Bücher & Zeitschriften

Alte Bücher, historische Zeitschriften und gebrauchte Comic in großer Auswahl bietet der oldthing Marktplatz

18.459 Artikel im Shop Buchkurier gefunden


Terre sauvage hors série n° 1 - Les petits des grandes singes, orang-outan, gorille, chimpanzé.

Terre sauvage hors série n° 1 - Les petits des grandes singes, orang-outan, gorille, chimpanzé.

27,00 €
Lieu de naissance: zoo.

Lieu de naissance: zoo.

12,00 €
Nos amis exotiques au zoo.

Nos amis exotiques au zoo.

20,00 €
Akagera : Des Lions du Nil aux Gorilles des Monts de la lune.

Akagera : Des Lions du Nil aux Gorilles des Monts de la lune.

10,00 €
Memoires secrets et critiques des cours, des gouvernemens, et des moeurs des principaux etats de l'Italie.

Memoires secrets et critiques des cours, des gouvernemens, et des moeurs des principaux etats de..

140,00 €
de père en fils pour une meme passion 1961-2011 (Bioparc de Doué-La-Fontaine).

de père en fils pour une meme passion 1961-2011 (Bioparc de Doué-La-Fontaine).

35,00 €
Parc zoologique et botanique de la ville de Mulhouse. Le complexe pour animaux de la zone holarctique.

Parc zoologique et botanique de la ville de Mulhouse. Le complexe pour animaux de la zone..

10,00 €
Docteur au zoo (beschrieben wird die Arbeit von Dr. Emil Dolensek im Bronx Zoo).

Docteur au zoo (beschrieben wird die Arbeit von Dr. Emil Dolensek im Bronx Zoo).

8,00 €
La Grande aventure des elephants.

La Grande aventure des elephants.

10,00 €
Carnet de voyage. Rendez-vous européen le Luxembourg et le nord-ouest de l'Allemagne du 2 au 8 juin 2002.

Carnet de voyage. Rendez vous européen le Luxembourg et le nord ouest de l'Allemagne du 2 au 8..

5,00 €
India 1, Northern India. Landkarte 1:650.000 / 1:1.500.000. Special Maps: Ladakh/Zanskar. City Maps: Delhi/Agra/Srinagar.

India 1, Northern India. Landkarte 1:650.000 / 1:1.500.000. Special Maps: Ladakh/Zanskar. City..

4,00 €
The Astacins. Structure and Function of a New Protein Family.

The Astacins. Structure and Function of a New Protein Family.

80,00 €
London Zoo Developments 1986-1993.

London Zoo Developments 1986-1993.

8,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 38, Zoo Challenges.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 38, Zoo Challenges.

125,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 37, Psittacines.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 37, Psittacines.

60,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 35,  Felids.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 35, Felids.

117,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 34,  Aquariums.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 34, Aquariums.

26,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 33,  Aquatic Birds.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 33, Aquatic Birds.

109,50 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30,  Invertebrates.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30, Invertebrates.

80,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 15, Small Mammals in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 15, Small Mammals in Captivity.

30,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 4, Aquatic Exhibits in Zoos and Aquaria - reprint v. 1971.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 4, Aquatic Exhibits in Zoos and Aquaria - reprint v. 1971.

70,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol III, Small Mammals in Captivity and New Developments in the Zoo World.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol III, Small Mammals in Captivity and New Developments in the Zoo..

80,00 €
Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London, 1910, pages 837-1033.

Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London..

60,00 €
Natural History Museum Senckenberg Guide, 3. revised edition, Kleine Senckenberg Reihe Nr. 2.

Natural History Museum Senckenberg Guide, 3. revised edition, Kleine Senckenberg Reihe Nr. 2.

4,00 €
Noah's Art. Zoo, Aquarium, Aviary and Wildlife Park Graphics.

Noah's Art. Zoo, Aquarium, Aviary and Wildlife Park Graphics.

57,50 €
Phenetics: Evolution, Population, Trait.

Phenetics: Evolution, Population, Trait.

38,00 €
Christina's World. Paintings and Prestudies of Andrew Wyeth.

Christina's World. Paintings and Prestudies of Andrew Wyeth.

120,00 €
The Dutch Painters. 100 Seventeenth Century Masters.

The Dutch Painters. 100 Seventeenth Century Masters.

8,50 €
Yearbook 1973-74.

Yearbook 1973-74.

10,00 €
Evolution of Respiratory Processes: A Comparative Approach (Lung Biology in Health and Disease).

Evolution of Respiratory Processes: A Comparative Approach (Lung Biology in Health and Disease).

120,00 €
Illustrators XXX: The Society of Illustrators Thirtieth Annual of American Illustration.

Illustrators XXX: The Society of Illustrators Thirtieth Annual of American Illustration.

17,50 €
Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference.

Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference.

28,00 €
An introduction to animal husbandry in the tropics.

An introduction to animal husbandry in the tropics.

10,00 €
Florida's Fabulous Waterbirds (3rd edition).

Florida's Fabulous Waterbirds (3rd edition).

5,50 €
Birds of New Zealand.

Birds of New Zealand.

11,00 €
Van Dyck Paintings.

Van Dyck Paintings.

31,50 €
Vertebrate Structures and Functions: Readings from Scientific American.

Vertebrate Structures and Functions: Readings from Scientific American.

7,00 €
In Praise of Sailors. A Nautical Anthology of Art, Poetry and Prose.

In Praise of Sailors. A Nautical Anthology of Art, Poetry and Prose.

23,50 €
The Welfare of Horses.

The Welfare of Horses.

137,00 €
Island Life or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras: Including a Revision and Attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climates.

Island Life or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras: Including a Revision and..

225,00 €
Eleonora's Falcon. Adaptations to Prey and Habitat in a Social Raptor (Wildlife Behavior and Ecology Series).

Eleonora's Falcon. Adaptations to Prey and Habitat in a Social Raptor (Wildlife Behavior and..

23,00 €
The Birds of Africa - Volume II (Illustrated by Martin Woodcock and Ian Willis).

The Birds of Africa - Volume II (Illustrated by Martin Woodcock and Ian Willis).

70,50 €
Buller's Birds of New Zealand.

Buller's Birds of New Zealand.

49,00 €
Australia. Land of Birds.

Australia. Land of Birds.

50,00 €
Animal Societies and Evolution. Readings from Scientific American.

Animal Societies and Evolution. Readings from Scientific American.

10,00 €
To keep them alive; wild animal breeding.

To keep them alive; wild animal breeding.

18,00 €
The Life and Art of Henry Fuseli.

The Life and Art of Henry Fuseli.

28,00 €
Kuna Crafts. Gender, and the Global Economy.

Kuna Crafts. Gender, and the Global Economy.

15,00 €
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin January 1971.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin January 1971.

40,00 €
Roman Drawings of the sixteenth century from the Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Roman Drawings of the sixteenth century from the Musée du Louvre, Paris.

11,50 €
The Official Guide.

The Official Guide.

8,00 €
Museumsführer. The American Museum of Natural History.

Museumsführer. The American Museum of Natural History.

10,00 €
Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849.

Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849.

6,00 €
Fossil Birds.

Fossil Birds.

10,70 €
A Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphines and Porpoises.

A Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphines and Porpoises.

18,00 €
The Evolution of Sex and Consequences. EXS 55: Experientia Supplementum, Vol. 55.

The Evolution of Sex and Consequences. EXS 55: Experientia Supplementum, Vol. 55.

54,00 €
Birds of the mascarenes and saint brandon.

Birds of the mascarenes and saint brandon.

15,00 €
Significant Others.

Significant Others.

23,50 €
Drawing in England from Hilliard to Hogarth.

Drawing in England from Hilliard to Hogarth.

12,50 €
Mangrove, The Forgotten Habitat.

Mangrove, The Forgotten Habitat.

42,00 €
Scottish and Sporting. Paintings and Watercolours and Silver.

Scottish and Sporting. Paintings and Watercolours and Silver.

4,00 €
Birds of Pune (1. Auflage).

Birds of Pune (1. Auflage).

20,00 €
The Mammals of Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi.

The Mammals of Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi.

16,00 €
Bird & Wild Life Sanctuaries of India, Nepal and Bhutan. Check List.

Bird & Wild Life Sanctuaries of India, Nepal and Bhutan. Check List.

14,00 €
Sasol Birds of Southern Africa - The larger illustrated guide to.

Sasol Birds of Southern Africa - The larger illustrated guide to.

10,00 €
Exploring Animal Behavior. Readings from American Scientist.

Exploring Animal Behavior. Readings from American Scientist.

25,00 €
London 1900.

London 1900.

14,00 €
Bears. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.

Bears. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.

60,00 €


4,00 €
Wildlife of Australia.

Wildlife of Australia.

9,00 €
Insects. An illustrated survey of the most successful animals on the earth.

Insects. An illustrated survey of the most successful animals on the earth.

7,00 €
Primate Report 48. Annual Scientific Report 1996 of the German Primate Center (DPZ).

Primate Report 48. Annual Scientific Report 1996 of the German Primate Center (DPZ).

7,00 €
A Research Update on Elephants and Rhinos. Proceedings of the International Elephant and Rhino Research Symposium, Vienna, June 7-11, 2001.

A Research Update on Elephants and Rhinos. Proceedings of the International Elephant and Rhino..

21,00 €
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Volume 13, Numer 1, 1983.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Volume 13, Numer 1, 1983.

18,00 €
A Comparative Study of the Appendicular Musculature of Penguins (Aves: Sphenisciformes) (= Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 341/1982).

A Comparative Study of the Appendicular Musculature of Penguins (Aves: Sphenisciformes) (=..

30,00 €
The Central Park Zoo. Images of America.

The Central Park Zoo. Images of America.

20,00 €
The Ecology of Neotropical Savannas.

The Ecology of Neotropical Savannas.

30,00 €
People. Parks & Widlife. Towards Coexistence. (Tracts for the Times 14).

People. Parks & Widlife. Towards Coexistence. (Tracts for the Times 14).

25,00 €
Practical Birding : A Guide for Birdwatchers in Southern Africa.

Practical Birding : A Guide for Birdwatchers in Southern Africa.

22,50 €
Encyclopaedia of Aviculture. Volumes I-III.

Encyclopaedia of Aviculture. Volumes I-III.

60,00 €
Giving Voice to Bear - North American Indian Myths, Rituals, and Images of the Bear.

Giving Voice to Bear - North American Indian Myths, Rituals, and Images of the Bear.

12,00 €
A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia.

A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia.

86,50 €
Life at the zoo.  Behind the scenes with the animal doctors.

Life at the zoo. Behind the scenes with the animal doctors.

20,00 €
The Humming Birds.

The Humming Birds.

60,00 €
A Guide to the Birds of Panama, with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras. 2nd ed.

A Guide to the Birds of Panama, with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras. 2nd ed.

26,00 €
100 Posters: Bufallo Bill's Wild West.

100 Posters: Bufallo Bill's Wild West.

37,00 €
Zoological Science or Nature in living form.

Zoological Science or Nature in living form.

200,00 €
Birds from Nepal, Notes on Nepal birds, Distributional notes on Nepal birds & Further notes on Nepal Birds. Fieldana: Zoology 41 (1), 35 (8), 35 (9).

Birds from Nepal, Notes on Nepal birds, Distributional notes on Nepal birds & Further notes on..

50,00 €
Birds of the Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology Volume 35, Number 7.

Birds of the Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology Volume 35, Number 7.

40,00 €
Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalaya. September 21 - 28 1990 at the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich.

Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalaya. September 21 28 1990 at the Ethnographic Museum of the..

55,00 €
Genetic management of small animal populations in zoos and wildlife reserves. The use of genome models in estimation of genetic variation and the effects of social structures.

Genetic management of small animal populations in zoos and wildlife reserves. The use of genome..

35,00 €
Rocky Mountain Wild Flowers. Natural History Series, No.2.

Rocky Mountain Wild Flowers. Natural History Series, No.2.

29,00 €
Trees and Bushes of Britain and Europe.

Trees and Bushes of Britain and Europe.

10,50 €
Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879. Life in the English Countryside in Mid-Victorian Times.

Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879. Life in the English Countryside in Mid-Victorian Times.

4,00 €
Ecology of Blesbok with special reference to productivity. A Publication of the Wildlife Society. Wildlife Monographs, August 1972, No. 30.

Ecology of Blesbok with special reference to productivity. A Publication of the Wildlife Society..

18,50 €
A Leading Spirit in American Art: William Merritt Chase, 1849-1916.

A Leading Spirit in American Art: William Merritt Chase, 1849-1916.

28,00 €
Alligators and Crocodiles of the World. The Disappearing Dragons.

Alligators and Crocodiles of the World. The Disappearing Dragons.

32,00 €
Taxonomy of the Genus Casuarius. The defined & known living Cassowary species and subspecies.

Taxonomy of the Genus Casuarius. The defined & known living Cassowary species and subspecies.

19,80 €
Animal Faces.

Animal Faces.

20,00 €
The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands. Reprint.

The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands. Reprint.

5,00 €

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