Bücher & Zeitschriften

Alte Bücher, historische Zeitschriften und gebrauchte Comic in großer Auswahl bietet der oldthing Marktplatz

1.861 Artikel im Shop AntiquariatDoesiBooks gefunden


Baudino, Gael: Shroud of Shadow.

Baudino, Gael: Shroud of Shadow.

6,50 €
Huff, Tanya: No Quarter.

Huff, Tanya: No Quarter.

6,00 €
Harris, Charlaine: Definitely dead.

Harris, Charlaine: Definitely dead.

3,00 €
Huff, Tanya: Blood Prise.

Huff, Tanya: Blood Prise.

6,00 €
Salvatore R. A: The Demon Spirit.

Salvatore R. A: The Demon Spirit.

4,80 €
Anthony, Piers: Dragon on a Pedestal.

Anthony, Piers: Dragon on a Pedestal.

13,00 €
Feist, Raymond E: Prince of the Blood.

Feist, Raymond E: Prince of the Blood.

3,50 €
Nevada Barr: Track of the Cat; An Anna Pigeon Mystery.

Nevada Barr: Track of the Cat; An Anna Pigeon Mystery.

6,00 €
William Trevor: Felicia's Journey.

William Trevor: Felicia's Journey.

5,00 €
R. F. Delderfield: The Unjust Skies.

R. F. Delderfield: The Unjust Skies.

20,00 €
Charteris, Leslie: Saints Alive. A New Collection of Adventures of the  Saint.

Charteris, Leslie: Saints Alive. A New Collection of Adventures of the Saint.

11,00 €
Mandy Loader: Eye of the Storm.

Mandy Loader: Eye of the Storm.

5,80 €
James, P.D: The Lighthouse.

James, P.D: The Lighthouse.

4,00 €
Stuart M. Kaminsky: The Melting Clock. A Toby Peters Mystery.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: The Melting Clock. A Toby Peters Mystery.

17,00 €
Len Deighton: Only When I Larf.

Len Deighton: Only When I Larf.

44,00 €
Len Deighton: The Ipcress file.

Len Deighton: The Ipcress file.

9,00 €
Ludlum, Robert: The Rhinemann Exchange.

Ludlum, Robert: The Rhinemann Exchange.

4,00 €
Malet, Léo: Dynamite Versus QED.

Malet, Léo: Dynamite Versus QED.

46,00 €
Caleb Carr: The Alienist.

Caleb Carr: The Alienist.

5,00 €
Rygg, Pernille: The Golden Section.

Rygg, Pernille: The Golden Section.

19,00 €
Singleton, Anne: Saddam's Private Army: How Rajavi Changed Iran's Mojahedin from Armed Revolutionaries to an Armed Cult.

Singleton, Anne: Saddam's Private Army: How Rajavi Changed Iran's Mojahedin from Armed..

22,00 €
Michael Williams: Meditation. Why People Fight and How to Help them to Stop.

Michael Williams: Meditation. Why People Fight and How to Help them to Stop.

25,00 €
Roberts, Robert: THE CLASSIK SLUM. Salford Life in the First Quarter of the Century.

Roberts, Robert: THE CLASSIK SLUM. Salford Life in the First Quarter of the Century.

11,00 €
Brewer, Sydney G: Do-It-Yourself Astronomy.

Brewer, Sydney G: Do-It-Yourself Astronomy.

9,00 €
Willis,Peter; McKenzie, Stephen; Harris, Roger: Rethinking Work and Learning: Adult and Vocational Education for Social Sustainability.

Willis,Peter; McKenzie, Stephen; Harris, Roger: Rethinking Work and Learning: Adult and Vocational..

79,00 €
Quindlen, Anna: A Short Guide to a Happy Life.

Quindlen, Anna: A Short Guide to a Happy Life.

9,00 €
Culler, Jonathan, Barthes: A Very Short Introduction.

Culler, Jonathan, Barthes: A Very Short Introduction.

12,00 €
Tanya Rice: The Life and Times of Mother Teresa.

Tanya Rice: The Life and Times of Mother Teresa.

9,00 €
Ackroyd, Stephen / Batt, Rosemary / Thompson, Paul / Tolbert, Pamela S: The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization.

Ackroyd, Stephen / Batt, Rosemary / Thompson, Paul / Tolbert, Pamela S: The Oxford Handbook of Work..

40,00 €
Harlan Lane: The Wild Boy of Aveyron.

Harlan Lane: The Wild Boy of Aveyron.

20,00 €
Burchfield, Robert: The Spoken Word. A BBC Guide.

Burchfield, Robert: The Spoken Word. A BBC Guide.

39,00 €
Nakane, Chie: Japanese Society.

Nakane, Chie: Japanese Society.

6,00 €
Simone R. Kirpal: Labour  Market Flexibility and Individual Careers -  A Comparative Study.

Simone R. Kirpal: Labour Market Flexibility and Individual Careers - A Comparative Study.

79,00 €
Swets, Paul W: The Art Of Talking So That People Will Listen: Getting Through To Family, Friends & Business Associates.

Swets, Paul W: The Art Of Talking So That People Will Listen: Getting Through To Family, Friends &..

12,00 €
James Brown: The Life and Times of Albert Einstein.

James Brown: The Life and Times of Albert Einstein.

5,00 €
Smith, Nick: Bridge Literature ; from Shakespeare to Orwell.

Smith, Nick: Bridge Literature ; from Shakespeare to Orwell.

6,00 €
Priestley, K. E.; Hsu Yu; Shau Wing Chan;  Gopal Mittal; Lin Yutang: CHINA`S MEN OF LETTERS yesterday and today.

Priestley, K. E.; Hsu Yu; Shau Wing Chan; Gopal Mittal; Lin Yutang: CHINA`S MEN OF LETTERS..

22,00 €
Hauser, Arnold: A Social History of Art: Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque;  v. 2.

Hauser, Arnold: A Social History of Art: Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque; v. 2.

19,00 €
Potter, Stephen: Some Notes on Lifemanship.

Potter, Stephen: Some Notes on Lifemanship.

9,00 €
Maupin, Armistead: More Tales of the City.

Maupin, Armistead: More Tales of the City.

2,50 €
Hankinson,  Jim: Bluff your way in Philosophie.

Hankinson, Jim: Bluff your way in Philosophie.

9,00 €
Scott, Paul: Robbie Williams: Angels & Demons: The Unauthorised Biography.

Scott, Paul: Robbie Williams: Angels & Demons: The Unauthorised Biography.

5,50 €


7,00 €
Trimble, Irene; Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio: Dead Man's Chest. [Disney Pirates of the Caribbean].

Trimble, Irene; Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio: Dead Man's Chest. [Disney Pirates of the Caribbean].

9,00 €
Bennett, Alan: Talking Heads 2.

Bennett, Alan: Talking Heads 2.

5,00 €
Bennett, Alan: Talking Heads.

Bennett, Alan: Talking Heads.

6,00 €
Alistair Cooke: Six Men.

Alistair Cooke: Six Men.

5,00 €
Lewis Carroll: The Story of Sylvie and Bruno. With Illustrations by Harry Furniss.

Lewis Carroll: The Story of Sylvie and Bruno. With Illustrations by Harry Furniss.

18,00 €

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