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16 Artikel gefunden


BIBLIOTHEK – Große representative BÜCHERSAMMLUNG 1630 bis 1860 BÜCHERWAND

BIBLIOTHEK – Große representative BÜCHERSAMMLUNG 1630 bis 1860 BÜCHERWAND

14.500,00 €
Paläontologische Zeitschrift.    Häntzschel, W. (Hrsg.).    E. Kemper / U. Lehmann / B. Werner / V. Fahlbusch / P. Siegfried..

Paläontologische Zeitschrift. Häntzschel, W. (Hrsg.). E. Kemper / U. Lehmann / B. Werner /..

21,00 €
Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried Dingler und  Emil Maximilian Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal.  105. Band, Jahrgang 1847,  Dritte Reihe Fünfter Band (..

Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried Dingler und Emil Maximilian Dingler:..

72,00 €
HASHIKAWA, T: HASHIKAWA, T., Molinari, M., Rausell, E., Jones, E. G., Patchy and laminar terminations of medial geniculate axons in monkey auditory cortex. J. Co p. Neurol. 362, 195-208 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES64].., // HASHIKAWA, T., The inferior Colliculopo

HASHIKAWA, T: HASHIKAWA, T., Molinari, M., Rausell, E., Jones, E. G., Patchy and laminar..

6,00 €
DeFelipe, J., M. Cnley & E. G. Jones: Long-range focal collateralization of axons ariding from coortcocortical cells in mokey sensory-motor cortex.

DeFelipe, J., M. Cnley & E. G. Jones: Long range focal collateralization of axons ariding from..

4,00 €
The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume LXI.

The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume LXI.

19,00 €
HIRAI, T., Jones, E. G: Distribution of tachykinin- and enkephalin immunoreactive fibers in the human thalamus.

HIRAI, T., Jones, E. G: Distribution of tachykinin and enkephalin immunoreactive fibers in the..

4,00 €
MOLINARI, M., Dell'Anna, M. E., Rausell, E., Leggio, M. G., Hashikawa, T., Jones, E. G: Auditory thalamocortical pathways defined in monkeys by calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity.

MOLINARI, M., Dell'Anna, M. E., Rausell, E., Leggio, M. G., Hashikawa, T., Jones, E. G: Auditory..

4,00 €
SCHREYER, D, J., Jones, E. G: Axon elimination in the developing corticospinal tract of the rat.

SCHREYER, D, J., Jones, E. G: Axon elimination in the developing corticospinal tract of the rat.

4,00 €
PETERS, A: PETERS, A., Chandelier Cells. In Cerebral Cortex I-.,. A. Peters & E. G F. Jones (Eds.) ,// PETERS, A., Bipolar cells in Cerebral CortexI. A. Peters & E. G. Jones, (Eds.)., Plenum, New York 1984, pp. 381-407.-, Kopie, //  PETERS, A., Saint-Mari

PETERS, A: PETERS, A., Chandelier Cells. In Cerebral Cortex I .,. A. Peters & E. G F. Jones (Eds.)..

4,00 €
JONES, E. G: JONES, E. G., Hendry, S, H. C., Brandon, C., Cytochrome oxidase staining reveals functional organization oof monkey somatosensory thalamus., Exp. Brain Res. 62, 438-442 (1986)., Obr.,  [SDG129].., // DE FELIPE, J., Conley, M., Jones, E. G.,

JONES, E. G: JONES, E. G., Hendry, S, H. C., Brandon, C., Cytochrome oxidase staining reveals..

6,00 €
Jones, E G. & B. K. Hartmann: Recent advances in neuroanatomical methodology.

Jones, E G. & B. K. Hartmann: Recent advances in neuroanatomical methodology.

4,00 €
HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C-. Jones, E. G-., Vaughn,  J. E: Morphological diversity of immunocytochemically identified GABA neurons in the monkey sensory-motor cortex.

HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C . Jones, E. G ., Vaughn, J. E: Morphological diversity of..

4,00 €
HERKENHAM, M: HERKENHAM, M., New perspectives on the organization and evolution of nonspecific thalamocortical projections. In Cerebral Cortex V. Ed, V. E. G. Jones, & A. Peters, Plenum, New York 1986, pp. 403-445., Obr.-,  [SD134]..,// HERKENHAM M., Edle

HERKENHAM, M: HERKENHAM, M., New perspectives on the organization and evolution of nonspecific..

5,00 €
HENDRY, S. H. C: HENDRY, S. H. C., Jones, E. G., Hockfield, S., MacKay, R. D. G., Neuronal populations stained with the monoclonal antibody Cat-301 in the mammalian cerebral cortex and thalamus. J. Neurosci. 8, 5178-542 (1988)., Obr.,  [WES63]..,// HENDRY

HENDRY, S. H. C: HENDRY, S. H. C., Jones, E. G., Hockfield, S., MacKay, R. D. G., Neuronal..

5,00 €
HENDRY, S. H. C: H. , , C.,, Jones, E. G.,, Graham, J., Thalamic relay nuclei for cerebellar and certain related fiber systems in  the cat., J. Comp, Neurol. 185, 679-714 (1979)., Obr., Unterstr.  [SD134]..,//H. & , Jones, E. G., Thalamic inputs to identi

HENDRY, S. H. C: H. , , C.,, Jones, E. G.,, Graham, J., Thalamic relay nuclei for cerebellar and..

4,00 €
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