Bücher von "edinburgh" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

332 Artikel gefunden


A souvenir of the abbey and palace of Holyrood.

A souvenir of the abbey and palace of Holyrood.

24,90 €
Cowper, William: The complete Poetical Works of William Cowper - with life, and critical Notice of his Writings - eight engravings on steel.

Cowper, William: The complete Poetical Works of William Cowper with life, and critical Notice of..

35,90 €
Gamble, Sarah: Angela Carter - Writing from the Font Line.

Gamble, Sarah: Angela Carter - Writing from the Font Line.

7,90 €
Perrie, Walter: A lamentation for the children.

Perrie, Walter: A lamentation for the children.

7,90 €
Osborne, Stephen P. (Editor): Public Management Review. Volume 9 Number 1 March 2007.

Osborne, Stephen P. (Editor): Public Management Review. Volume 9 Number 1 March 2007.

7,90 €
Royle, Trevor: James & Jim - A Biography of James Kennaway.

Royle, Trevor: James & Jim - A Biography of James Kennaway.

7,90 €
Omar Khayyam / Brangwyn, Frank (illu.): Ruba'iya't of Omar Khayya'm.

Omar Khayyam / Brangwyn, Frank (illu.): Ruba'iya't of Omar Khayya'm.

257,00 €
Scotland. - Lowlands. - Thorough guides. - M. J. B. Baddeley: Scotland ( Part III ). The ' Lowlands. ' Including Edinburgh and Glasgow an all Scotland south of those places. Twenty maps and plans by Bartholomew.

Scotland. Lowlands. Thorough guides. M. J. B. Baddeley: Scotland ( Part III ). The '..

23,00 €
Waverley. - Illustrations and Engravings: W. L. Leitch / William Miller / Robert Herdman / Francis Holl / J. B. MacDonald / R. C. Bell / Peter Graham / James Stephenson / Lumb Stocks / James Eckford Lauder: Eight engravings in illustration of Waverley: 1)

Waverley. Illustrations and Engravings: W. L. Leitch / William Miller / Robert Herdman / Francis..

37,00 €
Marshall, Frederic: International Vanities. Reprint of the edition Edinburgh 1875.

Marshall, Frederic: International Vanities. Reprint of the edition Edinburgh 1875.

15,00 €
Lyon, W.T. (William Towers): Register Arms Scottish Burghs and Counties. Enthaltend / contents: Tafeln u.a. : Edinburgh - Nisi Dominus Frustra / Perth - Pro Rege Lege Et Grege / Dundee - Dei Donum / Aberdeen - Bon Accord / Sterling - Continet Hoc In Se Ne

Lyon, W.T. (William Towers): Register Arms Scottish Burghs and Counties. Enthaltend / contents:..

457,00 €
MacGeorge, A: Flags: Some Account of their History and Uses.

MacGeorge, A: Flags: Some Account of their History and Uses.

97,00 €
Dawnay, Nicolas Payan. - Fryer Julia (Drawings): The standards, guidons and colours of the household division 1660 - 1973. With a foreword by The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, H.R.H. Dedicated to H.M.G.M. Elizabeth II.

Dawnay, Nicolas Payan. Fryer Julia (Drawings): The standards, guidons and colours of the..

67,00 €
John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. H. Stevenson and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms Of The Baronial And Police Burghs Of Scotland.

John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. H. Stevenson and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms Of The Baronial And..

207,00 €
John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. R. N. Macphail and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland.

John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. R. N. Macphail and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms of the Royal and..

207,00 €
encyclopedia Britannica: Heraldry. (= Vol. IX No. 595 from the encyclopedia Britannica or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, Enlarged and Improved Fifth Edition.).

encyclopedia Britannica: Heraldry. (= Vol. IX No. 595 from the encyclopedia Britannica or a..

157,00 €
WD ( William Day) & HO ( Henry Overton) Wills tabac shop in Bristol: Arms of Universities of the British Empire by  Will's Cigarettes included are: Abendeen, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Bombay, Cape of Good Hope, Dublin, Durhan, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Nati

WD ( William Day) & HO ( Henry Overton) Wills tabac shop in Bristol: Arms of Universities of the..

57,00 €
Palsson, Hermann and Paul Edwards: Eyrbyggja Saga. Translated and Introduction by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. The New Saga Library.

Palsson, Hermann and Paul Edwards: Eyrbyggja Saga. Translated and Introduction by Hermann Pálsson..

17,00 €
Maps: Maps of the Napoleonic wars.

Maps: Maps of the Napoleonic wars.

18,00 €
Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Dr. Johann Gottfried Dingler und Dr.  Emil Maximilian Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal. 119. Band, Jahrgang 1851.  Dritte Reihe, neunzehnter Band. Jahrgang 1851.  (= 32. Jahrgang, 1.-6. Heft ).

Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Dr. Johann Gottfried Dingler und Dr. Emil Maximilian Dingler:..

77,00 €
Edinburgh: Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. Nelsons´ pictorial guide-books.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. Nelsons´ pictorial guide-books.

47,00 €
Stewart, D.C. and H.A. Elion

Stewart, D.C. and H.A. Elion

9,95 €
Stewart, D.C. and H.A. Elion

Stewart, D.C. and H.A. Elion

27,95 €
ohne Angaben

ohne Angaben

7,95 €
Elion, H.A. and D.C. Stewart

Elion, H.A. and D.C. Stewart

12,95 €
Roadmaster: Motoring atlas of Great Britain. Sixth-inch to Mile.

Roadmaster: Motoring atlas of Great Britain. Sixth-inch to Mile.

10,00 €
Kahn, Jack H. und Jean P. Nursten

Kahn, Jack H. und Jean P. Nursten

24,95 €
Rogers, Henry: Essays, selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Vol III.

Rogers, Henry: Essays, selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Vol III.

22,00 €
Krumbach, Walter and Erich Gürtzig: The terrible Teddy Bear : [Engl. transl.]. Illustrated by Erich Gürtzig. [Original title: Teddys toller Tag].

Krumbach, Walter and Erich Gürtzig: The terrible Teddy Bear : [Engl. transl.]. Illustrated by..

14,00 €
Kerr, Philip, Petra Oelker Josef Haslinger u. a

Kerr, Philip, Petra Oelker Josef Haslinger u. a

6,95 €
o. Angabe

o. Angabe

4,95 €
Lanitzki, Günter

Lanitzki, Günter

9,95 €


5,95 €
Road Map South East England 1 : 200000

Road Map South East England 1 : 200000

14,00 €
Waterston, Charles D: Observations on pterygotid eurypterids. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions 66,2.

Waterston, Charles D: Observations on pterygotid eurypterids. Royal Society of Edinburgh..

24,00 €
Long, Albert G: On the structure of some petioles associated with Rhetinangium Gordon. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,1.

Long, Albert G: On the structure of some petioles associated with Rhetinangium Gordon. Transactions..

19,00 €
Miles, Roger S: The placoderm fish Rhachiosteus pterygiatus Gross and its relationships. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,15.

Miles, Roger S: The placoderm fish Rhachiosteus pterygiatus Gross and its relationships..

16,00 €
Robertson, Ritchie and Edward Timms (editors): Theodor Herzl and the origins of Zionism - aus der Reihe: Austrian studies - Band: VIII.

Robertson, Ritchie and Edward Timms (editors): Theodor Herzl and the origins of Zionism aus der..

42,00 €
Garnsey, Peter: Non-slave labour in the Greco-Roman world. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. Supplementary 6.

Garnsey, Peter: Non slave labour in the Greco Roman world. Proceedings of the Cambridge..

36,00 €
Roche, J. Hamilton: Salamanca. A heroic poem. Tenth ed.

Roche, J. Hamilton: Salamanca. A heroic poem. Tenth ed.

30,00 €
Crone, Rainer (Hg.): Francesco Clemente . Pastelle 1973-1983.

Crone, Rainer (Hg.): Francesco Clemente . Pastelle 1973-1983.

8,00 €
Nolde, Emil: Colour is Life.

Nolde, Emil: Colour is Life.

42,00 €
McNaught, Ann B. and Robin Callander: Illustrated Physiology.

McNaught, Ann B. and Robin Callander: Illustrated Physiology.

9,50 €
Masheck, Joseph (Hg.): Ottokart Uhl: A Dossier. [= Occasional Papers in Architectural Art 2]
 Edinburgh, College of Art, 2009.

Masheck, Joseph (Hg.): Ottokart Uhl: A Dossier. [= Occasional Papers in Architectural Art 2]..

34,00 €
Scottish Tourist Board (Ed.): Enjoy Scotland ! 600 Things to See and a Touring Map.

Scottish Tourist Board (Ed.): Enjoy Scotland ! 600 Things to See and a Touring Map.

27,00 €
Goodman, Lenn E: Jewish and islamic philosophy. Crosspollinations in the Classic age.

Goodman, Lenn E: Jewish and islamic philosophy. Crosspollinations in the Classic age.

37,00 €
Frerichs (Dr., verantwortlich): The Monthly Observer - Englische illustrierte Sprachenzeitung, 7. Jahrgang 1934, Nummer 9; Reihe: The Monthly Observer - Englische illustrierte Sprachenzeitung.

Frerichs (Dr., verantwortlich): The Monthly Observer Englische illustrierte Sprachenzeitung, 7..

18,00 €
Culzean Castle & Country Park.

Culzean Castle & Country Park.

8,40 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

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