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379 Artikel gefunden


Cooper, James Fenimore: Lionel Lincoln; or, The leaguer of Boston. Complete with vols. I - IV in 1 ( = Pocket Library of english classics, No. 203 -206, The works of Cooper, Vols. XXI - XXIV ).

Cooper, James Fenimore: Lionel Lincoln; or, The leaguer of Boston. Complete with vols. I IV in 1..

27,00 €
A Field Guide to Mexican Birds and Adjacent Central America.

A Field Guide to Mexican Birds and Adjacent Central America.

20,00 €
A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of Eastern and Central North America.

A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of Eastern and Central North America.

29,50 €
The Study of Life. An Introduction to Biology. 2. Auflage/ 2nd Edition.

The Study of Life. An Introduction to Biology. 2. Auflage/ 2nd Edition.

4,00 €
Aquasphere. Journal of the New England Aquarium, Volume 9, No. 1.

Aquasphere. Journal of the New England Aquarium, Volume 9, No. 1.

10,00 €
Aquasphere. Journal of the New England Aquarium, Volume 8, No. 3.

Aquasphere. Journal of the New England Aquarium, Volume 8, No. 3.

10,00 €
Joseph A. Wetzel. Associates, Inc. (Projektbeschreibung des Unternehmens: Museen und Zoos).

Joseph A. Wetzel. Associates, Inc. (Projektbeschreibung des Unternehmens: Museen und Zoos).

6,00 €
A Field Guide to Western Birds. Field marks of all species found in North America west of the 100th meridian, with a section on the birds of the Hawaiian Islands.

A Field Guide to Western Birds. Field marks of all species found in North America west of the 100th..

6,40 €
A Field Guide to the Mammals. Field Marks of All North American Species Found North of Mexico.

A Field Guide to the Mammals. Field Marks of All North American Species Found North of Mexico.

9,00 €
A Field Guide to the Mammals: Giving Field Marks of all Species Found North of the Mexican Boundary.

A Field Guide to the Mammals: Giving Field Marks of all Species Found North of the Mexican..

13,00 €
A Field Guide to Birds' Nests of 285 species found breeding in the United States east of the Mississippi River.

A Field Guide to Birds' Nests of 285 species found breeding in the United States east of the..

19,70 €
Braindance oder warum Schimpansen nicht steppen können. Die Entwicklung des menschlichen Gehirns.

Braindance oder warum Schimpansen nicht steppen können. Die Entwicklung des menschlichen Gehirns.

4,00 €
Reynolds, Oliver: Skevington's Daughter.

Reynolds, Oliver: Skevington's Daughter.

5,50 €
Kadison, Lars; Kromann, Matthias T: Projective Geometry and Modern Algebra
 Boston - Basel - Berlin, Birkhäuser, (1996).

Kadison, Lars; Kromann, Matthias T: Projective Geometry and Modern Algebra Boston Basel..

40,00 €
Deese, James: Psycholinguistics. 3. print.

Deese, James: Psycholinguistics. 3. print.

9,00 €
Lipset, Seymour Martin: Rebellion in the university.

Lipset, Seymour Martin: Rebellion in the university.

15,00 €
James, George Wharton: California - romantic and beautiful.

James, George Wharton: California - romantic and beautiful.

365,00 €
Blaser, Werner: Bauernhaus der Schweiz. Eine Sammlung der schönsten ländlichen Bauten. Mit einer Einführung von Hans-Rudolf Heyer
 Basel - Boston - Stuttgart, Birkhäuser Verlag, 1983.

Blaser, Werner: Bauernhaus der Schweiz. Eine Sammlung der schönsten ländlichen Bauten. Mit einer..

15,00 €
Payne, S. E.; Thas, J. A: Finite generalized quadrangles. [= Research Notes in Mathematics 110]
 Boston - London - Melbourne, Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1984.

Payne, S. E.; Thas, J. A: Finite generalized quadrangles. [= Research Notes in Mathematics 110]..

28,00 €
Dal, Ingerid & Eroms, Hans-Werner: Kurze deutsche Syntax auf historischer Grundlage.

Dal, Ingerid & Eroms, Hans-Werner: Kurze deutsche Syntax auf historischer Grundlage.

40,00 €
The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,1.

The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,1.

14,00 €
The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,3.

The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,3.

14,00 €
Damschen, Gregor & Schönecker, Dieter: Selbst philosophieren : Ein Methodenbuch.

Damschen, Gregor & Schönecker, Dieter: Selbst philosophieren : Ein Methodenbuch.

15,00 €
The Nautilus : a monthly devoted to the interests of conchologists 18,1-7.

The Nautilus : a monthly devoted to the interests of conchologists 18,1-7.

24,00 €
Cooper, Courtney Ryley: Die Pioniere; Roman.

Cooper, Courtney Ryley: Die Pioniere; Roman.

18,00 €
Dwight, Thomas: Description of the Whale (Balaenoptera musculus Auct.) in the possession of the Society; with remarks on the classification of Fin Whales. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History II,2.2.

Dwight, Thomas: Description of the Whale (Balaenoptera musculus Auct.) in the possession of the..

35,00 €
Dwight, Thomas: Notes on the dissection and brain of the chimpanzee 'Gumbo'. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History V,2.

Dwight, Thomas: Notes on the dissection and brain of the chimpanzee 'Gumbo'. Memoirs of the Boston..

20,00 €
Zoölogical bulletin 1,1-6.

Zoölogical bulletin 1,1-6.

90,00 €
W. Schwann (Hg.): Schwann Record & Tape Guide. Volume 23 - September 1971 - Number 9.

W. Schwann (Hg.): Schwann Record & Tape Guide. Volume 23 - September 1971 - Number 9.

7,75 €
James, Henry: Die Damen aus Boston.

James, Henry: Die Damen aus Boston.

9,00 €
Pearse, Everston A.G: Histochemistry. Theoretical and applied.

Pearse, Everston A.G: Histochemistry. Theoretical and applied.

12,00 €
James, Henry: Roerick Hudson.

James, Henry: Roerick Hudson.

16,00 €
Brookes, Alan J. / Grech, Chris: Konstruktive Lösungen in der High Tech Architektur. Analyse von 30 Bauten.   Beispiele aus dem Inhalt: Fußballstadion, Bari..

Brookes, Alan J. / Grech, Chris: Konstruktive Lösungen in der High Tech Architektur. Analyse von..

31,00 €
Nijhof, Wim J. (Ed.) and Jittie Brandsma (Ed.): Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education.

Nijhof, Wim J. (Ed.) and Jittie Brandsma (Ed.): Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education.

54,00 €
Lazar, Shelley Faye: Shelley Faye Lazar's Oriental Collection. 20 Original Needlepoint Designs. Photography by Gus Filgate
 Boston - Toronto - London, Little Brown and Company, 1993.

Lazar, Shelley Faye: Shelley Faye Lazar's Oriental Collection. 20 Original Needlepoint Designs..

17,00 €
Rivero, Luis Howell: Some new, rare and little-known Fishes from Cuba. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41,4, 41-76.

Rivero, Luis Howell: Some new, rare and little known Fishes from Cuba. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings..

16,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Studies on the fauna of some thermal springs in the Dutch East Indies. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73,4, 72-95.

Brues, Charles T: Studies on the fauna of some thermal springs in the Dutch East Indies..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Serphidae in Baltic amber, with the description of a new living genus. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73,9, 259-269.

Brues, Charles T: Serphidae in Baltic amber, with the description of a new living genus..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Fossil parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 74,5, 69-90.

Brues, Charles T: Fossil parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber..

9,00 €
Wilson, Woodrow: Wilson (Herausgeber-Widmung); Das staatsmännische Werk des Präsidenten in seinen Reden; Herausgeber: Dr. Georg Ahrens + Dr. Carl Brinkmann.

Wilson, Woodrow: Wilson (Herausgeber Widmung); Das staatsmännische Werk des Präsidenten in seinen..

170,00 €
(Eddy, Mary Baker Glover): Liederbuch der Christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science); Herausgeber: The Christian Science Publishing Society / Boston, Mass., USA.

(Eddy, Mary Baker Glover): Liederbuch der Christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science);..

27,50 €
Claudius, Marieluise: Großformatiges Kino-Schaukastenfoto (36) (Widmung).

Claudius, Marieluise: Großformatiges Kino-Schaukastenfoto (36) (Widmung).

120,00 €
Strasser, Otto (Dr., Straßer): Hitler and I.

Strasser, Otto (Dr., Straßer): Hitler and I.

200,00 €
Fraenkel, Heinrich + Manvell, Roger: Goebbels (Zusätzlicher Umschlagtext: Kindheit und Jugend. " Kinder der Geschichte". Berlin. Der Kampf um die Macht. Minister für Propaganda und..

Fraenkel, Heinrich + Manvell, Roger: Goebbels (Zusätzlicher Umschlagtext: Kindheit und Jugend. "..

24,00 €
Liederbuch der christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science) mit sieben Gedichten von Mary Baker Eddy

Liederbuch der christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science) mit sieben Gedichten von Mary Baker..

6,00 €
Diving Deep and Surfacing - Women Writers on Spiritual Quest

Diving Deep and Surfacing - Women Writers on Spiritual Quest

12,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and Lycichthys latifrons (Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson), from the Nova Scotian banks. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 13-1

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and..

9,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Sharks of the Genus Mustelus in the Western Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 417-438.

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Sharks of the Genus Mustelus in the Western Atlantic..

11,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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