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7.398 Artikel gefunden


Evolution of Respiratory Processes: A Comparative Approach (Lung Biology in Health and Disease).

Evolution of Respiratory Processes: A Comparative Approach (Lung Biology in Health and Disease).

120,00 €
Illustrators XXX: The Society of Illustrators Thirtieth Annual of American Illustration.

Illustrators XXX: The Society of Illustrators Thirtieth Annual of American Illustration.

17,50 €
In Praise of Sailors. A Nautical Anthology of Art, Poetry and Prose.

In Praise of Sailors. A Nautical Anthology of Art, Poetry and Prose.

23,50 €
The Life and Art of Henry Fuseli.

The Life and Art of Henry Fuseli.

28,00 €
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin January 1971.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin January 1971.

40,00 €
The Official Guide.

The Official Guide.

8,00 €
Museumsführer. The American Museum of Natural History.

Museumsführer. The American Museum of Natural History.

10,00 €
A Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphines and Porpoises.

A Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphines and Porpoises.

18,00 €
Significant Others.

Significant Others.

23,50 €
Insects. An illustrated survey of the most successful animals on the earth.

Insects. An illustrated survey of the most successful animals on the earth.

7,00 €
Life at the zoo.  Behind the scenes with the animal doctors.

Life at the zoo. Behind the scenes with the animal doctors.

20,00 €
Zoological Science or Nature in living form.

Zoological Science or Nature in living form.

200,00 €
Ecology of Blesbok with special reference to productivity. A Publication of the Wildlife Society. Wildlife Monographs, August 1972, No. 30.

Ecology of Blesbok with special reference to productivity. A Publication of the Wildlife Society..

18,50 €
Microbiology. molecules, microbes, and man.

Microbiology. molecules, microbes, and man.

20,00 €
Men and Pandas.

Men and Pandas.

10,00 €
ZOO. Profiles of 102 zoos, aquariums and wildlife parks in the U.S.

ZOO. Profiles of 102 zoos, aquariums and wildlife parks in the U.S.

15,00 €
The Macaques: Studies in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution.

The Macaques: Studies in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution.

15,00 €
A Field Guide to the Ecology of Western Forests.

A Field Guide to the Ecology of Western Forests.

20,00 €
Zoo Book: The Evolution of Wildlife Conservation Centers.

Zoo Book: The Evolution of Wildlife Conservation Centers.

6,00 €
The Evolution of Human Behavior: Primate Models (Suny Series in Primatology).

The Evolution of Human Behavior: Primate Models (Suny Series in Primatology).

18,00 €
Primate Specialist Group Newsletter, Nr. 4, March 1984.

Primate Specialist Group Newsletter, Nr. 4, March 1984.

10,00 €
Of Wolves and Men.

Of Wolves and Men.

25,00 €


30,00 €
Principles of Genetics. 4th ed.

Principles of Genetics. 4th ed.

18,00 €
Wildlife of North America.

Wildlife of North America.

8,00 €
The modern ark. The story of zoos: past, present and future.

The modern ark. The story of zoos: past, present and future.

20,00 €
Italian Master Drawings from the Uffizi.

Italian Master Drawings from the Uffizi.

15,00 €
The Bronx Zoo Book of Wild Animals (Verschiedene Fotos).

The Bronx Zoo Book of Wild Animals (Verschiedene Fotos).

30,00 €
The Atlantic Puffin.

The Atlantic Puffin.

10,00 €
The Evolutionary Ecology of Animal Migration.

The Evolutionary Ecology of Animal Migration.

59,00 €
Bird Flight.

Bird Flight.

130,00 €
The Aquarium Book. Written and Photographed by George Ancona.

The Aquarium Book. Written and Photographed by George Ancona.

9,50 €
Bedrohte und ausgerottete Tiere. Eine Biologie des Aussterbens und des Überlebens (Verständliche Wissenschaft, Band 68).

Bedrohte und ausgerottete Tiere. Eine Biologie des Aussterbens und des Überlebens (Verständliche..

10,00 €
Whistler. A Biography.

Whistler. A Biography.

6,00 €
A Guide to Field Identification. Seashells of North America. illustr. By George F. Sandström.

A Guide to Field Identification. Seashells of North America. illustr. By George F. Sandström.

12,00 €
Sotheby's Latin American Art. New York, May 29 & 30, 2002.

Sotheby's Latin American Art. New York, May 29 & 30, 2002.

6,00 €
Enjoy Your Terrarium.

Enjoy Your Terrarium.

11,00 €
Einführung in die Ornithologie.

Einführung in die Ornithologie.

5,50 €
The Distribution and Habits of Madagascar Birds. Summary of the Field Notes of the Mission Zoologiqu.

The Distribution and Habits of Madagascar Birds. Summary of the Field Notes of the Mission..

28,00 €
Exploring Biomechanics: Animals in Motion.

Exploring Biomechanics: Animals in Motion.

16,00 €
Biologie der Fische. 138 Abbildungen und 10 Tabellen.

Biologie der Fische. 138 Abbildungen und 10 Tabellen.

63,20 €
Seals and Sea Lions of the World.

Seals and Sea Lions of the World.

5,00 €
Fong, Wen C. and James C.Y. Watt: Possessing the Past - Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei *. With contributions by Chang Lin-sheng, James Cahill, Wai-Kam Ho, Maxwell K. Hearn and Richard M. Barnhart.

Fong, Wen C. and James C.Y. Watt: Possessing the Past Treasures from the National Palace Museum..

60,00 €
Landau, Lee Krasner. Harry N. Abrams 1995 CATALOGUE RAISONNE WERKVERZEICHNIS

Landau, Lee Krasner. Harry N. Abrams 1995 CATALOGUE RAISONNE WERKVERZEICHNIS

900,00 €
Avant-Gardes. [KONVOLUT von kleinen farb. Bildkärtchen mit Informationskarte zur Ausstellung] "Selections from the Merrill C. Berman Collection February 5 - April 24, 2004".

Avant Gardes. [KONVOLUT von kleinen farb. Bildkärtchen mit Informationskarte zur Ausstellung]..

20,00 €
Helmdach, Friedrich-Franz: Leitfaden zur Bestimmung fossiler und rezenter Ostrakoden.

Helmdach, Friedrich-Franz: Leitfaden zur Bestimmung fossiler und rezenter Ostrakoden.

58,00 €


540,00 €
Baetjer, Katharine and J.G. Links: CANALETTO *. Essays by J. G. Links, Michael Levey, Francis Haskell, Alessandro Bettagno and Viola Pemberton-Pigott.

Baetjer, Katharine and J.G. Links: CANALETTO *. Essays by J. G. Links, Michael Levey, Francis..

24,50 €

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