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137 Artikel gefunden


Nielson, M. W: Afrotropical leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae). Part 1. New taxa with a revised key to species. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of African Zoology 105, 393-428.

Nielson, M. W: Afrotropical leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini (Homoptera: Cicadellidae:..

12,00 €
Smith, Margaret M: Rhabdosargus thorpei, a new sparid fish from South Africa, with a key to the species of Rhabdosargus. Sonderdruck aus: Copeia 4, 702-709.

Smith, Margaret M: Rhabdosargus thorpei, a new sparid fish from South Africa, with a key to the..

9,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: The Teeth of Lampreys (Petromyzonidae) : Their Terminilogy and Use in a Key to the Holarctic Genera. Sonderdruck aus: Journal Fish. Res. Bd. Canada ; 24, 1067-1075.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: The Teeth of Lampreys (Petromyzonidae) : Their Terminilogy and..

9,00 €
Rutschky, Ch. W; Th C Mooney; J P Vanderberg: Mosquitoes of Pennsylvania : an illustrated key to species with accompanying notes on biology and control. Pennsylvania State University. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 630.

Rutschky, Ch. W; Th C Mooney; J P Vanderberg: Mosquitoes of Pennsylvania : an illustrated key to..

15,00 €
Haas, János et al: Alsó-triász alapszelvények a dunántúli-középhegységben = Lower triassic key sections in the transdanubian mid-mountains. A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet Évkönyve 65,2.

Haas, János et al: Alsó triász alapszelvények a dunántúli középhegységben = Lower triassic..

40,00 €
Key, David Martin: The introduction of characters by name in Greek and Roman comedy. Dissertation.

Key, David Martin: The introduction of characters by name in Greek and Roman comedy. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Brock, Vernon E: A preliminary report on Parathunnus sibi in Hawaiian waters and a key to the tunas and tunalike fishes of Hawaii. Sonderdruck aus: Pacific Science 3, 271-277.

Brock, Vernon E: A preliminary report on Parathunnus sibi in Hawaiian waters and a key to the tunas..

8,00 €
Springer, Stewart: Two new Atlantic species of dog sharks, with a key to the species of Mustelus. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 86,3058, 461-468.

Springer, Stewart: Two new Atlantic species of dog sharks, with a key to the species of Mustelus..

10,00 €
Merkl, O.; Kompantzeva, T.V: Old World Rhipidandrus Leconte: synonymies, faunistics, identification key and description of two new species from Australia (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42, 89-

Merkl, O.; Kompantzeva, T.V: Old World Rhipidandrus Leconte: synonymies, faunistics, identification..

9,00 €
Nielson, M. W: Afrotropical leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae). Part 2. Additional new taxa with taxonomic notes and a revised key to genera and species. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of African Zoology 106, 211-242.

Nielson, M. W: Afrotropical leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini (Homoptera: Cicadellidae:..

12,00 €
Nielson, M. W: New oriental genus of leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini with a revised key to the species (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologica scandinavica 21, 445-475.

Nielson, M. W: New oriental genus of leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini with a revised key to the..

10,00 €
Adams, William Howard: The French Garden. 1500-1800. (World landscape art & architecture series).

Adams, William Howard: The French Garden. 1500-1800. (World landscape art & architecture series).

25,00 €
Will Alsop at the Soane. Beauty, Joy & The Real. Catalogue of an exhibition in the Soane Gallery 28 March to 8 June 2002.  oy & The Real.

Will Alsop at the Soane. Beauty, Joy & The Real. Catalogue of an exhibition in the Soane Gallery 28..

35,00 €
Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

120,00 €
Spens, Michael (Ed: AR 100. The Recovery of the Modern. Architectural Review 1980-1995: Key Text and Critique.

Spens, Michael (Ed: AR 100. The Recovery of the Modern. Architectural Review 1980 1995: Key Text..

45,00 €
Nielson, M. W: New South American leafhoppers in the genus Docalidia, with a key to 37 species (Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae, Teruliini). Sonderdruck aus: Great Basin Naturalist 46, 749-762.

Nielson, M. W: New South American leafhoppers in the genus Docalidia, with a key to 37 species..

9,00 €
Gahan, A. B: Eight new species of Chalcid-Flies of the genus Pseudaphycus Clausen, with a key to the species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 96,3200.

Gahan, A. B: Eight new species of Chalcid Flies of the genus Pseudaphycus Clausen, with a key to..

12,00 €
Bateman, PT; Berlekamp, ER; Pearcy CM; Selfridge: Mathematical reviews, Annual Index 1980, Author Index M - Z, Key Index. Index of mathematical Papers vol. 12.

Bateman, PT; Berlekamp, ER; Pearcy CM; Selfridge: Mathematical reviews, Annual Index 1980, Author..

20,00 €
Bateman, PT; Berlekamp, ER; Pearcy CM; Selfridge: Mathematical reviews, Annual Index 1979, vol. 57 and 58, Author Index A - L +  Author Index M - Z, Key Index. Index of mathematical Papers vol. 11 (2 Bände).

Bateman, PT; Berlekamp, ER; Pearcy CM; Selfridge: Mathematical reviews, Annual Index 1979, vol. 57..

40,00 €
Isselhorst, Hartmut: Ein Beitrag zur Verwendung rationaler Zahlen in Public-key-Kryptosystemen. Dissertation.

Isselhorst, Hartmut: Ein Beitrag zur Verwendung rationaler Zahlen in Public key Kryptosystemen..

9,00 €
Költzsch, Torsten: Geschlossene Public-Key-Infrastruktur-Lösungen. =Electronic Commerce; Bd. 10. Dissertation Freiburg (Breisgau).

Költzsch, Torsten: Geschlossene Public Key Infrastruktur Lösungen. =Electronic Commerce; Bd. 10..

16,00 €
Key, Ellen: Seelen und Werke. Essays.

Key, Ellen: Seelen und Werke. Essays.

8,00 €
Bogner, C. M: A synoptic key of the Materia Medica.

Bogner, C. M: A synoptic key of the Materia Medica.

12,00 €
Redactions-Comité des intern. medicinischen Congresses (Hrsg.): Verhandlungen des X. Internationalen Medicinischen Congresses. Berlin, 4.-9. August 1890. Band I. Allgemeiner Teil.

Redactions Comité des intern. medicinischen Congresses (Hrsg.): Verhandlungen des X..

50,00 €
Murphy, Raymond: Basic grammar in use. Reference and practice for studens of English.

Murphy, Raymond: Basic grammar in use. Reference and practice for studens of English.

19,00 €
Baker Eddy, Mary: Science and health with key to the scriptures. / Ciencia y Salud con clave de las Escrituras.

Baker Eddy, Mary: Science and health with key to the scriptures. / Ciencia y Salud con clave de las..

26,00 €
Greenwood, Jayne, Linklatter, Hollie and Roberts Susan: Key Stage 1 Reading - Revision for Curriculum Tests and Practice Papers.

Greenwood, Jayne, Linklatter, Hollie and Roberts Susan: Key Stage 1 Reading Revision for..

7,99 €
Eddy, Mary Baker: A Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Eddy, Mary Baker: A Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

12,00 €
Martin, Jacqueline: Key Facts. Criminal Law.

Martin, Jacqueline: Key Facts. Criminal Law.

7,00 €
Martin, Jacqueline: Key Cases. Criminal Law.

Martin, Jacqueline: Key Cases. Criminal Law.

6,00 €
Bray, Judith: Key Facts. Land Law.

Bray, Judith: Key Facts. Land Law.

2,00 €
Scott, Ray M: Zum Sterben nach Key West. Trucker-Roman.

Scott, Ray M: Zum Sterben nach Key West. Trucker-Roman.

6,00 €
Visser, John de: Montreal. Un Portrait / A Portrait.

Visser, John de: Montreal. Un Portrait / A Portrait.

9,00 €
Spivak, J.L., H. V. Barnes (Eds.): Manual of clinical problems in internal medicine. With annotated key references.

Spivak, J.L., H. V. Barnes (Eds.): Manual of clinical problems in internal medicine. With annotated..

7,00 €
Quast, Ute, Sigrid Key-Köllstadt, Ute Arndt: Schwierige Impffragen – kompetent beantwortet.

Quast, Ute, Sigrid Key-Köllstadt, Ute Arndt: Schwierige Impffragen – kompetent beantwortet.

24,00 €
McNally, J: A first ladybird key words picture dictionary.

McNally, J: A first ladybird key words picture dictionary.

7,00 €
Key, Ellen: Liebe und Ethik.

Key, Ellen: Liebe und Ethik.

7,00 €
Hirschfeld, Burt: Key West. Insel der Lust.

Hirschfeld, Burt: Key West. Insel der Lust.

4,00 €
KEY, B., Giorgi, P. P: Soybean agglutinin binding to the  olfactory systems of te rat and mouse.

KEY, B., Giorgi, P. P: Soybean agglutinin binding to the olfactory systems of te rat and mouse.

4,00 €
Gilbert, Judy B: Clear speech. Pronunciation and listening . Comprehension in American english. Teacher’s manual and answer key.

Gilbert, Judy B: Clear speech. Pronunciation and listening . Comprehension in American english..

16,00 €
Baker Eddy, Mary: A complete Concordance to Science and health with key to the scriptures., Together with an Index to marginal headings and a list of the scriptural quotations contained therein.

Baker Eddy, Mary: A complete Concordance to Science and health with key to the scriptures..

6,00 €
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