Bücher von "design" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

1.810 Artikel gefunden


3ds max 5 - Grundlagen und Praxiswissen (Galileo Design)

3ds max 5 - Grundlagen und Praxiswissen (Galileo Design)

15,00 €
Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design - Heft 4 Winter 2012

Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design - Heft 4 Winter 2012

12,00 €
Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design - Heft 4 Winter 2013

Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design - Heft 4 Winter 2013

9,50 €
Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design "Erfinden und Verwandeln" Heft 4 Winter 2011/12

Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design "Erfinden und Verwandeln" Heft 4 Winter 2011/12

15,00 €
Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design "Rituale und Objekte" Heft 4 Winter 2014

Art Aurea - Angewandte Kunst, Schmuck und Design "Rituale und Objekte" Heft 4 Winter 2014

15,00 €
Starker Auftritt! Experimentelles Schuh-Design

Starker Auftritt! Experimentelles Schuh-Design

19,00 €
Kreativität im Cyberspace - Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse im Projekt: Vom Grafik-Design zum künstlerischen Arbeiten in Netzen. Projektband II

Kreativität im Cyberspace Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse im Projekt: Vom Grafik Design zum..

25,00 €
afan R (Afan Ramic)

afan R (Afan Ramic)

9,00 €
Bradley, Amos Day: The Geometry of repeating design and geometry of design for high schools. Dissertation.

Bradley, Amos Day: The Geometry of repeating design and geometry of design for high schools..

15,00 €
Wessels, Joachim H: Asymmetric Information and the Design of Optimal Conrtacts. Dissertation.

Wessels, Joachim H: Asymmetric Information and the Design of Optimal Conrtacts. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Heussen, Benno [Hrsg.]: Handbuch Vertragsverhandlung und Vertragsmanagement : Planung, Verhandlung, Design und Durchführung von Verträgen. 2. Aufl.

Heussen, Benno [Hrsg.]: Handbuch Vertragsverhandlung und Vertragsmanagement : Planung, Verhandlung..

65,00 €
Fritz Hansen-Mobler. Fritz Hansen-Furniture. Design Arne Jacobsen.

Fritz Hansen-Mobler. Fritz Hansen-Furniture. Design Arne Jacobsen.

80,00 €
Ridgway, Brunilde Sismondo: Catalogue of the Classical Collection. Classical Sculpture.

Ridgway, Brunilde Sismondo: Catalogue of the Classical Collection. Classical Sculpture.

45,00 €
Frantz Kery, Patricia: Art Deco Druckgraphik.

Frantz Kery, Patricia: Art Deco Druckgraphik.

40,00 €
Küpper, Heinrich und Jürgen Röhrig: Den Linien lauschen. Bilder von Heinrich Küpper mit Texten von Jürgen Röhrig.

Küpper, Heinrich und Jürgen Röhrig: Den Linien lauschen. Bilder von Heinrich Küpper mit Texten..

70,00 €
Biggs, John R: Illustration and Reproduction.

Biggs, John R: Illustration and Reproduction.

40,00 €
Turner, Tom: English Garden Design. History and styles since 1650.

Turner, Tom: English Garden Design. History and styles since 1650.

60,00 €
Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.): The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day.

Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.): The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History..

60,00 €
(Shore, Barbara): ADLA six.

(Shore, Barbara): ADLA six.

40,00 €
The Best of European Advertising and Design produced in 1992. Honoured by the Jury of Eurobest 92.

The Best of European Advertising and Design produced in 1992. Honoured by the Jury of Eurobest 92.

32,50 €
D&AD 31.

D&AD 31.

50,00 €
Bar & Night Club Graphics. Visual Merchandising & Promotional Graphics.

Bar & Night Club Graphics. Visual Merchandising & Promotional Graphics.

32,50 €
Stead, Rexford: The Ardabil Carpets.

Stead, Rexford: The Ardabil Carpets.

50,00 €
Cohen, Stephen: The Unappreciated Dhurrie. A Study of the Traditional Flatwoven Carpets of India.

Cohen, Stephen: The Unappreciated Dhurrie. A Study of the Traditional Flatwoven Carpets of India.

25,00 €
Butler, Jacqueline: Yao Design.

Butler, Jacqueline: Yao Design.

60,00 €
Speisekarte des Restaurant und Café Museum Friedericianum / Gartencafé in der Orangerie im Auepark.

Speisekarte des Restaurant und Café Museum Friedericianum / Gartencafé in der Orangerie im..

25,00 €
Drutt (Ed.), Matthew: The Art of the Motorcycle. Essdays by Charles Falco, Dennis Hopper, Melissa Holbrook Pierson, Ted Polhemus, Ikuya Sato, Art Simon, Mark Taylor, and Hunter S. Thompson.

Drutt (Ed.), Matthew: The Art of the Motorcycle. Essdays by Charles Falco, Dennis Hopper, Melissa..

140,00 €
Shearman, John: Raphael`s Cartoons in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen and the Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel.

Shearman, John: Raphael`s Cartoons in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen and the Tapestries..

180,00 €
Mc Laren Young, Andrew: Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928). Architecture, Design and Painting.

Mc Laren Young, Andrew: Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928). Architecture, Design and Painting.

30,00 €
Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

120,00 €
Gupta, Satish: Inner Spaces. Graphic and Words. Viridian Gallery, New York September 18th - October 6th 1979.

Gupta, Satish: Inner Spaces. Graphic and Words. Viridian Gallery, New York September 18th October..

35,00 €
Callen, Anthea: Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914.

Callen, Anthea: Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914.

60,00 €
Heller, Steven and Julie Lasky: Borrowed Design. Use and Abuse of Historical Form.

Heller, Steven and Julie Lasky: Borrowed Design. Use and Abuse of Historical Form.

70,00 €
Cummins, Julie: Children`s Book Illustration and Design. Volume II.

Cummins, Julie: Children`s Book Illustration and Design. Volume II.

30,00 €
Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original designs. In which are interspersed some designs of Inigo Jones, never before published.

Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original..

3.800,00 €
Schwartz-Clauss, Mathias (Hrsg.) und Vegesack, Alexander von (Hrsg.): Living in Motion. Disegno y arquitectura para una forma de vida flexible.

Schwartz Clauss, Mathias (Hrsg.) und Vegesack, Alexander von (Hrsg.): Living in Motion. Disegno y..

60,00 €
Rothery, Guy Cadogan: English Chimney Pieces. Their design and development from the earliest times to the nineteenth century.

Rothery, Guy Cadogan: English Chimney Pieces. Their design and development from the earliest times..

260,00 €
Rapaport, Brooke Kamin and Kevin L. Stayton: Vital Forms. American Art and Design in the Atomic Age, 1940-1960. With contributions by Paul Boyer, Martin Filler, Mildred Friedman, Karal Ann Marling.

Rapaport, Brooke Kamin and Kevin L. Stayton: Vital Forms. American Art and Design in the Atomic..

40,00 €
Pevsner, Nikolaus: High Victorian Design. A Study of the Exhibits of 1851.

Pevsner, Nikolaus: High Victorian Design. A Study of the Exhibits of 1851.

160,00 €
Papadakis, Andreas (Hrsg.): Abstract Representation.

Papadakis, Andreas (Hrsg.): Abstract Representation.

20,00 €
Mix Foley, Mary: The American House. Drawings by Madelaine Thatcher.

Mix Foley, Mary: The American House. Drawings by Madelaine Thatcher.

20,00 €
Lozano, Eduardo E: Community design and the culture of cities. The crossroad and the wall.

Lozano, Eduardo E: Community design and the culture of cities. The crossroad and the wall.

45,00 €
Löber, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Bakelit. Ein Werkstoff mit Zukunft. [Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums Koblenz, Nr. 47].

Löber, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Bakelit. Ein Werkstoff mit Zukunft. [Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums..

180,00 €
Jesper, Till: Sigurd Petersson Design. Sune Sundahl Bild.

Jesper, Till: Sigurd Petersson Design. Sune Sundahl Bild.

70,00 €
Hiort, E: Housing in Denmark since 1930.

Hiort, E: Housing in Denmark since 1930.

20,00 €
Halpern, Kenneth, Roberto Brambilla Fernando Jimenez u. a: Urban Design Chicago: An Alternative Proposal for the Illinois Central Air Rights and the Ogden Slip.

Halpern, Kenneth, Roberto Brambilla Fernando Jimenez u. a: Urban Design Chicago: An Alternative..

35,00 €
European Shop Designs.

European Shop Designs.

40,00 €
Aynsley, Jeremy: A Century of Graphic Design. Graphic Design Pioneers of the 20th. Century.

Aynsley, Jeremy: A Century of Graphic Design. Graphic Design Pioneers of the 20th. Century.

32,50 €

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