Bücher von "plate a" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

83 Artikel gefunden


Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. - Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. Complete in 3 volumes and Collection of Engravings.

Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom..

1.507,00 €
Hosoe, Eikoh. Kamaitachi 1969 SIGNED + ORIG.-PHOTOGRAPH + ORIG.-SHIPPING BOX

Hosoe, Eikoh. Kamaitachi 1969 SIGNED + ORIG.-PHOTOGRAPH + ORIG.-SHIPPING BOX

9.500,00 €
King, Souvenir. Serge de Diaghileff’s Ballet Russe 1916 RUSSIA DANCE ART NOUVEAU

King, Souvenir. Serge de Diaghileff’s Ballet Russe 1916 RUSSIA DANCE ART NOUVEAU

420,00 €
Van Schaick – Lesy, Wisconsin death trip - 1973 PHOTOJOURNALISMUS REPORTAGE

Van Schaick – Lesy, Wisconsin death trip - 1973 PHOTOJOURNALISMUS REPORTAGE

320,00 €
Tilloch, The philosophical magazine. Vol 1. June- September 1798 HUMBOLDT

Tilloch, The philosophical magazine. Vol 1. June- September 1798 HUMBOLDT

400,00 €
Schjöth, Fr: The currency of the far east. The Schjöth collection at the numismatic cabinet of the University of Oslo, Norway - 'What the Chinese say about their coins' ( = Publications of the Numismatic Cabinet of the University of Oslo, No. 1 ).

Schjöth, Fr: The currency of the far east. The Schjöth collection at the numismatic cabinet of..

47,00 €
Maw, William H. and Dredge, James: Modern Examples of Road and Railway Bridges; illustrating the most recent practice of leading engineers in Europe and America.

Maw, William H. and Dredge, James: Modern Examples of Road and Railway Bridges; illustrating the..

407,00 €
Plate, A[ugust]: Handbuch für die verfassunggebende preußische Landesversammlung.

Plate, A[ugust]: Handbuch für die verfassunggebende preußische Landesversammlung.

28,00 €
Fincham, John: A History of Naval Architecture to Which is Prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Application of Mathematical Science to the Art of Naval Construction. With fifty-eight illustrative plates and some text illustrations [complete].

Fincham, John: A History of Naval Architecture to Which is Prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on..

680,00 €
Clarke, John M. - Rudolf Ruedemann / New York State Education Department: The Eurypterida of New York - Volume II : Plates (= New York State Museum, Memoir 14).

Clarke, John M. Rudolf Ruedemann / New York State Education Department: The Eurypterida of New..

67,00 €


28,00 €
Harvey, William: Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis. Edited with an Autotype Reproduction of the Original By a Committee of The Royal College of Physicians of London.

Harvey, William: Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis. Edited with an Autotype Reproduction of the..

257,00 €
M.E. Marien (Publ.)- A. Abramowicz, A. Gupieniec et al. / Union Internationale des Sciences Pre- et Protohistoriques: Pologne - Haut Moyen Age. Fascicule I: Plate 1 - Plate 10 ( 12 Feulilles) - (= Inventaria Archaeologica - Corpus des Ensembles Archeologi

M.E. Marien (Publ.) A. Abramowicz, A. Gupieniec et al. / Union Internationale des Sciences Pre et..

20,00 €
Buch: Representative Art of our Time - Part IV, Holmes, Charles. 1903

Buch: Representative Art of our Time - Part IV, Holmes, Charles. 1903

328,84 €
Narrative of a ten years` residence at Tripoli in Africa: From the original corr

Narrative of a ten years` residence at Tripoli in Africa: From the original corr

1.210,79 €
Switzerland.   by various artists: Switzerland. Water colours by various artists.   Views: Flüelen and the St. Gothard Pass / The Matterhorn at..

Switzerland. by various artists: Switzerland. Water colours by various artists. Views: Flüelen..

23,00 €
Boisgelin, Louis de: Travels Through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, a Journal of a voyage. Down the Elbe from Dresden to Hamburgh. Including a compendious historical account of the Hanseatic Leage. With views from drawings taken on the spot, by

Boisgelin, Louis de: Travels Through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, a Journal of a..

480,00 €
Alcasar [Vestigatio arcani sensus in Apocalypsi] 1618 Apokalypse Religion sf

Alcasar [Vestigatio arcani sensus in Apocalypsi] 1618 Apokalypse Religion sf

450.000,00 €
Bruun, Daniel / Jonsson, Finnur: Om hove og hovudgravninger pa Island.

Bruun, Daniel / Jonsson, Finnur: Om hove og hovudgravninger pa Island.

37,00 €
Barrows, Walter B. / Schwarz, E. A: The common crow of the United States ( = Bulletin No. 6, U. S. Department of agriculture, division of ornithology and mammalogy ).

Barrows, Walter B. / Schwarz, E. A: The common crow of the United States ( = Bulletin No. 6, U. S..

23,00 €
Views of England. [Rückentitel]. Erinnerung an England 1864. [Deckeltitel]. Five parts.

Views of England. [Rückentitel]. Erinnerung an England 1864. [Deckeltitel]. Five parts.

180,00 €
Nixon, Howard M. and Mirjam M. Foot: The History of Decorated Bookbinding in England.

Nixon, Howard M. and Mirjam M. Foot: The History of Decorated Bookbinding in England.

117,00 €
Ratelband, Johannes: Geographisch-Toneel, of uitgezochte Kaarten, tot genak der Officieren, Reisigers en Liefhebbers. Text und lose Tafeln.

Ratelband, Johannes: Geographisch Toneel, of uitgezochte Kaarten, tot genak der Officieren..

957,00 €
Palladio, Andrea: The Four books of architecture. Book I. Containing the five orders, and the most necessary observations in Building. II. In which the Designs of several Houses ordered ny him both within and out of the City are comprised, and the Designs

Palladio, Andrea: The Four books of architecture. Book I. Containing the five orders, and the most..

307,00 €
Staatstheater Braunschweig,Hans Peter Doll, Alek Pohl, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Herbert J. E Fischer, Burkhard Heinrichsen: Programmheft BALLETT PULCINELLA / GIANNI SCHICCI Premiere 26.Juni 1971 Großes Haus Heft 27.

Staatstheater Braunschweig,Hans Peter Doll, Alek Pohl, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Herbert J. E Fischer..

14,90 €
Staatstheater Braunschweig, Hans Peter Doll, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Walter Schorlies, Burkhard Heinrichsen: Programmheft Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgsky DER JAHRMARKT VON SOROTSCHINTZI Premiere 6. Juni 1972 Großes Haus Heft 25.

Staatstheater Braunschweig, Hans Peter Doll, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Walter Schorlies, Burkhard..

14,90 €
Staatstheater Braunschweig,Hans Peter Doll, Alek Pohl, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Herbert J. E. Fischer, Burkhard Heinrichsen: Programmheft Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowsky PIQUE DAME Premiere 7. April 1971 Großes Haus Heft 21.

Staatstheater Braunschweig,Hans Peter Doll, Alek Pohl, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Herbert J. E. Fischer..

14,90 €
Staatstheater Braunschweig, Hans Peter Doll, Alek Pohl, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Herbert J. E. Fischer, Burkhard Heinrichsen: Programmheft Giuseppe Verdi LA TRAVIATA Premiere 3. Oktober 1970 Großes Haus Heft 6.

Staatstheater Braunschweig, Hans Peter Doll, Alek Pohl, Heinz H. Rosenthal, Herbert J. E. Fischer..

14,90 €


24,50 €
Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Paul Lewitt, Guido Reif: Programmheft Deutsche Uraufführung Gebrüder Tur DAS HAUS IN DER GASSE Spielzeit 1949 / 50.

Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Paul Lewitt, Guido Reif: Programmheft Deutsche Uraufführung Gebrüder..

18,90 €
Meyer, Johann: Ditmarscher Gedichte. Erster und Zweiter Band. (in einem Buch) - Plattdeutsche Poesien in ditmarscher Mundart.

Meyer, Johann: Ditmarscher Gedichte. Erster und Zweiter Band. (in einem Buch) Plattdeutsche..

52,80 €
Hope, William Henry St. John (Editor): Illustrated Catalogue Of The Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington House, 1894.

Hope, William Henry St. John (Editor): Illustrated Catalogue Of The Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington..

107,00 €
Gay - Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 - 1949). Discurso leido por el Académico de Numéro en la sesión solemne celebrada el dia 7 de junio de 1949.

Gay Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 1949). Discurso leido por el..

42,00 €
Figuerero, Manuel V: Comprobaciones  Históricas sobre el Escudo de Corrientes. Refutación  a El Liberal de Corrientes.

Figuerero, Manuel V: Comprobaciones Históricas sobre el Escudo de Corrientes. Refutación a El..

51,00 €
Lucas, Louis: On Natives of Suakin and Bishareen  Vocabulary. (Separate printing from "The Journal of the Anthroplogical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol  VI. 2,  London 1876).

Lucas, Louis: On Natives of Suakin and Bishareen Vocabulary. (Separate printing from "The Journal..

23,00 €
United Confederate Veterans (Ed.): The Flags of the Confederate States of America.

United Confederate Veterans (Ed.): The Flags of the Confederate States of America.

21,00 €
Walker, James and M. A. Richardson: The Armorial Bearings of the Several Incorporated Companies of Newcastle Upon Tyne with a brief historical Account of each Company; together with Notices of the Corpus Christi or Miracle Plays anciently performed by the

Walker, James and M. A. Richardson: The Armorial Bearings of the Several Incorporated Companies of..

187,00 €
United States Navy Department Bureau of Navigation: Flags of Maritime Nations. From the most authentic Sources prepared by direction of the secretary of the navy by the Bureau of Navigation.

United States Navy Department Bureau of Navigation: Flags of Maritime Nations. From the most..

707,00 €
Lloyds of London: Lloyd's Book of House Flags & Funnels.

Lloyds of London: Lloyd's Book of House Flags & Funnels.

207,00 €
Stewart. John A: Notes on the Arms of Nova Scotia.

Stewart. John A: Notes on the Arms of Nova Scotia.

72,00 €
Cruikshank, John: The Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen with some observations on the legend relating to the capture and demolition of the castle.

Cruikshank, John: The Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen with some observations on the..

157,00 €
Wagner, Anthony: The Royal Society's Coat of Arms. (Reprinted from "Notes and Records of teh Royal Society of London", Vol. 17, No. 1, May 1962).

Wagner, Anthony: The Royal Society's Coat of Arms. (Reprinted from "Notes and Records of teh Royal..

13,00 €
Modernes Theater München.   Miller, Arthur: Love Stories. Elegy for a Lady. Some Kind of Love Story.  Spielzeit 1988. Regie Tiemann, Michael /..

Modernes Theater München. Miller, Arthur: Love Stories. Elegy for a Lady. Some Kind of Love..

13,00 €
Stauffer. - Woelker, Georg Friedrich: Genealogica Familiae Augustae STAUFFENSIS, Diplomatibus et Optimis Scriptoribus Asserta et Correcta Atque sub Praesidio IOH. DAVID. KOELERI, P.P. Circulari Disputationi  exhibita  ad DIEM XX Septembr. A.O.R. MDCCXXI a

Stauffer. Woelker, Georg Friedrich: Genealogica Familiae Augustae STAUFFENSIS, Diplomatibus et..

77,00 €
Nordhagen, Rolf: Vardager i Marokko og Atlasfjellene [ Frühlingstage in Marokko und dem Atlasgebirge ].

Nordhagen, Rolf: Vardager i Marokko og Atlasfjellene [ Frühlingstage in Marokko und dem..

57,00 €
Missouri Botanical Garden. - Trelease, William: Missouri Botanical Garden. Second annual report. Scientific Paper:  Revision of North American species of Epilobium- by William Trelease.

Missouri Botanical Garden. Trelease, William: Missouri Botanical Garden. Second annual report..

32,00 €
Campbell, William Wallace and Joseph Haines  Moore: Radial Velocities of Stars brighter than Visual Magnitude 5.51 as determined at Mount Hamilton and Santiago. (=Publications of the Lick Observatory ; Volume XVI).

Campbell, William Wallace and Joseph Haines Moore: Radial Velocities of Stars brighter than Visual..

57,00 €
Brasilien. - Lloyd, Reginald (Director-in-Chief) / Arnold Wright (Historian), W. Feldwick, L.T. Delaney: Twentieth Century Impressions of Brazil. It´s history, people, commerce, industries and resources.

Brasilien. Lloyd, Reginald (Director in Chief) / Arnold Wright (Historian), W. Feldwick, L.T..

387,00 €
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