die Seiten und der Einband sind altersbedingt gebräunt, fleckig, Einbandkanten mit Bestoßungen, , PROCEEDINGS OF A SYMPOSIUM ON PROCEEDINGS OF A SYMPOSIUM ON HELD BY THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY IN BLED, YUGOSLAVLA, 10-14 APRIL 1972 - (VERFAHREN EINES SYMPOSIUMS ÜBER DIE VERHANDLUNG EINES VON DER INTERNATIONALEN ATOMGENERGIEAGENTUR IN BLED, JUGOSLAVLA, 10. - 14. APRIL 1972 GEHALTENEN SYMPOSIUMS) from the content: GENERAL ANALYTICAL METHODS (Sessions I and II): Opening Review Paper: Elements newly identified as essential for animals, K. Schwarz - Trace-element analysis and electrochemical studies of niicroquantities of biological samples by prompt atomic and nuclear reactions, G.F.A. Demortier, C. Gillet, J. Lefebvre - Contaminations induced by coUection of liver biopsies and human blood, J.M.J. Vers ieck, A.B.H. Spee c ke - The use of gamma activation to study the behaviour of certain metals, in particular lead, during the dry ashing of bone, J.S. Hislop, D.R.Williams - Neutron resonance methods of elemental analysis, R.G. Gambarian - Multi-element determination in biological tissues by neutron activation analysis and semiconductor gamma spectroscopy, L.-O. Plantin - Un programa en Fortran para el calculo automätico de los espectros gamma de detectores GeLi con una computadora electronica pequena, A. Travesi, J. Adrada, J. Palomares - Vanadium determination in biological materials by the use of preconcentration, M. Levstek, L.Kosta, M.Dermelj, A.R.Byrne - Determination of vanadium in biological materials by neutron activat/ation analysis, Else Damsgaard, K. Heydorn, B. Rietz - Determination of lead in biological materials by neutron activation analysis, D.Gibbons, M. Perkins, T.W.Sanders - Experimental comparison between neutron activation analysis and oscillographic polarography with a double electrolytic cell in determining trace elements in aquatic plant samples, G. Bagliano, P. Chamard, G.F. Clemente - The reliability of neutron activation analysis for trace` elements in biological materials, J.Heinonen, O.Suschny. TOXICOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH (Sessions III and IV): Survey Paper: Toxicological studies involving trace elements, J. Parizek - Mercury hazards in dental practice: assessment and control by activation analysis, J.M.A. Lenihan, H. Smith, W. Harvey - Neutron activation analysis as a diagnostic tool for detecting lung disease initiated by hard-metal dust, D. Brune, B. Bivered, S. Mattsson, O. Zetterström - Neutron activation analysis of blood and body tissue from rats exposed to welding fume, P.J. Hewitt, R. Hicks - Neutron activation analysis of smoke released during the production of nodular cast iron, and the determination of possible effects on man, R.F.J. Dams, G. Temmerman, M. Vanhoorne - Environmental pollution: Use of neutron activation analysis to determine the fate of trace elements from fossil fuel combustion in the ecological cycle, W.S. Lyon, L.C. Bäte, J.F. Emery - Air-poUution study of Guildford, Surrey, using neutron activation analysis, O.Hasan, N.M. Spyrou - Analisis por activacion de polvo contaminante del aire en la Ciudad de Mexico, M. Navarrete , L. Galvez, E. Tzontlimatzin, A. Ley - Neutron activation analysis of the aquatic environment in the Sava River, R.Draskovic, R, R ado s avl j e vic , T.Tasovac, M. Z aric - Mercury distribution levels observed in various^ ecosystems as determined by neutron activation analysis, J.J.M. de Goey, J.P.W. Houtm an, P.S. Tjioe, J.H. Koeman. ANIMAL AND PLANT STUDIES (Session V): Accumulation and distribution of elements in plants, P.J. Peterson - Estimate of trace elements in cattle-liver biopsy samples by non-destructive activation analysis with a Ge(Li) detector and Computer evaluation, G. Pethes, A. Idei, B. Sas, A. Simonits, E.Szabo - Quelques aspects du metabolisme du selenium chez le rat, B.Maziere, M.Maziere, D.Comar - Methode et Installation de dosage automatique par activation neutronique de N, P, K, Ca dans les vegetaux, R.A. Srapenyants, You. L. G.Aude, C. Axelrad - Neutron activation analysis for studying the role of humic acids during transport of trace elements in the marine biocycle, D.Huljev, P. Strohal. MEDICINE, IN-VITRO STUDIES (Sessions VI, VII and VIII): Survey Paper: The biochemistry of the trace elements, H.J.M. Bowen - Relations between carbohydrate and trace-element metabolisms investigated by neutron activation analysis, D. Behne , F. Diel - The detection of various forms of nucleotide phosphorus by activation analysis, E. Sabbioni, L.Clerici, F. Campagnari , F. Girardi - Application of neutron activation analysis for the determination of some major trace components in Standard serum, O. Johansen, E. Steinnes - Rapid determination of protein-bound iodine by neutron activation analysis and subsequent ß-counting, J.A. Lubko w it z , M.Heurtebise - Trace elements in normal mammalian tissue and corresponding malignant tumours, H. Schicha, K.Kasperek, V. Riedel, L.E. Feinendegen , K. Vyska, W. Müller - Measurement by non-destructive neutron activation analysis of bromine concentration in the secretions of nursing mothers, Zhila Khalkhali, B. Parsa, B. Parsa - Use of the stable tracers 58 Fe and 50 Cr for the study of iron utilization in pregnant women, N.C. Dyer, A.B. Brill - The use of 46 Ca to measure csdcium absorption in the neonate, D. Barltrop, Alice Sutton - Copper analysis of nail clippings for the detection of cystic fibrosis, L.E. Fite, R.E. Wainerdi, G.M. H ar r is on , R. Doggett - Trace elements in relation to cardiovascular diseases: the WHO/IAEA Joint Research Programme, R. Masironi - Trace-element concentrations in human serum: diagnostic implications, K. Kasperek, H. Schicha, V. Silier, L.E, Feinendegen, A.Höck - Selenium and chromium assay in Egyptian foods and in blood of Egyptian children by activation analysis, V. Maxia, S. Meloni, M.A. Rollier, A. Brandone, V.N. Patwardhan, C.I. Waslien, Said El Shami - Concentracion de fliior en esmalte y dentina de dientes humanos normales y veteados. Correccion por variaciones de tiempo muerto en la determinacion instrumental del 20 F, EvaY.de Aisenberg, I.M.Cohen, R. Korob, M.D. Rudelli - Neutron activation analysis of arsenic, manganese and selenium concentrations in organs of uraemic and normal persons, N.A. Larsen, B. Nielsen, H. Pakkenberg, P. Christoffersen, Else Damsgaard, K. Heydorn. MEDICINE, In-VIVO STUDIES (Session IX): Production of a uniform neutron fluence in a man-like phantom and determination of total-body sodium in humans by neutron activation analysis, J.Anderson, CK. Battye, S.B. Osborn, R.W.S. Tomlinson, F.A. Ery, D.Newton - Low-cost facilities for partial-body and total-body in-vivo activation analysis in the clinical environment, K.Boddy, I.Holloway, A.Elliott, D.Glaros, I.Robertson, B.W.East - A total-body neutron activation facility employing portable (Q`,n) sources developed for medical research, S.H. Cohn, K.K. Shukla, CS. Dombrowski, R.G. Fairchild - Partial-body in-vivo neutron activation of calcium in bone, D.B. Appleby, L. Bu r kinsh aw , D.H. Mar sh all, B. Oldroyd, CB. Oxby - Quantitative and serial studies of total-body calcium (bone mass) in man by in-vivo activation analysis, W.B. Nelp, J.D. Denney, R. Murano, G.M. Hinn, CH. Chesnut - Measurement of whole-body nitrogen by neutron activation analysis, H.C. Biggin, N.S. Chen, K.V. Ettinger, J.H. Fremlin, W.D. Morgan, R. Nowotny, M.J. Chamberlain. Chairmen of Sessions - Secretariat of the Symposium - List of Participants - Author Index - Index of Preprint Symbols 4j5a