1.257 Artikel gefunden


WIESENDANGER, M: WIESENDANGER, M., Initiation of volunatry movements and the supplementary motor area. Exp. Brain Res. Series 15, H. Heuer & C. Fromm (Eds.)., Springer, Berlin 1986, pp. 3-13, Obr.,  [WES141]., // ROUILLER, E. M., Babalian, A., Kazennikov,

WIESENDANGER, M: WIESENDANGER, M., Initiation of volunatry movements and the supplementary motor..

5,00 €
WAXMAN, S. G: MINTURN, J. E., Sontheimer, H., Black, J. A., Ranson, B. R., Waxman, S. G., Sodium channel expression optic nerve astrocytes chromically deprived of axonal contact., Glia 6, 19-29 (1992)., Obr.,  [WES98].., //  ANDERSON, M. J., Fong, H. L.,

WAXMAN, S. G: MINTURN, J. E., Sontheimer, H., Black, J. A., Ranson, B. R., Waxman, S. G., Sodium..

5,00 €
WAINER, B. H: WAINER, B. H., D. B. Rye, Retrograde HRP tracing combined with localization of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity., J. Histochem. Cytochem. 32, 439-443 (1984), Obr., [WES140]. , // ,// HALLANGER, A. E., Velvey, A. I., Lee, H. J., Rye

WAINER, B. H: WAINER, B. H., D. B. Rye, Retrograde HRP tracing combined with localization of..

5,00 €
VOIGTLANDER &  CHAN: VOIGTLANDER, P. F., Triezenberg, H. J., Losey, E. G., Interactions between clonidine and antidepresssant drugs. A method for identifying antidepressant-like agents., Neuropharmacology 17, 375-281 (1978)., Obr.,   [WES97].,,//  CHAN, S

VOIGTLANDER & CHAN: VOIGTLANDER, P. F., Triezenberg, H. J., Losey, E. G., Interactions between..

5,00 €
Vanicek, K, H., Etzold, A., E. Eue: Unser Garten. Ein Leitfaden für Gartenfreunde.

Vanicek, K, H., Etzold, A., E. Eue: Unser Garten. Ein Leitfaden für Gartenfreunde.

4,00 €
SOMOGYI, P: HAN, Z. S., Buhl, E. H., Lörinczi, Z., Somogyi, P.m, A high degree of spatial selectivity in the axonal and dendritic domains of..

SOMOGYI, P: HAN, Z. S., Buhl, E. H., Lörinczi, Z., Somogyi, P.m, A high degree of spatial..

6,00 €
GOODMAN, J. H., Wasterlain, C. G., Massarweh,. W. F., Dean, E., Sollas, A. L., Sloviter, R. S: Calbindin-D28k immunoreactivity and selective vulnerability to ischemia in the dentate gyrus of the developing rat.

GOODMAN, J. H., Wasterlain, C. G., Massarweh,. W. F., Dean, E., Sollas, A. L., Sloviter, R. S:..

4,00 €
Sloviter, R. S., E. Dean, A. L. Sollas & J. H. Goodman: Apoptosis and necrosis induced in different hippocampal neuron populations by repetitive perforant path stimulation in the rat.

Sloviter, R. S., E. Dean, A. L. Sollas & J. H. Goodman: Apoptosis and necrosis induced in different..

4,00 €
Jonas, L., C. Schütt, P.Neels, H. Walzel & E. Siegl: Electron microscopic viusalizaionn of receptor internalization induced by a monoclonal antibody recognizing the monocyte specific glycoprotein CD 14.

Jonas, L., C. Schütt, P.Neels, H. Walzel & E. Siegl: Electron microscopic viusalizaionn of..

4,00 €
Rikken, G. L. J. A., C. J. E. Seppen., A. H. J, Venhuizen, S. Nijhuis & E. G- J. Staring: Frequency doubling of diode lasers with pooled polymers.

Rikken, G. L. J. A., C. J. E. Seppen., A. H. J, Venhuizen, S. Nijhuis & E. G J. Staring: Frequency..

6,00 €
REICHENBACH, A: NEWMAN, E., Reichenbach, A., The Müller cell. A functional element of the retina. TINS 19, 307 312 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES63]..,,// REICHENBACH, A..

REICHENBACH, A: NEWMAN, E., Reichenbach, A., The Müller cell. A functional element of the retina..

5,00 €
READER, T. A: READER, T. A., Jasper, H. H., Interactions between monoamines and other transmitters in cerebral cortex. In Monoami innervation of cerebral cortex. R. AS. Liss, New York 1984, pp. 195-225, Obr.,   [WES83].. // MOLINA-HOLGADO, E., Dewar, K. M

READER, T. A: READER, T. A., Jasper, H. H., Interactions between monoamines and other transmitters..

5,00 €
PARK, D. S., Morris, E. J., Greene, L. A., Geller, H. M: G1/S cell cycle blockers and inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kionases suppress camptothecin-idnuced neuronal apoptosis.

PARK, D. S., Morris, E. J., Greene, L. A., Geller, H. M: G1/S cell cycle blockers and inhibitors of..

4,00 €
MURPHY, E. H: MURPHY, E. H., Grigonis, A. M., Hayden, T., E., Tashayyod, D., Wikles, M., The effects of ablation of visual cortex in neonatal rabbits on the organization of retinothalamic and retinopretectal projections. Developm. Brain Res, 38, 27-35 (19

MURPHY, E. H: MURPHY, E. H., Grigonis, A. M., Hayden, T., E., Tashayyod, D., Wikles, M., The..

6,00 €
MURPHY, E. H: GRIGONIS, A. M., Pearson, H. E., Murphy, E. H., The effects mof neonatal monocular enucleation in the organization of ipsilateral and contralateral retinohypothalamic projections in the rabbit. Developm. Brain Res. 29, 9-19 (1986)., Obr.,  [

MURPHY, E. H: GRIGONIS, A. M., Pearson, H. E., Murphy, E. H., The effects mof neonatal monocular..

7,00 €
MOTLES, E: SAAVEDRA, H., Motles, E., Infante, C., Leiva, J. , Evidence for a nigro-pulvinar-lateralis posterior complex projection in the cat using HRP neuronal retrograde technique. , Arch. Ital. Biol. 125, 59-70 (1987) , Obr., [WES24]. . //  MOTLES, E.,

MOTLES, E: SAAVEDRA, H., Motles, E., Infante, C., Leiva, J. , Evidence for a nigro pulvinar..

5,00 €
EVERETT, N. P., Wang, T. L., Gould, A. R., Street, H. E: Studies on the control of the cell cycle in cultured plant cells. II. Effects of 2,300-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).

EVERETT, N. P., Wang, T. L., Gould, A. R., Street, H. E: Studies on the control of the cell cycle..

4,00 €
Moorhead, H. A., Allen, E. B. / Fischer, Keith,.., B. N. Dlin., G. S. Phillippopoulos: Alcoholism.  / Psychosomatic medicine.

Moorhead, H. A., Allen, E. B. / Fischer, Keith,.., B. N. Dlin., G. S. Phillippopoulos: Alcoholism..

4,00 €
DÖRNER, G., Steindel, E., Kohlhoff, R., Reiher, H., Anders, B., Verlohren, H. J., Hielscher, K: Further evidence for a  preventive therapy of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the offspring by avoiding materanal hyperglycaemia during pregnancy.

DÖRNER, G., Steindel, E., Kohlhoff, R., Reiher, H., Anders, B., Verlohren, H. J., Hielscher, K:..

4,00 €
Milne, A. A: Pu der Bär. Illustriert von E. H. Shepard.

Milne, A. A: Pu der Bär. Illustriert von E. H. Shepard.

19,00 €
Milne, A. A: Pu der Bär. Illustrationen von E. H. Shepard.

Milne, A. A: Pu der Bär. Illustrationen von E. H. Shepard.

4,00 €
Meyers, F. H., E. Jawetz & A. Goldfien: Lehrbuch der Pharmakologie.

Meyers, F. H., E. Jawetz & A. Goldfien: Lehrbuch der Pharmakologie.

6,00 €
MESULAM, M. M: MESULAM, M. M., Mufson, E. J., Wainer, B. H., Levey, A, I., Central cholinergic pathways in the rat. An oberview based oin an alternative nomenclature (Ch1--Ch6].., Neuroscience 10, 1185--1201 (1983)., Obr.,  [SD183].., //  MESULAM, M. M.,

MESULAM, M. M: MESULAM, M. M., Mufson, E. J., Wainer, B. H., Levey, A, I., Central cholinergic..

5,00 €
MELZER, P: MELZER, P., Van der Loos, H., Dörfel, J., Welker, E., Robert, P., Emery, D., Berrini, J. C.,  A magnetic device to stimulate..

MELZER, P: MELZER, P., Van der Loos, H., Dörfel, J., Welker, E., Robert, P., Emery, D., Berrini..

7,00 €
MASINI & SIEGL: MASINI, M. A.-., Immunocytochemical localization of peptides in the endocrine pancreas of the snakes Vipera aspis  and Natrix maura.,  Acta Histochem., 8300, 111-119 (1988)., Obr.,  [SD185].., // SIEGL, E. , Quosigk, M., Plantikow, H., His

MASINI & SIEGL: MASINI, M. A. ., Immunocytochemical localization of peptides in the endocrine..

5,00 €
Martini, L., Gangong, W. F: Neuroendocrinology. I. Neurosecretion (H. A. Bern & F, G, W, Knowles), VI.  Control of vasopressin scretion., (W. H. Sayer & E Mills).,  VII. Neural control of oxytocin secretion., (B. A. Cross).,  VIII. Hypothalamic releasing

Martini, L., Gangong, W. F: Neuroendocrinology. I. Neurosecretion (H. A. Bern & F, G, W, Knowles)..

4,00 €
LOPES DA SILVA, F. H., Arnolds, E. E. A. T., Neijt, H. C: A functional link between the limbic cortex and ventral striatum. Physiology of the subiculum accumbens pathway.

LOPES DA SILVA, F. H., Arnolds, E. E. A. T., Neijt, H. C: A functional link between the limbic..

4,00 €
LeDoux, J. E, A. Sakaguchti, J. Iwata, D. H. Reis: Interruption of projections from the medial geniculate body to an archi-neostriatal field disrupts the classical conditioning of emotional responses to acoustic stimuli.

LeDoux, J. E, A. Sakaguchti, J. Iwata, D. H. Reis: Interruption of projections from the medial..

4,00 €
KUHL & GRIFFITHS: KUHL, H., Rosniatowski, C., Taubert, H. D., The regulatory function of a pituitary LH-HR-degrading enzyme system in the fedback control of gonadotropins. Acta Endocr. 86, 60-70 (1977)., Obr.,  [SD118]..,// GRIFFITHS, E. C., Hooper, K. C.

KUHL & GRIFFITHS: KUHL, H., Rosniatowski, C., Taubert, H. D., The regulatory function of a..

4,00 €
HOLTHÖFER, H., Virtanen, I., Pettersson, E., Törnroth, T., Alfthan, O., Linder, E., Miettinen, A: Lectins as fluorescent microscopic markers for saccharides in the human kidney.

HOLTHÖFER, H., Virtanen, I., Pettersson, E., Törnroth, T., Alfthan, O., Linder, E., Miettinen, A:..

4,00 €
Eckersley, C. E.,  W.Kaufmann & A. H. Elliott: A commercial course. For foreign students.,  II.

Eckersley, C. E., W.Kaufmann & A. H. Elliott: A commercial course. For foreign students., II.

4,00 €
HOOGLAND, P. V: HOOGLAND, P. V., Brainstem afferents to the thalamus in a Lizard, Varanus exanthematicus., J. Comp. Neurol., 210, 152-162 (1982)., Obr.,  [SDG120].., // HOOGLAND, P. V., Welker, E, Van der Looos, H., Organization of the projection from bar

HOOGLAND, P. V: HOOGLAND, P. V., Brainstem afferents to the thalamus in a Lizard, Varanus..

7,00 €
HAFIDI, A: HAFIDI, A., Sanes, D. H., Hillman, D. E., Regeneration of the auditory midbrain intercommissural projection in organotypic culture. J. Neuroscience 15, 1298-1307 (1995)., Obr.,  [SDG68].,.,// HAFIDI, A., Katz, J. A., Sanes, D. H., Differential

HAFIDI, A: HAFIDI, A., Sanes, D. H., Hillman, D. E., Regeneration of the auditory midbrain..

5,00 €
Frenzel, H. A. & E. Frenzel: Daten deutscher Dichtung . Chronologischer Abriß der Deutschen Literaturgeschichte. II. Vom Biedermeier bis zur Gegenwart.

Frenzel, H. A. & E. Frenzel: Daten deutscher Dichtung . Chronologischer Abriß der Deutschen..

4,00 €
GLASER, E. M: GLASER, E. M., Van der Loos, H., Analysis of thick brain sections by obverse-reverse computer microscopy. Application of a new, highly clarity golgi-nissl stain., J. Neurosci. Methods 4, 117-125 (1981)., Obr.,  [SD116]..,// .,//.

GLASER, E. M: GLASER, E. M., Van der Loos, H., Analysis of thick brain sections by obverse reverse..

5,00 €
GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,: Chromatin assembly coupled to DNA repair. A new role for cromatin assembly factor I.

GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,:..

4,00 €
Frenzel, H. A.  &  E. Frenzel: Daten deutscher Dichtung . Chronologischer Abriß der deutschen Literaturgeschichte. I. Von den Anfängen bis zur Romantik. II. Vom Biedermeier bis zur Gegenwart.

Frenzel, H. A. & E. Frenzel: Daten deutscher Dichtung . Chronologischer Abriß der deutschen..

6,00 €
Fink, A. E., Fink, G.,, Wilson, H., Bennie, J., Carroll, S, & H. Dick: Lactation, nutrition and fertility and the secretion of prolactin and gonadotrophins in Mopan Mayan women.

Fink, A. E., Fink, G.,, Wilson, H., Bennie, J., Carroll, S, & H. Dick: Lactation, nutrition and..

6,00 €
Elster, Günter  (Ed.): Zeitschrift für Graphologie und Charakterkunde.  1. Jahrgang, Heft 1 (1948).

Elster, Günter (Ed.): Zeitschrift für Graphologie und Charakterkunde. 1. Jahrgang, Heft 1..

4,00 €
Damato, R.J., M. E. Blue, B. L Largent, D. . Lynch, D. J. Ledbetter, M. E. Molliver & S. H. Snyder: Ontogeny of the serotonergic projection to rat neocortex. Transient expression  of a dense inervation to primary sensory areas.

Damato, R.J., M. E. Blue, B. L Largent, D. . Lynch, D. J. Ledbetter, M. E. Molliver & S. H. Snyder:..

4,00 €
CONDE, F: CONDE, F., Conde, H., Demonstration of a rubrothalamic projection in the cat., with some comments on the origin of the rubrospinal tract. Neuroscience 5,  789-802 (1980)., Obr.,  [SD101]..,// CONDE, F., Maire-Lepoivre, E., Audinat, E., Crepel, F

CONDE, F: CONDE, F., Conde, H., Demonstration of a rubrothalamic projection in the cat., with some..

6,00 €
Cairmont, P. W, Denk, H. von Haberer & E. Ranzi: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie., A . von Eiselsberg gewidmet. I & II-.

Cairmont, P. W, Denk, H. von Haberer & E. Ranzi: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie., A . von Eiselsberg..

12,00 €
CAGNOLI &  NITA: CAGNOLI, C. M., Atabay, C., Kharlamova, E., Manev, H., Melatonin protects neurons from singlet oxygen-induced apoptosis., J. Pienal Res. 18, 222-226 (1995)., Obr., Unterstr.  [SDG269]..,//  NITA, D. A., Nita, V., Spiber, S., Moldovan, M.,

CAGNOLI & NITA: CAGNOLI, C. M., Atabay, C., Kharlamova, E., Manev, H., Melatonin protects neurons..

5,00 €
BUSE, E., Matthaei, H.: A method for defined sectioning of fresh young brains and collections of small regions for cell tissue culture.

BUSE, E., Matthaei, H.: A method for defined sectioning of fresh young brains and collections of..

4,00 €
Blod, Gabriele: Deutsche Lyriker der Gegenwart 1987. Anthologie.

Blod, Gabriele: Deutsche Lyriker der Gegenwart 1987. Anthologie.

4,00 €
BJÖRKLUND, A: BJÖRKLUND, A., Baumgarten, H. G., Lachenmayer, L. , Rosengren, E., Recovery of brain noradrenaline after 5,7 dihydroxytryptamine induced axonal lesions in the rat..

BJÖRKLUND, A: BJÖRKLUND, A., Baumgarten, H. G., Lachenmayer, L. , Rosengren, E., Recovery of..

5,00 €
Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 9 (1970).

Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 9 (1970).

22,00 €
Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 10 (1970).

Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 10 (1970).

22,00 €

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