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518 Artikel gefunden


Scott, L.; Klein, R. G: A hyena-accumulated bone-assemblage from late holocene deposits at deelpan, Orange Free State. Annals of the South African Museum 86.6, S. 212-227.

Scott, L.; Klein, R. G: A hyena accumulated bone assemblage from late holocene deposits at deelpan..

14,00 €
Scott, J D: Veld Management in South Africa. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 278 = Agricultural education and research series 46.

Scott, J D: Veld Management in South Africa. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 278 =..

25,00 €
Scott, J. D: A contribution to the study of the problems of the Drakensberg Conservation Area. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 324 = Natal Agricultural Research Institute series 2.

Scott, J. D: A contribution to the study of the problems of the Drakensberg Conservation Area..

25,00 €
Scott, Walter: Ivanhoe,.

Scott, Walter: Ivanhoe,.

4,00 €
Scott, Mary: Und abends etwas Liebe., Ein heiterer Roman aus Neuseeland.

Scott, Mary: Und abends etwas Liebe., Ein heiterer Roman aus Neuseeland.

4,00 €
Scott, Mary: Truthahn um Zwölf.

Scott, Mary: Truthahn um Zwölf.

4,00 €
Scott, Mary: Onkel ist der Beste.

Scott, Mary: Onkel ist der Beste.

4,00 €
Scott, Jane: Mona. Bis es plötzlich Liebe war.

Scott, Jane: Mona. Bis es plötzlich Liebe war.

4,00 €
Scott, Jack S: Tod in Irish Town.

Scott, Jack S: Tod in Irish Town.

4,00 €
Scott, George: Der blutige Buchara.

Scott, George: Der blutige Buchara.

4,00 €
Schneider, Gerhard (Ed.): Englische Erzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts., Walter Scott, W. N. Thackeray, Charles Dickerns, Charles Reade, R.L. Stevenson, Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde, H. F. Wells  und andre.

Schneider, Gerhard (Ed.): Englische Erzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts., Walter Scott, W. N. Thackeray..

4,00 €
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott: Ein Diamant, so groß wie das Ritz.

Fitzgerald, Francis Scott: Ein Diamant, so groß wie das Ritz.

4,00 €
Eisenstadt, S. N: Social differentiation & stratification. Introduction to modern society series.

Eisenstadt, S. N: Social differentiation & stratification. Introduction to modern society series.

25,00 €
Apuleius: Apuleius. The Golden Ass. Translated by William Adlington. 1566. Privately printed for the Scott-Thaw Co., New York.

Apuleius: Apuleius. The Golden Ass. Translated by William Adlington. 1566. Privately printed for..

400,00 €
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: Partytime - Geschichten aus den Roaring Twenties.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott: Partytime - Geschichten aus den Roaring Twenties.

20,00 €
Wiedersehen mit Babylon. Ausgewählte Erzählungen

Wiedersehen mit Babylon. Ausgewählte Erzählungen

5,00 €
Scott, William Berryman: Cervalces americanus, a fossil moose, or elk, from the Quaternary of New Jersey. Sonderdruck aus: Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1885, 181-202.

Scott, William Berryman: Cervalces americanus, a fossil moose, or elk, from the Quaternary of New..

24,00 €
Kluge, Manfred [Hrsg.]: Sterbliche Götter. Eine Auswahl der besten Stories aus The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction , 55. Folge.

Kluge, Manfred [Hrsg.]: Sterbliche Götter. Eine Auswahl der besten Stories aus The Magazine of..

3,00 €
Adams, Scott: The Joy of Work; Dilbert rät: So werden Sie glücklich (auf Kosten Ihrer Kollegen).

Adams, Scott: The Joy of Work; Dilbert rät: So werden Sie glücklich (auf Kosten Ihrer Kollegen).

13,20 €
Elze, Karl: Sir Walter Scott. 2 Bände in einem Band.

Elze, Karl: Sir Walter Scott. 2 Bände in einem Band.

190,00 €
Hoschke, Alfred: Sieg und Tod am Südpol; Reihe: Marholds illustrierte Jugendbücher, Heft 3; Herausgeber: Wilhelm Fronemann.

Hoschke, Alfred: Sieg und Tod am Südpol; Reihe: Marholds illustrierte Jugendbücher, Heft 3;..

9,90 €
Nearing, Scott + Freemann. Joseph: Dollar-Diplomatie; Eine Studie über amerikanischen Imperialismus.

Nearing, Scott + Freemann. Joseph: Dollar Diplomatie; Eine Studie über amerikanischen..

30,00 €
Insel der blauen Delfine

Insel der blauen Delfine

7,00 €
Night Academy - Die Begabte

Night Academy - Die Begabte

9,00 €
Thriving on Vague Objectives

Thriving on Vague Objectives

8,00 €
Scott, Carel Leopold: Rechten op de zoogenaamde reserve eener levensverzekering-onderneming. Dissertation.

Scott, Carel Leopold: Rechten op de zoogenaamde reserve eener levensverzekering onderneming..

15,00 €
Scott, J. M: The Polar Regions: An Anthology of Arctic and Antarctic Photographs.

Scott, J. M: The Polar Regions: An Anthology of Arctic and Antarctic Photographs.

11,00 €
Scott, W. B: Fluctuations in abundance of the Lake Erie Cisco (Leucichthys artedi) population. Contributions of the Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology and Palaeontology 32.

Scott, W. B: Fluctuations in abundance of the Lake Erie Cisco (Leucichthys artedi) population..

24,00 €
Dudgeon, Winfried Scott: Morphology of Rumex crispus. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 66, S. 393 - 420.

Dudgeon, Winfried Scott: Morphology of Rumex crispus. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical..

12,00 €
Bachmann, Frederick William: Some German imitators of Walter Scott : an attempt to evaluate the influence of Scott on the subliterary novel of the early nineteenth century in Germany. Dissertation.

Bachmann, Frederick William: Some German imitators of Walter Scott : an attempt to evaluate the..

24,00 €
Boughton, Jesse Scott: The idea of progress in Philo Judaeus. Dissertation.

Boughton, Jesse Scott: The idea of progress in Philo Judaeus. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Woods, David Scott: Financing the schools of rural Manitoba . Dissertation.

Woods, David Scott: Financing the schools of rural Manitoba . Dissertation.

25,00 €
Scott, Harry Alexander: Personnel study of directors of physical education for men in colleges and universities. Dissertation.

Scott, Harry Alexander: Personnel study of directors of physical education for men in colleges and..

20,00 €
Monroe, Walter Scott: Development of arithmetic as a school subject. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: United States Bureau of Education. Bulletins 10.

Monroe, Walter Scott: Development of arithmetic as a school subject. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

20,00 €
White Scott, Adelin: A comparative study of responses of children of different nationalities and environments on intelligence and achievement tests. Dissertation.

White Scott, Adelin: A comparative study of responses of children of different nationalities and..

25,00 €
Holbeck, Elmer Scott: An analysis of the activities and potentialities for achievement of the parent-teacher association with recommendations. Dissertation.

Holbeck, Elmer Scott: An analysis of the activities and potentialities for achievement of the..

35,00 €
Scott, Cecil Winfield: Indefinite teacher tenure : a critical study of the historical, legal, operative, and comparative aspects. Dissertation.

Scott, Cecil Winfield: Indefinite teacher tenure : a critical study of the historical, legal..

35,00 €
Hall, Winfield Scott: The Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America . Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in hist. and polit. science 54,3.

Hall, Winfield Scott: The Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America . Dissertation..

14,00 €
Flippin, Percy Scott: The financial administration of the colony of Virginia. Dissertation.

Flippin, Percy Scott: The financial administration of the colony of Virginia. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Gray, William Scott: Studies of elementary-school reading through standardized tests. Dissertation.

Gray, William Scott: Studies of elementary-school reading through standardized tests. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Eby, James Brian: The geology and coal resources of the coal-bearing portions of Wise and Scott counties, Virginia. Dissertation.

Eby, James Brian: The geology and coal resources of the coal bearing portions of Wise and Scott..

25,00 €
Ward, Merle Scott: Philosophies of administration current in the deanship of the liberal arts college. Dissertation.

Ward, Merle Scott: Philosophies of administration current in the deanship of the liberal arts..

40,00 €
Schaefer, Scott A: Phylogenetic analysis of the loricariid subfamily Hypoptopomatinae (Pisces: Siluroidei: Loricariidae), with comments on generic diagnoses and geographic distribution.  Sonderdruck aus: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 102-1-41.

Schaefer, Scott A: Phylogenetic analysis of the loricariid subfamily Hypoptopomatinae (Pisces:..

12,00 €
Scott, W B; Stanford H Smith: The Occurrence of the Longjaw Cisco, Leucichthys alpenae, in Lake Erie. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 19, 1013-1023.

Scott, W B; Stanford H Smith: The Occurrence of the Longjaw Cisco, Leucichthys alpenae, in Lake..

9,00 €
Scott, D; Bridges, B. A.Sobels, F. H. (Eds.): Progress in genetic toxicology. Developments in toxicology and environmental science vol. 2.

Scott, D; Bridges, B. A.Sobels, F. H. (Eds.): Progress in genetic toxicology. Developments in..

29,00 €
Schitter, Hans Günter: Die drei letzten Romane F. Scott Fitzgeralds : Untersuchungen zur Spiegelung von zeitgeschichtlichem und mythischem Bewußtsein im literarischen Kunstwerk. Dissertation. Abhandlungen zur..

Schitter, Hans Günter: Die drei letzten Romane F. Scott Fitzgeralds : Untersuchungen zur..

9,00 €
Doyen, John T.; Miller, Scott E: Review of Pleistocene darkling ground beetles of the California asphalt deposits (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, Zopheridae). Sonderdruck aus: Pan-Pacific Entomologist 56, 1-10.

Doyen, John T.; Miller, Scott E: Review of Pleistocene darkling ground beetles of the California..

9,00 €
Scott, Robert Walter Theodore Gordon: Panama. Gaisford prize : Greek prose 1915.

Scott, Robert Walter Theodore Gordon: Panama. Gaisford prize : Greek prose 1915.

30,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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