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6.071 Artikel gefunden


Hebard, Morgan: Previously unreported tropical American Blattidae in the British Museum (Orthoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 55, 345-388.

Hebard, Morgan: Previously unreported tropical American Blattidae in the British Museum..

14,00 €
Reidemeister, Leopold (Hrsg.): Max Kaus Gemälde von 1917 bis 1970. Max Kaus zum 80. Geburtstag des Künstlers am 11. März 1971 im Namen seiner Freunde.

Reidemeister, Leopold (Hrsg.): Max Kaus Gemälde von 1917 bis 1970. Max Kaus zum 80. Geburtstag des..

30,00 €
Alexander Kanoldt 1881-1939. Gemälde Zeichnungen Lithographien.

Alexander Kanoldt 1881-1939. Gemälde Zeichnungen Lithographien.

35,00 €
Alexander Kanoldt 1881-1939. Gemälde Zeichnungen Lithographien.

Alexander Kanoldt 1881-1939. Gemälde Zeichnungen Lithographien.

28,00 €
Pardi, Gianfranco - Volker Feierabend, Annamaria Maggi: Gianfranco Pardi - Retrospektive 1972 / 1998 - Kunstverein Frankfurt, Museum Bochum, Kulturhistorisches Museum Stralsund.

Pardi, Gianfranco Volker Feierabend, Annamaria Maggi: Gianfranco Pardi Retrospektive 1972 /..

27,00 €
Dippenaar, N J: Variation in Crocidura mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844) in southern Africa, Part 1 (Mammalia: Soricidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 30, no. 16.

Dippenaar, N J: Variation in Crocidura mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844) in southern Africa, Part 1..

16,00 €
Reenen, J A Van: General structure and terminology of the external male amd female genitalia of the Gonocerini (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 30, no. 1.

Reenen, J A Van: General structure and terminology of the external male amd female genitalia of the..

12,00 €
Faure, Nicolas ; Hürlimann, Thomas: Switzerland on the Rocks : Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich.

Faure, Nicolas ; Hürlimann, Thomas: Switzerland on the Rocks : Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich.

30,00 €
Holeczek, Bernhard: Rudolf Jahns. Retrospektive 1919-1980. Ausstellung zum 85. Geburtstag.

Holeczek, Bernhard: Rudolf Jahns. Retrospektive 1919-1980. Ausstellung zum 85. Geburtstag.

16,00 €
Delfinado, Mercedes D: The Philippine biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) : Philippine Zoological Expedition, 1946 - 1947. Fieldiana. Zoology 33,7 = Chicago Natural History Museum, Publication 920.

Delfinado, Mercedes D: The Philippine biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera:..

19,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,5: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,5: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Strachan, Isles: The Ordovician graptolites of the Shelve district, Shropshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,1.

Strachan, Isles: The Ordovician graptolites of the Shelve district, Shropshire. Bulletin of the..

19,00 €
Lewis, D. N: The Cretaceous echinoid Boletechinus, with notes on the phylogeny of the Glyphocyphidae and Temnopleuridae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,2.

Lewis, D. N: The Cretaceous echinoid Boletechinus, with notes on the phylogeny of the..

16,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,4: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 40,4: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,5.

Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

14,00 €
Johannes Itten. Het Velum.

Johannes Itten. Het Velum.

15,00 €
Bogner, Dieter; Eva Badura-Triska: Johannes Itten. Meine Symbole, meine Mythologien werden die Formen und Farben sein.

Bogner, Dieter; Eva Badura Triska: Johannes Itten. Meine Symbole, meine Mythologien werden die..

18,00 €
Immendorff zeichne. Zeichnungen 1959-1989.

Immendorff zeichne. Zeichnungen 1959-1989.

12,00 €
Hoppe-Sailer, Richard (Redaktion): Monika Huber.

Hoppe-Sailer, Richard (Redaktion): Monika Huber.

7,00 €
Bartsch, Ingo; Tayfun Belgin (Hrsg.): Gerhard Hoehme. Wir haben den Kosmos in uns.

Bartsch, Ingo; Tayfun Belgin (Hrsg.): Gerhard Hoehme. Wir haben den Kosmos in uns.

12,00 €
Corbet, Gordon B.; Hill, J. E: A world list of mammalian species. British Museum (Natural History) Publication 813.

Corbet, Gordon B.; Hill, J. E: A world list of mammalian species. British Museum (Natural History)..

9,00 €
Cocks, L. R. et al: The Llandovery series of the type area. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,3.

Cocks, L. R. et al: The Llandovery series of the type area. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

16,00 €
Whybrow, P. J. (ed.): Miocene geology and palaeontology of Ad Dabtiyah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 41,4.

Whybrow, P. J. (ed.): Miocene geology and palaeontology of Ad Dabtiyah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Siepmann, Eckhard: Alchimie des Alltags - Das Werkbund-Archiv Museum der Alltagskultur des 20. Jahrhunderts - Gebrauchsanweisung für einen neuen Museumstypus.

Siepmann, Eckhard: Alchimie des Alltags Das Werkbund Archiv Museum der Alltagskultur des 20..

10,00 €
Max Ernst: a retrospective. Second printing
 New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, March 1975.

Max Ernst: a retrospective. Second printing New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, March..

15,00 €
Earth and Fire. The Historical Development of Kyushu Ceramics. The Permanent Exhibition Guide Book
 Kyushu, The Ceramic Museum, (1996).

Earth and Fire. The Historical Development of Kyushu Ceramics. The Permanent Exhibition Guide Book..

17,00 €
Corbet, Gordon Barclay: The mammals of the Palaearctic region : a taxonomic review. British Museum (Natural History) Publication 788.

Corbet, Gordon Barclay: The mammals of the Palaearctic region : a taxonomic review. British Museum..

39,00 €
Ashmole, N. P. ; Ashmole, Myrtle J: Comparative feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic island. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Bulletin 24.

Ashmole, N. P. ; Ashmole, Myrtle J: Comparative feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic..

25,00 €
Feder, Gottfried (Dipl. Ing., MdR.) + Rechenberg, Fritz: Die neue Stadt; Versuch der Begründung einer neuen Stadtplanungskunst aus der sozialen Struktur der Bevölkerung.

Feder, Gottfried (Dipl. Ing., MdR.) + Rechenberg, Fritz: Die neue Stadt; Versuch der Begründung..

220,00 €
Sieker, Hugo (Hrsg.): Bildhauer Wield, 1880-1940. Ein Gedenkbuch. Mit einem Geleitwort von Erich Lüth.

Sieker, Hugo (Hrsg.): Bildhauer Wield, 1880 1940. Ein Gedenkbuch. Mit einem Geleitwort von Erich..

18,00 €
Povl Eller und Elisabeth Henningsen: Frederiksborg Museum.

Povl Eller und Elisabeth Henningsen: Frederiksborg Museum.

5,00 €
Collins, Joseph S. ; Mellen, Frederic F: Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi, eastern gulf region, U.S.A. : 1. Palaeontology; 2. Geology. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,6.

Collins, Joseph S. ; Mellen, Frederic F: Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and..

11,00 €
Dean, William T: The Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and faunas of the Taurus Mountains near Beysehir, Turkey, part 2: The trilobites of the Seydisehir formation (Ordovician). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,1.

Dean, William T: The Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and faunas of the Taurus Mountains near..

11,00 €
Gentry, Alan William: The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion fauna. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,6.

Gentry, Alan William: The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion fauna..

14,00 €
Crompton, Alfred W: The dentitions and relationships of the southern African Triassic mammals, Erythrotherium parringtoni and Megazostrodon rudnerae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 24,7.

Crompton, Alfred W: The dentitions and relationships of the southern African Triassic mammals..

16,00 €
Scrutton, Colin Thomas: Palaeozoic coral faunas from Venezuela, 1: Silurian and permocarboniferous corals from the Mérida Andes. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,5.

Scrutton, Colin Thomas: Palaeozoic coral faunas from Venezuela, 1: Silurian and permocarboniferous..

10,00 €
Cray, Peter E: Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds (Upper Eocene) of southern England. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,1.

Cray, Peter E: Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds..

16,00 €
Owen, Ellis Frederic: A revision of the brachiopod subfamily Kingeninae Elliott. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,2.

Owen, Ellis Frederic: A revision of the brachiopod subfamily Kingeninae Elliott. Bulletin of the..

24,00 €
Boulter, Michael Charles: A palynological study of two of the Neogene plant beds in Derbyshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,7.

Boulter, Michael Charles: A palynological study of two of the Neogene plant beds in Derbyshire..

11,00 €
Patterson, Colin: Two upper cretaceous salmoniform fishes from the Lebanon. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,5.

Patterson, Colin: Two upper cretaceous salmoniform fishes from the Lebanon. Bulletin of the British..

24,00 €
Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,4.

Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co..

16,00 €
Jolly, Clifford J: The classification and natural history of theropithecus (simopithecus)(Andrews, 1916), baboons of the African plio-pleistocene. Dissertation. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,1.

Jolly, Clifford J: The classification and natural history of theropithecus (simopithecus)(Andrews..

34,00 €
Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,4.

Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin..

19,00 €
Cocks, Leonard Robert Morrison: Silurian brachiopods of the superfamily Plectambonitacea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,4.

Cocks, Leonard Robert Morrison: Silurian brachiopods of the superfamily Plectambonitacea. Bulletin..

11,00 €
Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,2.

Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
Hughes, Christopher Paul: The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales, part 1. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 18,3.

Hughes, Christopher Paul: The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth Llandrindod Inlier, central..

30,00 €
Aldridge, Richard J: Llandovery conodonts from the Welsh borderland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,2.

Aldridge, Richard J: Llandovery conodonts from the Welsh borderland. Bulletin of the British Museum..

14,00 €
Clemens, William Alvin; Mills, James R: Review of Peramus tenuirostris Owen (Eupantotheria, Mammalia). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,3.

Clemens, William Alvin; Mills, James R: Review of Peramus tenuirostris Owen (Eupantotheria..

14,00 €


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