guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Einband mit schmalem Aufkleber ringsherum - Inhaltsverzeichnis und Vorsatz mit alten Bibliotheksstempeln - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest und oberflächlich gering beschädigt - Seiten sauber und ordentlich, A glimpse into Steel's crystal ball - J. L. Block (July) - Aerospace applications, vacuum melted special alloys for - R. P. Simmons and R. K. Pitler (Aug.) - Agarwal, J. C. and H. R. Pratt - Recent developments in firing blast furnace stoves (May) - AIME - National open hearth and basic oxygen steel, 50th annual conference, 84 page insert following page (Apr.) - Program Annual Joint Meeting Eastern and Western States Blast Furnace and Coke Oven Associations (Oct.) - Program, annual meeting Minnesota section in conjunction with University of Minnesota annual mining symposium ( Jan.) - Tentative program, annual meeting, Minnesota section, AlME, and University of Minnesota annual mining symposium (Dec.) - Third Operating Metallurgy Conference, 64 page insert following page (Nov.) - AISE, 1967 annual convention program (Sept.) - AISI - 75th general meeting (July) - Inaugural address - E. F. Martin (July) - Air and water control activities - C. A. Bishop (Aug.) - Algoma Steel to have blast furnace (n) (Jan.) - Allegheny Ludlum Steel - Adds silicon steel rolling capacity (n) (Oct-) - Orders rod and bar mill (n) (Sept.) - Starts L-D plant (n) (May) - Alloys, vacuum melted, for aerospace applications - R. P. Simmons and R. K. Pitler (Aug.) - American Steelmen report on industry in Russia ( Jan.) - Armco Steel - Brings coating line into production (n) (Dec.) - Modernized blast furnace back on job (n) (Oct.) - Plans cold rolling mill at Middletown (n) (Nov.) - Automation, blast furnace - W. A. Munson (May) - Babcock and Wilcox awards contract for vacuum degassing facility (n) (Feb.) - Bailey, D. R. and J. W. Onuschek - High scrap charge in the BOF utilizing solid fuel (Mar.) - Barnes, T. M. and R. A. Nagan - Use of Illinois coal at Interlake's Chicago plant (Jan.) - Bethlehem Steel - Authorizes $13 million continuous casting facility (n) (Aug.) - Construction progresses on BOF's (n) (Dec.) - Lime plant in operation (n) (Jan.) - No. 3 rod mill at Sparrows Point nears completion (n) (Mar.) - Operating new air pollution abatement system (n) (Mar.) - Sheet Chromizing process - E. H. Mayer and R. M. Willison (July) - To have large universal slabbing mill (n) (May) - To install three electric furnaces at Steelton (n) (Aug.) - To install two BOF's at Bethlehem (n) (May) - Bishop, C. A. - Air and water control activities (Aug.) - Blast Furnace - AUTOMATION - W. A. Munson (May) - Inland's No. 5, computer control of N. A. Robins (Dec.) - Linings, investigation of wear phenomena of L. G. Gaffney and M. O. Holowaty (Mar.) - New stockline armor design - F. Lenger. H. Schirmer and A. Otto (May) - Operating temperatures on spray cooled and under-cooled carbon hearth - J. R. Lowe and G. A. Prokipik (June) - Performance and low reaction coke - A. A. Triska (Oct.) - Performance and pellet quality - M. C. Chang (Nov-) - Stoves, high temperature, and gas turbines - J. K. Davis (May) - Stoves, recent developments in firing of J. C. Agarwal and H. R. Pratt (May) - Stoves, refractory recommendations for L. L. Sheatsley (Sept.) - Block, J. L. - A glimpse into steel's crystal ball (July) - BOF - High scrap charge in, utilizing solid fuel - Bailey, D. R. and J. W. Onuschek (Mar.) - Manufacture of stainless steel in F. C. Langenberg, C. W. McCoy and E. L. Kern (Aug.) - Plants, world distribution of (Nov.) - Bogert, W. M. - Furnace transformer failures, cause and prevention (Mar.) - Bowman, Jan - Recent basic gunning applications (Feb.) - and many others, Halbkunstleder, ca. 21 x 28,5, 1158 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern