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3.714 Artikel gefunden


Gerrits, W. B. J: Vitamine B1-stofwisseling bij zuigelingen.

Gerrits, W. B. J: Vitamine B1-stofwisseling bij zuigelingen.

6,00 €
GERNANDT, B: GERNANDT, B., Colour sensitivity, contrast and polarity of the retinal elements.- J. Neurophysiol. 10, 303-308 (1947)., Obr.,  [SD69]..,// GERNANDT, B., Granit, R., Single fibre analysis of inhibition and the polarity of the retinal elements.

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5,00 €
GAARSKJAER, F. B: GAARSKJAER, F. B., Danscher, G., West, M. J., Hippocampal mossy fiber sin the regio superior of the european hedegehog. Brain Res. 237, 79-90 (1982).,, //  Organization of the mossy fiber system if the rat studied in extended hippocampi,

GAARSKJAER, F. B: GAARSKJAER, F. B., Danscher, G., West, M. J., Hippocampal mossy fiber sin the..

7,00 €
FROESCH & SCHNAPP: FROESCH, D., The synaptic profiles in the posterior chromatophore lobe of the Octopus brain., A study  in normal and degenerated tissue., Brain Res. 47, 1-19 (1972)., Obr.,  [SD192].., // SCHNAPP, B. J., Stuart, A. E., Synaptic contacts

FROESCH & SCHNAPP: FROESCH, D., The synaptic profiles in the posterior chromatophore lobe of the..

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FRITZSCH, B: FRITZSCH, B.,  Fast axonal diffusion 40 molecular weight dextran amines. J. Neurosci, Methods 50, 95-103 (1993)., Obr.,  [WES43]..,// FRITZSCH, B., The lateral-line and inner-ear afferents in larval and adult urodeles. Brain Behav. Evolut. 31

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7,00 €
FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age-dependent effects of deafferentiation. J. Comp. Neurol., 246,, 1-19 (1986)., Obr,  WES777]...,// FRIEDMAN, B., Kleinfeld, D., Ip, N. Y., Verge, V. M. K., Moulton, R., Boland,

FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age dependent effects..

5,00 €
Francois, Louise von: Die letzte Reckenburgerin.

Francois, Louise von: Die letzte Reckenburgerin.

4,00 €
FORTEZA-BOVER, G: FORTEZA-BOVER, G., Cadela, R. B., Citoqimica de la celula leucemica.  Trab. Publ. Revista Hematologia y Hetamoterapia 1, Fasc.2, , 3-18 (1961)., Obr.,  [WES73].., // FORTEZA-VILA, J., Forteza Bover, G., Guillem, E.  B., Ultraestructura d

FORTEZA BOVER, G: FORTEZA BOVER, G., Cadela, R. B., Citoqimica de la celula leucemica. Trab. Publ..

4,00 €
FINLAY, B. L: XIONG, M., Pallas, S. L., Lim, S., Finlay, B. L., Regulation of retinal ganglion cell axon arbor size by target availability. Mechanisms of compression and expansion of the retinotectal projection. J. Comp. Neurol. 344, 581-597 (1994, Obr.,

FINLAY, B. L: XIONG, M., Pallas, S. L., Lim, S., Finlay, B. L., Regulation of retinal ganglion cell..

5,00 €
FADEN, A. I: ELDADAH, B. A., Yakovlev, A. G., Faden, A. I.,, The role of CED-3-related cyteine proteases in apooptopsis of cerebellar granule cells., J. Neuroscience 17, 6105-6113 (1997)., Obr.,  [WES108]..,//  SUN, F. Y., Faden, A. I., Pretreatment with

FADEN, A. I: ELDADAH, B. A., Yakovlev, A. G., Faden, A. I.,, The role of CED 3 related cyteine..

5,00 €
EWALD, S. J., Sanders, B. G: EA-rosette forming cells in chickens. Presence in spleens of bursectomized chickens and relationships to B-lymphocytes.

EWALD, S. J., Sanders, B. G: EA rosette forming cells in chickens. Presence in spleens of..

4,00 €
ERNST, E: ERNST, E., Koczkas, J., Über die Osmose., Z. Physik. 109, 625-641 (1938),., Obr.,  [SD190].., // ERNST, E.. Kellner, B., Mikroskopische Struktur des Muskels in Ruhe und Kontraktion., Z. Zellforschung 25, 30010-30020 (1936)., Obr.,  [SD190].

ERNST, E: ERNST, E., Koczkas, J., Über die Osmose., Z. Physik. 109, 625 641 (1938),., Obr..

5,00 €
Engelhardt, Wolf von: Tübinger Universitätsreden Nr. 16. Probleme der kosmischen Mineralogie.

Engelhardt, Wolf von: Tübinger Universitätsreden Nr. 16. Probleme der kosmischen Mineralogie.

13,00 €
Wallishausser, J. B. (Ed.): Geschichte der nachtheiligen Folgen der Staatsrevolutionen alter und neuer Zeiten. (Revolutions-Almanach von 1794).,  I & II.

Wallishausser, J. B. (Ed.): Geschichte der nachtheiligen Folgen der Staatsrevolutionen alter und..

222,00 €
EINSTEIN, G: EINSTEIN, G, Buranosky, R., Crain, B. J., Dendritic pathology of granule cells in Alzheimer's disese is unrealted to neuritic plaques.,  J. Neuroscience 1300, 5077-5088 (1994)., Obr.,  ., // EINSTEIN, G., Intracellualr injection of lucifer ye

EINSTEIN, G: EINSTEIN, G, Buranosky, R., Crain, B. J., Dendritic pathology of granule cells in..

6,00 €
EDGERTON & CODY: EDGERTON, B. J., Brimacombe, J. A., House, W. F., Auditory capabilities of single-channel cochlear implant patients. Arch. Otolaryngol. 111, 255-258 (1985),., Obr.,  [WES108]..,//  CODY, A. R., Johnstone, B. M., Temporary threshold shift

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5,00 €
DURON, B: DURON, B.-, Jung-Caillol, M. C.-, Marlot, D., Myelinated nerve fiber supply  and muscle spindles in the respiratorys muscles of cat. Qunatitative study., Anat.Embryol., 152, 171-192 (1978)., Obr.,  [SD187]..,  //  MARLOT, D., Macron, J. M., Duro

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4,00 €
DUBOIS-DAUPHIN & GUTH: DUBOIS-DAUPHIN, M., Tribollet, E., Dreifuss, J. J.  A sexually dimorphic vasopressin innervation of the auditory pathways in the guinea pig brain., Brain Res. 437, 151-156 (1987].., Obr.,  [SD187]..-, // GUTH, P. S., Melamed. B.,  N

DUBOIS DAUPHIN & GUTH: DUBOIS DAUPHIN, M., Tribollet, E., Dreifuss, J. J. A sexually dimorphic..

5,00 €
DREHER, B: MARTIN, P. R., Sefton, A. J., Dreher, B., The retinal location and fate of ganglion cells which project to the ipsilateral superior colliculus in neonatal albino and hooded rats. Neurosci. Letters 41, 219-226 (1983) , Obr., [WES84]. //PETTIGREW

DREHER, B: MARTIN, P. R., Sefton, A. J., Dreher, B., The retinal location and fate of ganglion..

6,00 €
Does, R. J. M. M., .K. C. B. Roes & A. Trip: Statistical process control in industry.,Implementation and assurance of SPC.

Does, R. J. M. M., .K. C. B. Roes & A. Trip: Statistical process control in..

87,00 €
DJAMGOZ, M. B: DJAMGOZ, M. B. A., Fitzgerald, E. M., Yamada, M., Spectal pasticity of H1 horizontal cells in carp retina. Independent modulation by dopamine and Light.-adaptation., Europ. J. Neuroscience 8, 1571-1579 (1996)., Obr.,    [WES117]..,// TER-MA

DJAMGOZ, M. B: DJAMGOZ, M. B. A., Fitzgerald, E. M., Yamada, M., Spectal pasticity of H1 horizontal..

5,00 €
Dipierri, J. E., S. B., Ocampo, & A. Russo: An estimation of inbreeding from isonymy in the historical (1734-1810) population of the Guebrada de Humahuaca  (Jujuy, Argentnia).,.

Dipierri, J. E., S. B., Ocampo, & A. Russo: An estimation of inbreeding from isonymy in the..

4,00 €
DEVOR  & SOSA: DEVOR, M., Wall, P. D., McMahon, S. B., Dichotomizing somatic nerve fibers exist in rats but they are rare, Neurosci,Letters  49, 187-192 (1984)., Obr.,  [SD172]..,,//   SOSA, J. M., Collateral nerve fibers within septum dorsale of the spin

DEVOR & SOSA: DEVOR, M., Wall, P. D., McMahon, S. B., Dichotomizing somatic nerve fibers exist in..

4,00 €
Davidson, J. M.  & B. Flerko: Conrol of Gonadotropin secretion in the male., Conrtol of Gonadotropin secretion in the female.

Davidson, J. M. & B. Flerko: Conrol of Gonadotropin secretion in the male., Conrtol of..

4,00 €
DANNHOF, B,. J., Bruns, V: The innervation of the organ of Corti in the rat.

DANNHOF, B,. J., Bruns, V: The innervation of the organ of Corti in the rat.

4,00 €
Damato, R.J., M. E. Blue, B. L Largent, D. . Lynch, D. J. Ledbetter, M. E. Molliver & S. H. Snyder: Ontogeny of the serotonergic projection to rat neocortex. Transient expression  of a dense inervation to primary sensory areas.

Damato, R.J., M. E. Blue, B. L Largent, D. . Lynch, D. J. Ledbetter, M. E. Molliver & S. H. Snyder:..

4,00 €
Curie, Eve: Madame Curie.

Curie, Eve: Madame Curie.

8,00 €
CUELLO, A. C: CUELLO, A. C., Milstein, C., Wright, B., Bramwell, S., Priesley, J. V., Jarvis, J., Development and application of a monoclonal rat peroxidase antiperoxidase (PAP) immunocytochemical reagent. Histocmeistry 80, 257-261 (1984)., Obr-.,  [WES61

CUELLO, A. C: CUELLO, A. C., Milstein, C., Wright, B., Bramwell, S., Priesley, J. V., Jarvis, J..

6,00 €
COWIE, R. J., Carpenter, M. B: Transneuronal transport in the vestibular and auditory systems of the squirrel mmonkey and the arctig ground Squirrel. II. Auditory system.

COWIE, R. J., Carpenter, M. B: Transneuronal transport in the vestibular and auditory systems of..

4,00 €
CORRIGAL, W. A. et al: CORRIGAL, W. A., Crain, S. M., Bornstein, M. B., Electrophysiological studies of fetal mouse olfactory bulb explants during development of synaptic functions in culture. J. Neurobiol. 7, 521-536 (1976)., Orb.,  [SD103]..,// CONSTANZ

CORRIGAL, W. A. et al: CORRIGAL, W. A., Crain, S. M., Bornstein, M. B., Electrophysiological..

5,00 €
BLATCHLEY, B. J., Williams, J. E., Coleman, J. R: Age-dependent effects of acoustic deprivation in spherical cells of the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus.

BLATCHLEY, B. J., Williams, J. E., Coleman, J. R: Age dependent effects of acoustic deprivation in..

4,00 €
CULVENOR, A, J., Jarrott, B: Comparison of beta-adrenoceptors in bovine intracerebral microvessels and cerebral gey  matter by 3.H. Dihydroalprenolol binding.

CULVENOR, A, J., Jarrott, B: Comparison of beta adrenoceptors in bovine intracerebral microvessels..

4,00 €
CHRIST, B., & H. J. Jacob: Über die embryonale Entwicklung der Gliedmaßenmuskulatur.

CHRIST, B., & H. J. Jacob: Über die embryonale Entwicklung der Gliedmaßenmuskulatur.

4,00 €
CHEN, B-. X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F: A strategy for immunocytochemical signal enhancement by end-product amplification.

CHEN, B . X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F: A strategy for immunocytochemical..

4,00 €
CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J. Y., Vestibular and cochlear efferent neurons in the monkey identified by immunocytochemical methods., Brain Res. 408, 275-280 (1987)., Obr.,  [WES80].., // CA

CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J..

6,00 €
Cannone, Alberto J., & B. M. H. Bush: Reflexes mediated by non-impulsive afferent neurones of thoracic coxal muscle receptor organs in the crab, Carcinus maenas., III. Positive feedback to the receptor muscle.,  IV. Motor activation of the receptor muscle

Cannone, Alberto J., & B. M. H. Bush: Reflexes mediated by non impulsive afferent neurones of..

6,00 €
CAMMER, W., Downing, M., Clarke, W., Schenkman, J. B: Immunocytochemical staining of the RLM6 form of cytochrom P-450 in olidodendrocytes and mylein of rat brain.

CAMMER, W., Downing, M., Clarke, W., Schenkman, J. B: Immunocytochemical staining of the RLM6 form..

4,00 €
BULLIER, J: HENRY, G. H., Mustari, M. J., Bullier, J., Different geniculate inputs to B and C cells of cat striate cortex. Exp. Brain Res. 52, 179-189 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES63]..,   // BULLIER, J., Kennedy, H., Projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus o

BULLIER, J: HENRY, G. H., Mustari, M. J., Bullier, J., Different geniculate inputs to B and C cells..

7,00 €
PHILPOT, B. D., Lim, J. H., Halpain, S., Brunjes, P C: Experience-dependent modifications on MAP2 phosphorylation in rat olfactory bulb.

PHILPOT, B. D., Lim, J. H., Halpain, S., Brunjes, P C: Experience dependent modifications on MAP2..

4,00 €
BROWN, P. B: BROWN, P. B., Koerber, H. R., Yezierski, R. P., Cross-correlation analysis of connectivities among cat lumbosacral dorsal horn cells.J. neurophysiol. 42, 1199-1211 (1979) , Obr., [WES145].// BROWN, P. B., Millecchia, R., Culbertson, J. L., Gl

BROWN, P. B: BROWN, P. B., Koerber, H. R., Yezierski, R. P., Cross correlation analysis of..

5,00 €
BROWN, G. B., Tieszen, S. C., Daly, J. W., Warnick, J. E., Albuquerque, E. X: Batrachotoxinin-A 20-alpha-benzoate. A new radioactive ligand for voltage sensitive sodium channels.

BROWN, G. B., Tieszen, S. C., Daly, J. W., Warnick, J. E., Albuquerque, E. X: Batrachotoxinin A 20..

4,00 €
BOYCOTT, B. B: BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in the primate retina. J. Neurocytol. 22..

BOYCOTT, B. B: BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in..

6,00 €
BOOTH, R. F. G., Patel, T. B., Clark, J. B: The development of enzymes of energy metabolism in the brain of a precocial (Guinea pig) and non-precocial (Rat) species.

BOOTH, R. F. G., Patel, T. B., Clark, J. B: The development of enzymes of energy metabolism in the..

4,00 €
BLESSING, W. W: BLESSING, W. W., Furness, J. B., Costa, M., West, M. J., Chhalmers, J. P., Projection of ventrolateral medullary (A1) catecholamine neurons toward nucleus tractus solitarii. Cell Tiss Res. 220, 27-40 (1981)., Obr.,  [WES77]..,// BLESSING,

BLESSING, W. W: BLESSING, W. W., Furness, J. B., Costa, M., West, M. J., Chhalmers, J. P..

9,00 €
Binder, Wolfgang & Alfred Kelletat: Hölderlin. Friedensfeier. Lichtdrucke der Reinschrift und ihrer Vorstufen.

Binder, Wolfgang & Alfred Kelletat: Hölderlin. Friedensfeier. Lichtdrucke der Reinschrift und..

12,00 €
Bertholet, A: Biblische Theologie des Alten Testaments 1911. Zweiter Band. Die juedische Religion von der Zeit Esras bis zum Zeitalter Christi.

Bertholet, A: Biblische Theologie des Alten Testaments 1911. Zweiter Band. Die juedische Religion..

12,00 €
BELICHENKO, P. V: BELICHENKO, P. B., Dahlstöm, A., Dual channel confocal laser   scanning microscopoy of lucifer yellow microinjected human cells combined with texas..

BELICHENKO, P. V: BELICHENKO, P. B., Dahlstöm, A., Dual channel confocal laser scanning..

5,00 €
Bekk, J. B: Die Bewegung in Baden von Ende Februar 1848 bis zur Mitte Mai 1849.

Bekk, J. B: Die Bewegung in Baden von Ende Februar 1848 bis zur Mitte Mai 1849.

36,00 €


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