Bücher von "london david" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

105 Artikel gefunden


Keren, David F: High-Resolution Electrophoresis and Immunofixation. Techniques and Interpretation. [1st printing]
 Boston - London - Durban - Singapore - Sydney - Toronto - Wellington, Butterworths, 1987.

Keren, David F: High Resolution Electrophoresis and Immunofixation. Techniques and Interpretation..

37,00 €
Sharp, David: On some new Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1881, 507-534.

Sharp, David: On some new Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of..

14,00 €
Karp, David A.; Stone, Gregory P.; Yoels, William C: Being Urban. A Sociology of City Life. Second edtion
 New York - Westport - London, Praeger, (1991).

Karp, David A.; Stone, Gregory P.; Yoels, William C: Being Urban. A Sociology of City Life. Second..

18,00 €
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea: Translated into English verse
 London, David Nutt, MDCCCLXII (1862).

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea: Translated into English verse London..

15,00 €
Piper, David: London - Buchers Führer zu den Zentren der Kultur - aus der Reihe: Buchers Führer zu den Zentren der Kultur.

Piper, David: London Buchers Führer zu den Zentren der Kultur aus der Reihe: Buchers Führer..

7,90 €
Eagleton, Mary and David Pierce: Attitudes to class in the English novel. - from Walter Scott to David Storey - aus der Reihe: The world of literature.

Eagleton, Mary and David Pierce: Attitudes to class in the English novel. from Walter Scott to..

7,90 €
Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried  Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal. Band 9. Heft 4. (1822). (3. Jahrgang, 12. Heft ).

Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal. Band 9. Heft..

41,00 €
Royal Shakespeare Company, Trevor Nunn: Programmheft THE PLEBEIANS Rehearse the Uprising by Gunter Grass Premiere 21 July 1970 1970 / 71 London Season.

Royal Shakespeare Company, Trevor Nunn: Programmheft THE PLEBEIANS Rehearse the Uprising by Gunter..

19,90 €
Bremer Theater, English National Opera London, Tobias Richter, Dietmar Schwarz, David Greiner: Programmheft SCHICKSAL. Oper von Leos Janacek Premiere 28. Mai 1986 Spielzeit 1985 / 86 Nr. 15.

Bremer Theater, English National Opera London, Tobias Richter, Dietmar Schwarz, David Greiner:..

14,90 €
Niedersächsische Staatsoper Hannover, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hans-Peter Lehmann, Eva Gruhn: Programmheft Uraufführung Das belagerte London von David Wilde. Premiere 31. Januar 1999 im Ballhof. Spielzeit 1998 / 99 Heft 6.

Niedersächsische Staatsoper Hannover, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hans Peter Lehmann, Eva..

16,90 €
Garrick Theatre London, Michael Codron: Programmheft Little Malcolm and his Struggle Against the Eunuchs von David Halliwell 1966.

Garrick Theatre London, Michael Codron: Programmheft Little Malcolm and his Struggle Against the..

14,90 €
Burnie, David

Burnie, David

6,95 €


5,95 €
Gibbon, David

Gibbon, David

6,95 €
Trust me, I'm a Banker

Trust me, I'm a Banker

9,00 €
The Making of Judge Dredd - In the Future, One Man ist the Law

The Making of Judge Dredd - In the Future, One Man ist the Law

8,50 €


10,00 €
An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Skills and Applications

An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Skills and Applications

28,00 €
Fin de siecle. - Louise Whitford Gallery, David Hughes: Fin de siecle. Symbolist. Vienna Secession. Salon & Academy 1900. Belle epoque. - Catalogue.

Fin de siecle. Louise Whitford Gallery, David Hughes: Fin de siecle. Symbolist. Vienna Secession..

27,00 €
Swindells, David J: Restoring period timber-framed houses.

Swindells, David J: Restoring period timber-framed houses.

30,00 €
Picasso  / Cowling,Elizabeth - John Golding: Picasso: Sculptur / Painter.

Picasso / Cowling,Elizabeth - John Golding: Picasso: Sculptur / Painter.

11,00 €
Joshi, S. T. [Editor]: Black Wings of Cthulhu 5. Twenty new Tales of Lovecraftian Horror.

Joshi, S. T. [Editor]: Black Wings of Cthulhu 5. Twenty new Tales of Lovecraftian Horror.

12,00 €
Ruckhäberle, Christhoph: Die Flasche Bakbuk.

Ruckhäberle, Christhoph: Die Flasche Bakbuk.

48,00 €
Audubon, John James: Die Vögel Amerikas  - Originaltitel: John James Audubon: The birds of America.

Audubon, John James: Die Vögel Amerikas Originaltitel: John James Audubon: The birds of..

40,00 €
Second Nature. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals.

Second Nature. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals.

76,50 €
London Festival Ballet, Royal Festival Hall: Programmheft Marius Petipa THE NUTCRACKER 30 December 1971.

London Festival Ballet, Royal Festival Hall: Programmheft Marius Petipa THE NUTCRACKER 30 December..

14,90 €
Barber, Stephen M.; Clarc, David L (Hg.): Regarding Sedgwick. Essays on Queer Culture and Critical Theory
 New York - London, Routledge, (2002).

Barber, Stephen M.; Clarc, David L (Hg.): Regarding Sedgwick. Essays on Queer Culture and Critical..

22,00 €
The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Band 1 und 2. Zahlreiche farbige Abbildungen und Karten.

The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Band 1 und 2. Zahlreiche farbige Abbildungen und Karten.

25,00 €
Doctor in the Zoo.

Doctor in the Zoo.

17,50 €
Turtles & Tortoises of the World.

Turtles & Tortoises of the World.

15,00 €
Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings.

Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings.

8,00 €
Anderson, David L: The Discovery of the Electron. The Development of the Atomic Concept of Electricity. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #3]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (

Anderson, David L: The Discovery of the Electron. The Development of the Atomic Concept of..

14,00 €
Lyon, David Bowes (pres.): Proceedings of the third world orchid conference : London, 30 May-22 June 1960.

Lyon, David Bowes (pres.): Proceedings of the third world orchid conference : London, 30 May 22..

80,00 €
David Burliu, paintings 1907 - 1966. First London Exhibition 16 March - 7 April 1966
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

David Burliu, paintings 1907 1966. First London Exhibition 16 March 7 April 1966 London..

14,00 €
David Bomberg 1890 - 1957. A Tribute to Lilian Bomberg. March 14 - April 12 1985
 London, Fischer Fine Art Limited, 1985.

David Bomberg 1890 1957. A Tribute to Lilian Bomberg. March 14 April 12 1985 London, Fischer..

30,00 €
The Sculpture of Helaine Blumenfeld.

The Sculpture of Helaine Blumenfeld.

11,00 €
Yallop, David A., besprochen von Eberhard Engelhardt: Im Namen Gottes (Fotokopie); Der mysteriöse Tod des 33-Tage Papstes Johannes Paul I. - Tatsachen und Hintergründe.

Yallop, David A., besprochen von Eberhard Engelhardt: Im Namen Gottes (Fotokopie); Der mysteriöse..

10,00 €
Hedin, Sven: Von Pol zu Pol [2, Neue Folge], Vom Nordpol zum Äquator.

Hedin, Sven: Von Pol zu Pol [2, Neue Folge], Vom Nordpol zum Äquator.

16,00 €
Irving, David (Hrg.): Der unbekannte Dr. Goebbels; Die geheimgehaltenen Tagebücher des Jahres 1938; Herausgeber: David Irving.

Irving, David (Hrg.): Der unbekannte Dr. Goebbels; Die geheimgehaltenen Tagebücher des Jahres..

33,00 €
Peter Schaufuss. Dancer

Peter Schaufuss. Dancer

13,00 €
Stebbing, Thomas R E; Robertson, David: On the Genus Urothoe and a new Genus Urothoides + On four new British Amphipoda. Sonderdruck aus: The Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 13, 1-42.

Stebbing, Thomas R E; Robertson, David: On the Genus Urothoe and a new Genus Urothoides + On four..

20,00 €
Hudson, John Douglas; Palframan, David F B: The ecology and preservation of the Oxford Clay fauna at Woodham, Buckinghamshire. Sonderdruck aus: Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol. 124, 387-418.

Hudson, John Douglas; Palframan, David F B: The ecology and preservation of the Oxford Clay fauna..

15,00 €
Medley, Margaret: Illustrated Catalogue of Ming Polychrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art. (Section 5).

Medley, Margaret: Illustrated Catalogue of Ming Polychrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation..

70,00 €
Papers of the British School at Rome. Volume XXXVII.

Papers of the British School at Rome. Volume XXXVII.

40,00 €
Cohen, Stephen: The Unappreciated Dhurrie. A Study of the Traditional Flatwoven Carpets of India.

Cohen, Stephen: The Unappreciated Dhurrie. A Study of the Traditional Flatwoven Carpets of India.

25,00 €
Black, David and Clive Loveless: Rugs of the Wandering Baluchi.

Black, David and Clive Loveless: Rugs of the Wandering Baluchi.

65,00 €
Medley, Margaret: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London. (The World`s Great Collections Oriental Ceramics, Vol. 6). Introduction and Selection and Notes by Margret Medley.

Medley, Margaret: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London. (The World`s Great Collections..

300,00 €
Etchings and Drypoints by Sir D. Y. Cameron.

Etchings and Drypoints by Sir D. Y. Cameron.

20,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

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