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30 Artikel gefunden


Patman, Wright // Proxmire, William: The Economy, Energy, and the Environment. A background study prepared for the use of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States by the environmental policy division legislative reference service libryra

Patman, Wright // Proxmire, William: The Economy, Energy, and the Environment. A background study..

23,00 €
Douglas, Paul H. // Patman, Wright: World Economic Growth and Competition. December 10, 12, and 13, 1956. Sec. 5 (a) of Public Law 307, 79th Congress. Hearings before the Subcommittee on foreign economic policy of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of

Douglas, Paul H. // Patman, Wright: World Economic Growth and Competition. December 10, 12, and 13..

23,00 €
U. S. Government Printing Office (Ed.): Annual Economic Indicators for the U. S. S. R. Materials prepared for the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States.

U. S. Government Printing Office (Ed.): Annual Economic Indicators for the U. S. S. R. Materials..

18,00 €
Patman, Wright // Douglas, Paul H. (Hrsg.): Unemployment: Terminology, measurement, and analysis. Subcommittee on Economic Statistics of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States.

Patman, Wright // Douglas, Paul H. (Hrsg.): Unemployment: Terminology, measurement, and analysis..

9,00 €
Patman, Wright // Douglas, Paul H. (Hrsg.): Job Vacancy statistics.Hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Statistics of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Eighty-Ninth Congress. Second Session.

Patman, Wright // Douglas, Paul H. (Hrsg.): Job Vacancy statistics.Hearings before the Subcommittee..

9,00 €
Patman, Wright // Douglas, Paul H. (Hrsg.): Inflation and the price indexes. Materials submitted to the subcommittee on economic statistics of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States.

Patman, Wright // Douglas, Paul H. (Hrsg.): Inflation and the price indexes. Materials submitted to..

10,00 €
Patman, Wright / Sparkman, John J: Fiscal policy implications of the current economic outlook. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Fiscal policy of he Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Eighty-Fifth Congress. Second Session. Pursuant

Patman, Wright / Sparkman, John J: Fiscal policy implications of the current economic outlook..

9,00 €
Proxmire, William // Patman, Wrigth: The Value-added tax. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Second Congress. Second Session. March 21, 22, 23, and 24, 1972.

Proxmire, William // Patman, Wrigth: The Value added tax. Hearings before the Joint Economic..

18,00 €
Proxmire, William // Patman, Wrigth: The Economics of recycling waste materials. Hearings before the Subcommittee on fiscal policy of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Second Congress. First Session. November 8 and 9, 1971

Proxmire, William // Patman, Wrigth: The Economics of recycling waste materials. Hearings before..

10,00 €
Proxmire, William // Patman, Wrigth: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic progress of the joint economic committee congress of the united states. Ninetieth Congress. First Session. Volume I and Volume II. In 2 parts.

Proxmire, William // Patman, Wrigth: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic progress of the..

15,00 €
Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Soviet economic outlook. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-third Congress. First Session.

Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Soviet economic outlook. Hearings before the Joint Economic..

9,00 €
Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Inflattionary impact of pricing by concentrated industries. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Third Congress. Second Session. (Pursuant to S. Con. Res. 93).

Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Inflattionary impact of pricing by concentrated industries..

10,00 €
Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Economic performance and the military burden in the Soviet Union. A compendium of papers submitted to the Subcommittee on Foreign economic policy ot the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States.

Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Economic performance and the military burden in the Soviet..

9,00 €
Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Achieving price stability through economic grwoth. Report of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States together with supplementary and minority views.

Patman, Wrigth // Proxmire, William: Achieving price stability through economic grwoth. Report of..

10,00 €
Patman, Wright // Proxmire, William: Investment policies of pension funds. Hearings before the Subcommittee on fiscal policy of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-First Congress. Second Session. April 27, 28, 29 and 30, 197

Patman, Wright // Proxmire, William: Investment policies of pension funds. Hearings before the..

10,00 €
Joint Economic Committee: The U.S. role in a changing world. Political economy: Major issues für the 96th congress. A compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States.

Joint Economic Committee: The U.S. role in a changing world. Political economy: Major issues für..

20,00 €
Joint Economic Committee Congress: Discriminatory Ocean freight rates and the balance of payments :  Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Eighty-eight Congress, first and second Session pursuant to Sec. 5(a) of Publi

Joint Economic Committee Congress: Discriminatory Ocean freight rates and the balance of payments..

10,00 €
Joint Economic Committee Congress: Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Eighty-eighth Congress, first session: Pursuant to Sec.5(a) of Public Law 304 (79th Congress). 4 Teile.

Joint Economic Committee Congress: Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the..

20,00 €
Joint Economic Committee: Economy in government. / Economy in government - 1967: Updated background material. / Economy in government procurement and property management. / Economy in government: Automatic data processing equipment. / Economy in governmen

Joint Economic Committee: Economy in government. / Economy in government 1967: Updated background..

9,00 €
Joint Economic Committee: Economic policies and practices : Materials prepared for the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Paper No. 2: Governmental policies to deal with prices in key industries in selected foreign countries. No. 3: A

Joint Economic Committee: Economic policies and practices : Materials prepared for the Joint..

10,00 €
Humphrey, Hubert H. // Patman, Wright (Hrsger.): Abuses of corporate power. Hearings before the Subcommittee on priorities and economy in Government ot the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Fourth Congress. First and second Se

Humphrey, Hubert H. // Patman, Wright (Hrsger.): Abuses of corporate power. Hearings before the..

10,00 €
Humphrey, Hubert H. // Patman, Wright (Hrsger.): Abuses of corporate power. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government of he Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Fourth Congress. First  and Second Se

Humphrey, Hubert H. // Patman, Wright (Hrsger.): Abuses of corporate power. Hearings before the..

9,00 €
Humphrey, Hubert // Bolling, Richard: The Social security system. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Fourth Congress. Second Session. My 26 und 27, 1976.

Humphrey, Hubert // Bolling, Richard: The Social security system. Hearings before the Joint..

9,00 €
Factors affecting the United States balance of payments : Compilation of studies prepared for the Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States.

Factors affecting the United States balance of payments : Compilation of studies prepared for the..

25,00 €
Bolling, Richard // Humphrey, Hubert H: Issues in North-South Dialog. Hearing before the subommittee on intenational Economics of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Fifth Congress. First Session.

Bolling, Richard // Humphrey, Hubert H: Issues in North South Dialog. Hearing before the..

9,00 €
Bolling, Richard // Humphrey, Hubert H: China and the Chinese. A compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States.

Bolling, Richard // Humphrey, Hubert H: China and the Chinese. A compendium of papers submitted to..

9,00 €
Bolling, Richard // Bentsen, Lloyd (Hrsg.): Productivity. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-Sixth Congress. First Session.

Bolling, Richard // Bentsen, Lloyd (Hrsg.): Productivity. Hearings before the Joint Economic..

9,00 €
Bolling, Richard // Bentsen, Lloyd (Hrsg.): Exports: Time for a national policy. Hearings before the Subcommittee on international economics of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Ninety-fifth congress. Second Session.

Bolling, Richard // Bentsen, Lloyd (Hrsg.): Exports: Time for a national policy. Hearings before..

10,00 €
Douglas, Paul H. // Bolling, Richard: The federal tax system: Facts and problems 1964. Materials assembled by the committee staff for the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. 88th Congress. 2d Session.

Douglas, Paul H. // Bolling, Richard: The federal tax system: Facts and problems 1964. Materials..

11,00 €
Douglas, Paul H. // Bolling, Richard: Measuring employment and unemployment. Hearings before the sucommittee on economic statistics of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States.Eighty-Eighth Congress. First Session.

Douglas, Paul H. // Bolling, Richard: Measuring employment and unemployment. Hearings before the..

10,00 €
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