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379 Artikel gefunden


Hoghton, Ella Sharples: Two Marbles in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Archaeology 23, S. 219 - 254.

Hoghton, Ella Sharples: Two Marbles in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

19,00 €
Healy, Patrick J: The valerian persecution : a study of the relations between church and state in the third century A.D.

Healy, Patrick J: The valerian persecution : a study of the relations between church and state in..

35,00 €
Waugh, Frederick V: Quality as a determinant of vegetable prices : a statistical study of quality factors influencing vegetable prices in the Boston Wholesale Market. Dissertation.

Waugh, Frederick V: Quality as a determinant of vegetable prices : a statistical study of quality..

30,00 €
Greene, Evarts Boutell: A New-Englander in Japan : Daniel Crosby Greene. Dissertation.

Greene, Evarts Boutell: A New-Englander in Japan : Daniel Crosby Greene. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Curtis, Winterton C: The life history, the normal fission and the reproductive organs of Planaria maculata. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 30, S. 515-559.

Curtis, Winterton C: The life history, the normal fission and the reproductive organs of Planaria..

9,00 €
Morse, Edward S: Observations on living Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 5,8, 313 - 386.

Morse, Edward S: Observations on living Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Boston Society..

25,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on New England fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 35, 109-138.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on New England fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society..

16,00 €
Herford, Oliver: A Little Book of Bores. [A to Z].

Herford, Oliver: A Little Book of Bores. [A to Z].

60,00 €
Towner, Donald: Creamware.

Towner, Donald: Creamware.

30,00 €
Asiatic Art in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

Asiatic Art in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

20,00 €
Hall Tharp, Louise: Saint-Gaudens and the Gilded Era.

Hall Tharp, Louise: Saint-Gaudens and the Gilded Era.

30,00 €
Swinth, Kirsten: Painting Professionals. Women artists & The development of Modern American Art, 1870-1930.

Swinth, Kirsten: Painting Professionals. Women artists & The development of Modern American Art..

35,00 €
Harding, Anneliese: German Sculpture in New England Museums.

Harding, Anneliese: German Sculpture in New England Museums.

25,00 €
Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield: Boston: the job ahead. [A publication of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Instute of Technology and Harvard University].

Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield: Boston: the job ahead. [A publication of the Joint Center..

50,00 €
Lehrer, Miriam (ed.): Orientation and communication in arthropods. EXS 84.

Lehrer, Miriam (ed.): Orientation and communication in arthropods. EXS 84.

50,00 €
Driesch, Hans: Die organischen Regulationen : Vorbereitungen zu einer Theorie des Lebens. Beigebunden: Der Restitutionsreiz : Rede zur Eröffnung der Sektion für Experimentelle Zoologie des 7. Internationalen Zoologenkongresses zu Boston.

Driesch, Hans: Die organischen Regulationen : Vorbereitungen zu einer Theorie des Lebens..

25,00 €
Kristan-Tollmann, Edith: Triassic of the Tethys and its relations with the Triassic of the Pacific Realm. Sonderdruck aus: McKenzie, K. G. (Ed.), Shallow Tethys 2: S. 169-186.

Kristan Tollmann, Edith: Triassic of the Tethys and its relations with the Triassic of the Pacific..

9,00 €
Crotty, William J: Approaches to the study of party organization.

Crotty, William J: Approaches to the study of party organization.

15,00 €
Rosenblith, Judy; Allinsmith, W.; Williams, J.P: Readings in Educational Psychology. Causes of behavior.

Rosenblith, Judy; Allinsmith, W.; Williams, J.P: Readings in Educational Psychology. Causes of..

30,00 €
Kiefer, F. (Ed.): Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics. Foundation of Language Supplementary Series Vol. 18.

Kiefer, F. (Ed.): Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics. Foundation of Language Supplementary..

30,00 €
Burgelman, R.; Christensen, C.; Wheelwright, S: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation. International Edition 2004. 4. Aufl.

Burgelman, R.; Christensen, C.; Wheelwright, S: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation..

30,00 €
Hammond, William A: On the notion of virtue in the dialogues of Plato. With particular reference th those of the first period and to the third and fourth books of the republic. Dissertation Leipzig. Sonderdruck aus: Harvard Stud. in Classic Philology Bd.

Hammond, William A: On the notion of virtue in the dialogues of Plato. With particular reference th..

20,00 €
Boston: Boston Museum Bulletin Vol. 72, Nr. 368 (1974)., Islamic Pottery, Middle Kindom in  Egypt  . Ancient art in metal.

Boston: Boston Museum Bulletin Vol. 72, Nr. 368 (1974)., Islamic Pottery, Middle Kindom in Egypt..

8,00 €
Lexikon: Meyers Neues Lexikon in acht Bänden.  II. Boston – Epibionten..

Lexikon: Meyers Neues Lexikon in acht Bänden. II. Boston – Epibionten..

4,00 €
Gerzon, Mark: A choice of Heroes., The changing faces of American Manhood.

Gerzon, Mark: A choice of Heroes., The changing faces of American Manhood.

26,00 €
James, Henry: Die Damen aus Boston.

James, Henry: Die Damen aus Boston.

9,00 €
Bulwer Lytton, Edward: Rienzi. The last of the roman tribunes,  I & II.

Bulwer Lytton, Edward: Rienzi. The last of the roman tribunes, I & II.

72,00 €
Bercy, Paul: Le Francais pratique.

Bercy, Paul: Le Francais pratique.

16,00 €
Miyamoto, Sadaaki: Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster Analysis
 Dordrecht - Boston - London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.

Miyamoto, Sadaaki: Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster Analysis Dordrecht Boston..

13,00 €
Eddy, Mary Baker: Wissenschaft und Gesundheit mit Schlüssel zur Heiligen Schrift.

Eddy, Mary Baker: Wissenschaft und Gesundheit mit Schlüssel zur Heiligen Schrift.

19,00 €
Oetinger, Bolko v. [Hrsg.]: Das Boston Consulting Group Strategie-Buch. Die wichtigsten Managementkonzepte für den Praktiker.

Oetinger, Bolko v. [Hrsg.]: Das Boston Consulting Group Strategie Buch. Die wichtigsten..

17,00 €
Baker Eddy, Mary: Science and health with key to the scriptures. / Ciencia y Salud con clave de las Escrituras.

Baker Eddy, Mary: Science and health with key to the scriptures. / Ciencia y Salud con clave de las..

26,00 €
Nordirland. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tieger, Manfred P

Nordirland. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tieger, Manfred P

14,00 €
The Art of the Book - From the early Middle Ages to the Renaissance: A Journey through a Thousend Years. (Günther, Jörn, und Robert O'Neill.)

The Art of the Book From the early Middle Ages to the Renaissance: A Journey through a Thousend..

55,00 €
Mario Botta - Bank am Aeschenplatz, Basel. Geschichte einer Zusammenarbeit. Isler, Vera und Markus Mäder

Mario Botta Bank am Aeschenplatz, Basel. Geschichte einer Zusammenarbeit. Isler, Vera und Markus..

16,00 €
Sketches / Zeichnungen. Herausgegeben von Werner Blaser. Foster, Norman

Sketches / Zeichnungen. Herausgegeben von Werner Blaser. Foster, Norman

18,00 €
Natur als Kulturprodukt. Kulturökologie und Umweltethik. Krieger, David J. und J. C. Jäggi

Natur als Kulturprodukt. Kulturökologie und Umweltethik. Krieger, David J. und J. C. Jäggi

35,00 €
Farben sind wie der Wind : Jean Pfaffs architektonische Farbinterventionen. Colours are like the wind. [Engl. Übers.: Robin Benson] Helfenstein, Heinrich

Farben sind wie der Wind : Jean Pfaffs architektonische Farbinterventionen. Colours are like the..

32,00 €
Goodchild, Peter: J. Robert Oppenheimer. Eine Bildbiographie.

Goodchild, Peter: J. Robert Oppenheimer. Eine Bildbiographie.

8,00 €
Traub, David E: The Star Spangled Banner State Maryland. Scenic Historic.

Traub, David E: The Star Spangled Banner State Maryland. Scenic Historic.

5,00 €
Nagl, Dominik: No Part of the Mother Country, but Distinct Dominions. Rechtstransfer, Staatsbildung und Governance in England, Massachusetts und South Carolina, 1630 - 1769.

Nagl, Dominik: No Part of the Mother Country, but Distinct Dominions. Rechtstransfer, Staatsbildung..

48,00 €
Kidder, Tracy: Die Seele einer neuen Maschine.

Kidder, Tracy: Die Seele einer neuen Maschine.

15,00 €
Windhöfel, Lutz: Drei Länder, eine Stadt. Neueste Bauten im grenzübergreifenden Stadtraum Basel 1992 - 1997.

Windhöfel, Lutz: Drei Länder, eine Stadt. Neueste Bauten im grenzübergreifenden Stadtraum Basel..

11,00 €
Muschg, Adolf: Besprechungen 1961 - 1979.

Muschg, Adolf: Besprechungen 1961 - 1979.

3,00 €
Long, William J. [Joseph]: Whose home is the wilderness. Some studies of wild animal life. Illustrated by Charles Copeland.

Long, William J. [Joseph]: Whose home is the wilderness. Some studies of wild animal life..

35,00 €
Harris, Amanda B. [Bartlett] (Ed.): The autograph birthday book for young folks. Twelve original month poems by leading American poets. Selected day-verses from all the poets. Illustrated.

Harris, Amanda B. [Bartlett] (Ed.): The autograph birthday book for young folks. Twelve original..

20,00 €
Hall, A. [Albert] Neely: The handy boy. A modern handy book of practical and profitable pastimes. With over six hundred illustrations and working-drawings by the author and Norman P. Hall.

Hall, A. [Albert] Neely: The handy boy. A modern handy book of practical and profitable pastimes..

85,00 €
Günther, Jörn) (Red.): The art of the book. From the early middle ages to the renaissance: a journey through a thousand years. (Katalog zur gleichnamigen..

Günther, Jörn) (Red.): The art of the book. From the early middle ages to the renaissance: a..

35,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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