck , Philosophie..

Lüthi, Karl J. (Schriftltg.): Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum 1932 / No. 1 Jahrgang/ Année..

23,00 €
Lüthi, Karl J. (Schriftltg.): Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum 1932 / No. 3 Jahrgang/ Année XVIII     Musée Gutenberg Suisse. Zeitschrift für Buchdruck , Philosophie..

Lüthi, Karl J. (Schriftltg.): Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum 1932 / No. 3 Jahrgang/ Année..

27,00 €
Wedge, F. J. N. ( Compiled and editor): Brown's Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies.

Wedge, F. J. N. ( Compiled and editor): Brown's Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship..

107,00 €
VAN DEN POL, A N: VAN DEN POL, A.N., Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons throughout the hypothalamus receive glutamate decarboxylase immunoreactive synapses. A double pre-embedding immunocytochemical study with particulate silver and HRP.J. Neuros

VAN DEN POL, A N: VAN DEN POL, A.N., Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons throughout the..

5,00 €
Reissig, Johannes Th: Jehova benigniter favente perimittente magnifico Jctorum ordine in illustrati ad salam academia De JURE STILLIVIDII vulgo Trauff-Recht, sub praesidio pre-nobilissimi. , consultis fimi atq. Excellentis fimi DN. JOH. Volk. Bechmanns.

Reissig, Johannes Th: Jehova benigniter favente perimittente magnifico Jctorum ordine in illustrati..

82,00 €
Pre, S. M. du: Sketch of English Literature with the lives and works of the chief authors.

Pre, S. M. du: Sketch of English Literature with the lives and works of the chief authors.

10,00 €
Barcroft, Joseph: Research on pre-natal life. I..

Barcroft, Joseph: Research on pre-natal life. I..

6,00 €
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