Bücher von "boston" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

406 Artikel gefunden


Cooper, Courtney Ryley: Die Pioniere; Roman.

Cooper, Courtney Ryley: Die Pioniere; Roman.

18,00 €
Dwight, Thomas: Description of the Whale (Balaenoptera musculus Auct.) in the possession of the Society; with remarks on the classification of Fin Whales. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History II,2.2.

Dwight, Thomas: Description of the Whale (Balaenoptera musculus Auct.) in the possession of the..

35,00 €
Dwight, Thomas: Notes on the dissection and brain of the chimpanzee 'Gumbo'. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History V,2.

Dwight, Thomas: Notes on the dissection and brain of the chimpanzee 'Gumbo'. Memoirs of the Boston..

20,00 €
Zoölogical bulletin 1,1-6.

Zoölogical bulletin 1,1-6.

90,00 €
W. Schwann (Hg.): Schwann Record & Tape Guide. Volume 23 - September 1971 - Number 9.

W. Schwann (Hg.): Schwann Record & Tape Guide. Volume 23 - September 1971 - Number 9.

7,75 €
James, Henry: Die Damen aus Boston.

James, Henry: Die Damen aus Boston.

9,00 €
Pearse, Everston A.G: Histochemistry. Theoretical and applied.

Pearse, Everston A.G: Histochemistry. Theoretical and applied.

12,00 €
James, Henry: Roerick Hudson.

James, Henry: Roerick Hudson.

16,00 €
Brookes, Alan J. / Grech, Chris: Konstruktive Lösungen in der High Tech Architektur. Analyse von 30 Bauten.   Beispiele aus dem Inhalt: Fußballstadion, Bari..

Brookes, Alan J. / Grech, Chris: Konstruktive Lösungen in der High Tech Architektur. Analyse von..

31,00 €
Nijhof, Wim J. (Ed.) and Jittie Brandsma (Ed.): Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education.

Nijhof, Wim J. (Ed.) and Jittie Brandsma (Ed.): Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education.

54,00 €
Lazar, Shelley Faye: Shelley Faye Lazar's Oriental Collection. 20 Original Needlepoint Designs. Photography by Gus Filgate
 Boston - Toronto - London, Little Brown and Company, 1993.

Lazar, Shelley Faye: Shelley Faye Lazar's Oriental Collection. 20 Original Needlepoint Designs..

17,00 €
Rivero, Luis Howell: Some new, rare and little-known Fishes from Cuba. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41,4, 41-76.

Rivero, Luis Howell: Some new, rare and little known Fishes from Cuba. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings..

16,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Studies on the fauna of some thermal springs in the Dutch East Indies. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73,4, 72-95.

Brues, Charles T: Studies on the fauna of some thermal springs in the Dutch East Indies..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Serphidae in Baltic amber, with the description of a new living genus. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73,9, 259-269.

Brues, Charles T: Serphidae in Baltic amber, with the description of a new living genus..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Fossil parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 74,5, 69-90.

Brues, Charles T: Fossil parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber..

9,00 €
Wilson, Woodrow: Wilson (Herausgeber-Widmung); Das staatsmännische Werk des Präsidenten in seinen Reden; Herausgeber: Dr. Georg Ahrens + Dr. Carl Brinkmann.

Wilson, Woodrow: Wilson (Herausgeber Widmung); Das staatsmännische Werk des Präsidenten in seinen..

170,00 €
(Eddy, Mary Baker Glover): Liederbuch der Christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science); Herausgeber: The Christian Science Publishing Society / Boston, Mass., USA.

(Eddy, Mary Baker Glover): Liederbuch der Christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science);..

27,50 €
Claudius, Marieluise: Großformatiges Kino-Schaukastenfoto (36) (Widmung).

Claudius, Marieluise: Großformatiges Kino-Schaukastenfoto (36) (Widmung).

120,00 €
Strasser, Otto (Dr., Straßer): Hitler and I.

Strasser, Otto (Dr., Straßer): Hitler and I.

200,00 €
Fraenkel, Heinrich + Manvell, Roger: Goebbels (Zusätzlicher Umschlagtext: Kindheit und Jugend. " Kinder der Geschichte". Berlin. Der Kampf um die Macht. Minister für Propaganda und..

Fraenkel, Heinrich + Manvell, Roger: Goebbels (Zusätzlicher Umschlagtext: Kindheit und Jugend. "..

24,00 €
Liederbuch der christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science) mit sieben Gedichten von Mary Baker Eddy

Liederbuch der christlichen Wissenschaft (Christian Science) mit sieben Gedichten von Mary Baker..

6,00 €
Diving Deep and Surfacing - Women Writers on Spiritual Quest

Diving Deep and Surfacing - Women Writers on Spiritual Quest

12,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and Lycichthys latifrons (Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson), from the Nova Scotian banks. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 13-1

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and..

9,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Sharks of the Genus Mustelus in the Western Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 417-438.

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Sharks of the Genus Mustelus in the Western Atlantic..

11,00 €
Hoghton, Ella Sharples: Two Marbles in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Archaeology 23, S. 219 - 254.

Hoghton, Ella Sharples: Two Marbles in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

19,00 €
Healy, Patrick J: The valerian persecution : a study of the relations between church and state in the third century A.D.

Healy, Patrick J: The valerian persecution : a study of the relations between church and state in..

35,00 €
Waugh, Frederick V: Quality as a determinant of vegetable prices : a statistical study of quality factors influencing vegetable prices in the Boston Wholesale Market. Dissertation.

Waugh, Frederick V: Quality as a determinant of vegetable prices : a statistical study of quality..

30,00 €
Greene, Evarts Boutell: A New-Englander in Japan : Daniel Crosby Greene. Dissertation.

Greene, Evarts Boutell: A New-Englander in Japan : Daniel Crosby Greene. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Curtis, Winterton C: The life history, the normal fission and the reproductive organs of Planaria maculata. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 30, S. 515-559.

Curtis, Winterton C: The life history, the normal fission and the reproductive organs of Planaria..

9,00 €
Morse, Edward S: Observations on living Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 5,8, 313 - 386.

Morse, Edward S: Observations on living Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Boston Society..

25,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on New England fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 35, 109-138.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on New England fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society..

16,00 €
Herford, Oliver: A Little Book of Bores. [A to Z].

Herford, Oliver: A Little Book of Bores. [A to Z].

60,00 €
Jenyns, Soame: Japanese Porcelain.

Jenyns, Soame: Japanese Porcelain.

90,00 €
Towner, Donald: Creamware.

Towner, Donald: Creamware.

30,00 €
Asiatic Art in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

Asiatic Art in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

20,00 €
Hall Tharp, Louise: Saint-Gaudens and the Gilded Era.

Hall Tharp, Louise: Saint-Gaudens and the Gilded Era.

30,00 €
Swinth, Kirsten: Painting Professionals. Women artists & The development of Modern American Art, 1870-1930.

Swinth, Kirsten: Painting Professionals. Women artists & The development of Modern American Art..

35,00 €
Harding, Anneliese: German Sculpture in New England Museums.

Harding, Anneliese: German Sculpture in New England Museums.

25,00 €
Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield: Boston: the job ahead. [A publication of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Instute of Technology and Harvard University].

Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield: Boston: the job ahead. [A publication of the Joint Center..

50,00 €
Lehrer, Miriam (ed.): Orientation and communication in arthropods. EXS 84.

Lehrer, Miriam (ed.): Orientation and communication in arthropods. EXS 84.

50,00 €
Driesch, Hans: Die organischen Regulationen : Vorbereitungen zu einer Theorie des Lebens. Beigebunden: Der Restitutionsreiz : Rede zur Eröffnung der Sektion für Experimentelle Zoologie des 7. Internationalen Zoologenkongresses zu Boston.

Driesch, Hans: Die organischen Regulationen : Vorbereitungen zu einer Theorie des Lebens..

25,00 €
Kristan-Tollmann, Edith: Triassic of the Tethys and its relations with the Triassic of the Pacific Realm. Sonderdruck aus: McKenzie, K. G. (Ed.), Shallow Tethys 2: S. 169-186.

Kristan Tollmann, Edith: Triassic of the Tethys and its relations with the Triassic of the Pacific..

9,00 €
Crotty, William J: Approaches to the study of party organization.

Crotty, William J: Approaches to the study of party organization.

15,00 €
Rosenblith, Judy; Allinsmith, W.; Williams, J.P: Readings in Educational Psychology. Causes of behavior.

Rosenblith, Judy; Allinsmith, W.; Williams, J.P: Readings in Educational Psychology. Causes of..

30,00 €
Kiefer, F. (Ed.): Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics. Foundation of Language Supplementary Series Vol. 18.

Kiefer, F. (Ed.): Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics. Foundation of Language Supplementary..

30,00 €
Burgelman, R.; Christensen, C.; Wheelwright, S: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation. International Edition 2004. 4. Aufl.

Burgelman, R.; Christensen, C.; Wheelwright, S: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation..

30,00 €
Hammond, William A: On the notion of virtue in the dialogues of Plato. With particular reference th those of the first period and to the third and fourth books of the republic. Dissertation Leipzig. Sonderdruck aus: Harvard Stud. in Classic Philology Bd.

Hammond, William A: On the notion of virtue in the dialogues of Plato. With particular reference th..

20,00 €
Boston: Boston Museum Bulletin Vol. 72, Nr. 368 (1974)., Islamic Pottery, Middle Kindom in  Egypt  . Ancient art in metal.

Boston: Boston Museum Bulletin Vol. 72, Nr. 368 (1974)., Islamic Pottery, Middle Kindom in Egypt..

8,00 €
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