Bücher von "royal shakespeare company" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

35 Artikel gefunden


Royal Shakespeare Company, Arts Theatre: Programmheft TYNAN Kenneth Tynan adapted by Richard Nelson Premiere 21. Februar 2005.

Royal Shakespeare Company, Arts Theatre: Programmheft TYNAN Kenneth Tynan adapted by Richard Nelson..

14,90 €
Royal Shakespeare Company, Andy Williams: Programmheft RSC NEW - WORK FESTIVAL Stratford-Upon-Avon September 29 - 17 October 2004.

Royal Shakespeare Company, Andy Williams: Programmheft RSC NEW WORK FESTIVAL Stratford Upon Avon..

14,90 €
Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, Peggy Ashcroft, Peter Brook, Peter Hall, Trevor Nunn, Peter Daubeny: Programmheft William Shakespeares A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Residenztheater 1972.

Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, Peggy Ashcroft, Peter Brook, Peter Hall, Trevor Nunn, Peter Daubeny:..

14,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft William Shakespeare ALL´S WELL THAT ENDS WELL Premiere 3 Decemer 2003 Swan Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft William Shakespeare ALL´S..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft Anthony Munday / William Shakespeare THOMAS MOORE Premiere 9 March 2005 Swan Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft Anthony Munday / William..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft William Shakespeare KING LEAR Premiere 18 June 2004 Royal Shakespeare Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft William Shakespeare KING LEAR..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft William Shakespeare ROMEO & JULIET Premiere 26 March 2004 Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft William Shakespeare ROMEO &..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft Triso de Molina TAMAR´S REVENCE Premiere 28 April 2004 Swan Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson: Programmheft Triso de Molina TAMAR´S..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Kevin Wright, Helen Robson: Programmheft Philip Massinger BELIEVE WHAT YOU WILL Premiere 18 May 2005 Swan Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Kevin Wright, Helen Robson: Programmheft Philip Massinger BELIEVE..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson, Clare Booth: Programmheft Juana Ines de la Cruz HOUSE OF DESIRES Premiere 30 June 2004 Swan Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Emma Smith, Helen Robson, Clare Booth: Programmheft Juana Ines de la..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William Shakespeare´s THE MERCHANT OF VENICE.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William Shakespeare´s THE TEMPEST.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William Shakespeare´s TWELFTH NIGHT.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William Shakespeare´s MEASURE FOR MEASURE.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans: The RSC interactive education Pack on William..

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans, RSC Education: BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE RSC 4 Learning.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Maria Evans, RSC Education: BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE RSC 4 Learning.

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare TWELFTH NIGHT Premiere 22 April 2005 Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare TWELFTH NIGHT Premiere 22 April..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare A MIDSUMMER NIGHT´S DREAM Premiere 31 March 2005 Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare A MIDSUMMER NIGHT´S DREAM Premiere..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare THE COMEDY OF ERRORS Premiere 15 July 2005 Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare THE COMEDY OF ERRORS Premiere 15..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare MEASURE FOR MEASURE Premiere 24 April 2003 Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare MEASURE FOR MEASURE Premiere 24..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare TITUS ANDRONICUS Premiere 12 September 2003 Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft William Shakespeare TITUS ANDRONICUS Premiere 12..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Kathy Elgin, Andy Williams: Programmheft William Shakespeare PERICLES Prince of Tyre Premiere 28 June 2002.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Kathy Elgin, Andy Williams: Programmheft William Shakespeare..

16,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: RSC Royal Shakespeare Company REVIEW 2002.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company: RSC Royal Shakespeare Company REVIEW 2002.

19,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Kevin Wright, Lucy Barriball: RSC THE COMPLETE WORKS April 2006 - April 2007 YEARBOOK.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Kevin Wright, Lucy Barriball: RSC THE COMPLETE WORKS April 2006..

19,90 €
RSC Enterprise, Emma Smith, Ann-marie Comarsh: RSC 2003 YEARBOOK Royal Shakespeare Company.

RSC Enterprise, Emma Smith, Ann-marie Comarsh: RSC 2003 YEARBOOK Royal Shakespeare Company.

19,90 €
Royal Shakespeare Company, Ellen Goodman: Programmheft William Shakespeare MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING 1984 Overseas Tour April 1984 Schiller Theater.

Royal Shakespeare Company, Ellen Goodman: Programmheft William Shakespeare MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING..

16,90 €
Royal Shakespeare Company, Ellen Goodman, Gisela Riff, Chantal Morel, Reg Wilson: Programmheft William Shakespeare CORIOLANUS Gastspiel der Royal Shakespeare Company 2. - 5. Mai 1979 Schiller Theater.

Royal Shakespeare Company, Ellen Goodman, Gisela Riff, Chantal Morel, Reg Wilson: Programmheft..

14,90 €
Barrett, Kathleen: Artist in Residence. Drawings and Paintings - made in rehearsals and production workshops during the Stratford-upon-Avon season.

Barrett, Kathleen: Artist in Residence. Drawings and Paintings made in rehearsals and production..

11,90 €
Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft The Beggar´s Opera by John Gay. First Performance Swan Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon 26 March 1992.

Royal Shakespeare Company: Programmheft The Beggar´s Opera by John Gay. First Performance Swan..

19,90 €
Berlin SchillerTheater. - Boleslaw Barlog (Intendanz). - Shakespeare, William. - Royal Shakespeare Company: King Lear. Programmheft 144 der Spielzeit 1963 / 1964. Spielleitung: Peter Brook / Musikalische Leitung: Guy Woolfenden / Darsteller u.a.: Tom Flem

Berlin SchillerTheater. Boleslaw Barlog (Intendanz). Shakespeare, William. Royal Shakespeare..

17,00 €
Berliner Festwochen 1972.   Theater der Freien Volksbühne.   Royal Shakespeare Company London: Ein Sommernachtstraum. Spielzeit 1972.  Intendant: Schmieding, Walther. Regie: Brook..

Berliner Festwochen 1972. Theater der Freien Volksbühne. Royal Shakespeare Company London: Ein..

15,00 €
Royal Shakespeare Company, Trevor Nunn: Programmheft THE PLEBEIANS Rehearse the Uprising by Gunter Grass Premiere 21 July 1970 1970 / 71 London Season.

Royal Shakespeare Company, Trevor Nunn: Programmheft THE PLEBEIANS Rehearse the Uprising by Gunter..

19,90 €
The Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, Peter Brook, Peter Hall, Michel Saint-Denis: Programmheft The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Aldwych Theatre London.

The Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, Peter Brook, Peter Hall, Michel Saint Denis: Programmheft The..

14,90 €
Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, Peggy Ashcroft, Peter Brook, Peter Hall, u.a: Programmheft The 1968 Stratford-upon-Avon production of Troilus and Cressida by William Shakespeare.

Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, Peggy Ashcroft, Peter Brook, Peter Hall, u.a: Programmheft The 1968..

14,90 €
Schauspielhaus Bochum, Herbert Fischer, Götz Loepelmann: Programmheft Hans Fallada Little Man What Now 10th anniversary world theatre season 1973 Royal Shakespeare Company Stratford Upon Avon.

Schauspielhaus Bochum, Herbert Fischer, Götz Loepelmann: Programmheft Hans Fallada Little Man What..

29,90 €
RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Adrian Noble, Michael Attenborough, David Brierley: Programmheft JULIUS CAESAR von William Shakespeare. Premiere 28 July 1993.

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company, Adrian Noble, Michael Attenborough, David Brierley: Programmheft..

14,90 €
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