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255 Artikel gefunden


Roger W. Findley; Daniel A. Farber: Cases and materials on environmental law. 3. Ed. American casebook series.

Roger W. Findley; Daniel A. Farber: Cases and materials on environmental law. 3. Ed. American..

45,00 €
Bonine, John E. ; MacGarity, Thomas O: The law of environmental protection : cases, legislation, policies. 2. Ed. American casebook series.

Bonine, John E. ; MacGarity, Thomas O: The law of environmental protection : cases, legislation..

50,00 €
Plater, Z. J. B.; Abrams, R. H.; Goldfarb, W: Environmental law and policy : nature, law, and society. 2. Printing. American casebook series.

Plater, Z. J. B.; Abrams, R. H.; Goldfarb, W: Environmental law and policy : nature, law, and..

60,00 €
Dowling, Noel T: 1961 Supplement - Cases on Constitutional Law. Supplementary material to sixth edition.

Dowling, Noel T: 1961 Supplement Cases on Constitutional Law. Supplementary material to sixth..

20,00 €
Logue, Dennis E.; Sweeney, Richard James: Economics and the Law of the Sea Negociations. Original Paper 6.

Logue, Dennis E.; Sweeney, Richard James: Economics and the Law of the Sea Negociations. Original..

19,00 €
Harrell, Hansen Carmine: Public arbitration in Athenian law. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of Missouri studies 11.

Harrell, Hansen Carmine: Public arbitration in Athenian law. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

25,00 €
Robbers, Gerhard: An introduction to German law. 3. Ed.

Robbers, Gerhard: An introduction to German law. 3. Ed.

20,00 €
Saunders, John Beecroft: Mozley and Whiteley's law dictionary. 8. ed.

Saunders, John Beecroft: Mozley and Whiteley's law dictionary. 8. ed.

7,00 €
Phillips, Owen Hood: The constitutional law of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. 2. Ed.

Phillips, Owen Hood: The constitutional law of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. 2. Ed.

45,00 €
Correia Telles, J. H: Manual do Processo Civil. Supplemento do Digesto Portuguez.

Correia Telles, J. H: Manual do Processo Civil. Supplemento do Digesto Portuguez.

80,00 €
Seibert, Ilse: Woman in Ancient Near East.

Seibert, Ilse: Woman in Ancient Near East.

20,00 €
Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield: Boston: the job ahead. [A publication of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Instute of Technology and Harvard University].

Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield: Boston: the job ahead. [A publication of the Joint Center..

50,00 €
Zahavy, Tzvee: The Mishnaic law of blessings and prayers. Tractate Berakhot. Brown judaic studies 88.

Zahavy, Tzvee: The Mishnaic law of blessings and prayers. Tractate Berakhot. Brown judaic studies..

24,00 €
Schwarze, Hans-Wilhelm: Justice, law and revenge : the individual and natural order in Shakespeares Dramen. Dissertation. Studien zur englischen Literatur Bd. 6.

Schwarze, Hans Wilhelm: Justice, law and revenge : the individual and natural order in Shakespeares..

40,00 €
Garnefsky, André: Public policy in Soviet private international law. Dissertation.

Garnefsky, André: Public policy in Soviet private international law. Dissertation.

12,00 €
Wymeersch, Eddy; Kruithof, Marc: The law of groups of companies : an international Bibliography.

Wymeersch, Eddy; Kruithof, Marc: The law of groups of companies : an international Bibliography.

65,00 €
Elliott, Derek William: Criminal law. Leading cases in a nutshell.

Elliott, Derek William: Criminal law. Leading cases in a nutshell.

25,00 €
Kerse, Christopher S: EEC (European Economic Community) antitrust procedure. 2. Ed.

Kerse, Christopher S: EEC (European Economic Community) antitrust procedure. 2. Ed.

20,00 €
The problem of discovery in criminal cases. Problems in criminal law and its administration No. 5.

The problem of discovery in criminal cases. Problems in criminal law and its administration No. 5.

16,00 €
Szirmai, Z. (Ed.): The federal criminal law of the Soviet Union : the basic principles of the criminal legislation, The law concerning the crimes against the state, The law concerning military crimes, The basic principles of criminal procedure. Law in Eas

Szirmai, Z. (Ed.): The federal criminal law of the Soviet Union : the basic principles of the..

25,00 €
Chorley, Robert S. Th. Lord ; Giles, Otto Charles: Chorley & Tucker's leading cases on mercantile law : being a companion volume to Stevens' mercantile law. 3. Ed. Beigebunden: Supplement to third edition (1956).

Chorley, Robert S. Th. Lord ; Giles, Otto Charles: Chorley & Tucker's leading cases on mercantile..

14,00 €
Hall, F.P.; Sikes, P.; Stoner, J.; Wormuth, F: American National Government: Law and practice.

Hall, F.P.; Sikes, P.; Stoner, J.; Wormuth, F: American National Government: Law and practice.

14,00 €
Schneider, Hans: Bibliographie zum öffentlichen Recht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Ein Hilfsmittel zum Studium von Verfassung u. Verwaltung. Reference Guide to the public law of the Federal Republic of Germany. 2., erg. u. erw. Aufl.

Schneider, Hans: Bibliographie zum öffentlichen Recht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Ein..

14,00 €
International Conference on Environmental Criminal Law = Huanjing xingfa guodi xueshu yantuhui lunwenji.

International Conference on Environmental Criminal Law = Huanjing xingfa guodi xueshu yantuhui..

50,00 €
Berman, Harold Joseph; Spindler, James W: Soviet criminal law and procedure : the RSFSR codes. 2. Ed. Russian Research Center studies No. 50.

Berman, Harold Joseph; Spindler, James W: Soviet criminal law and procedure : the RSFSR codes. 2..

19,00 €
Hailbronner, Kay (Hrsg.): Asyl- und Einwanderungsrecht im europäischen Vergleich; Comparative law of asylum and immigration in Europe; Droit comparé de l'asile et de l'immigration en Europe. Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Rechtsakademie Trier Bd. 1.

Hailbronner, Kay (Hrsg.): Asyl und Einwanderungsrecht im europäischen Vergleich; Comparative law..

24,00 €
Maasdorp, A. F. S: Maasdorp's Institutes of South African law. Vol II. The law of things. 8. Ed.

Maasdorp, A. F. S: Maasdorp's Institutes of South African law. Vol II. The law of things. 8. Ed.

35,00 €
Skouris, Wassilios (Ed.): Advertising and constitutional rights in Europe : a study in comparative constitutional law.

Skouris, Wassilios (Ed.): Advertising and constitutional rights in Europe : a study in comparative..

70,00 €
Stucki, Jürg: Der Hausfriedensbruch (Art. 186 StGB), verglichen mit den entsprechenden Regeln des amerikanischen Rechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Model Penal Code des American Law..

Stucki, Jürg: Der Hausfriedensbruch (Art. 186 StGB), verglichen mit den entsprechenden Regeln des..

14,00 €
Everling, Ulrich: Buchpreisbindung im deutschen Sprachraum und europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht = Book price fixing in the German language area and European Community law = Fixation des..

Everling, Ulrich: Buchpreisbindung im deutschen Sprachraum und europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht =..

11,00 €
Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (Hrsg.): Association internationale de droit penal: XIIe congres international de droit penal Hambourg 16-22 Septembre 1979 - Actes du congres/International Association of penal law: XIIth international congress on penal law Hambur

Jescheck, Hans Heinrich (Hrsg.): Association internationale de droit penal: XIIe congres..

45,00 €
Bromley, P. M.; Lowe, N. V: Bromley's Family Law. 8. Ed.

Bromley, P. M.; Lowe, N. V: Bromley's Family Law. 8. Ed.

50,00 €
Glücksmann, Ralph: Die Grenzen der Betätigung englischer Verwaltungsbehörden (the development of the doctrine of ultra vires in English administrative law).

Glücksmann, Ralph: Die Grenzen der Betätigung englischer Verwaltungsbehörden (the development of..

16,00 €
Bissell, Allen Page: The law of Asylum in Israel historically and critically examined. Dissertation.

Bissell, Allen Page: The law of Asylum in Israel historically and critically examined..

24,00 €
Beyerlin, Ulrich; Bernhardt, Rudolf (Hrsg.): Reports on German Public Law and Public International Law. XIIth Internat. Congress of Comparative Law, Australia 1986. Motive, Texte, Materialien ; Bd. 38.

Beyerlin, Ulrich; Bernhardt, Rudolf (Hrsg.): Reports on German Public Law and Public International..

32,00 €
Rüede, Thomas: The criteria applying to the position in contracts of Principal and Agent and of "Kommuttent" and "Kommissionär". A comparative study of English and Swiss law. Dissertation.

Rüede, Thomas: The criteria applying to the position in contracts of Principal and Agent and of..

16,00 €
Besche, Hans Joachim: Publizität und Haftung ausländischer Kapitalgesellschaften nach dem Federal Securities Law der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Dissertation.

Besche, Hans Joachim: Publizität und Haftung ausländischer Kapitalgesellschaften nach dem Federal..

16,00 €
Ziegenbein, Ulrich: Die Unterscheidung von real und personal actions in Common Law. Dissertation. = Schriften zum Prozessrecht. 23.

Ziegenbein, Ulrich: Die Unterscheidung von real und personal actions in Common Law. Dissertation. =..

12,00 €
Schermutzki, Gerd: Die gesetzliche Stellung des überlebenden Ehegatten im Recht der Common Law Staaten der USA : Eine Rechtsvergleichung mit der Rechtslage in der BRD..

Schermutzki, Gerd: Die gesetzliche Stellung des überlebenden Ehegatten im Recht der Common Law..

19,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Second part of a collection of books on Economic and social history including a number of items on commerce and law (continuation of catalogue 263). Catalogue No 281 with 818 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Second part of a collection of books on Economic and..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill. Catalogue No 263 with 1024 numbers. Leiden, Netherlands. A collection of books on economic and social history including a number of items on commerce and law.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill. Catalogue No 263 with 1024 numbers. Leiden, Netherlands. A collection of..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Classical antiquity 4, 1969: Authors and Texts, Archaeology and Art, Papyrology, Epigraphy and Mycenaean, Philology and Literature, History, Sociology and Law, Religion, Philosophy and Science, Byzentium, Med

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Classical antiquity 4, 1969: Authors and Texts..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on classical Antiquity: General and miscellaneous, Linguistics  and literature, Texts and translations, Religion, Philosophy, Arts, archaeology, History, Law, Geograph

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on..

15,00 €
Austin, Cyrus: Price discrimination and related problems unter the Robinson - Patman  Act revised edition (November 1953). Foreword and preface.

Austin, Cyrus: Price discrimination and related problems unter the Robinson Patman Act revised..

9,00 €
Stevens' Elements of mercantile law. Ninth edition. By Herbert Jacobs. Stevens

Stevens' Elements of mercantile law. Ninth edition. By Herbert Jacobs. Stevens

12,00 €
Heisenberg, Werner: Das Naturgesetz und die Struktur der Materie. Natural law and the structure of matter. Mit vier Radierungen von Hans Erni. (Hrsg. von Jean Gebser).

Heisenberg, Werner: Das Naturgesetz und die Struktur der Materie. Natural law and the structure of..

190,00 €
o. Autor: Contract Law.

o. Autor: Contract Law.

4,00 €
Martin, Jacqueline: Key Facts. Criminal Law.

Martin, Jacqueline: Key Facts. Criminal Law.

7,00 €
Martin, Jacqueline: Key Cases. Criminal Law.

Martin, Jacqueline: Key Cases. Criminal Law.

6,00 €
Herring, Jonathan: Criminal Law. Text, Cases, and Materials.

Herring, Jonathan: Criminal Law. Text, Cases, and Materials.

12,00 €
Bray, Judith: Key Facts. Land Law.

Bray, Judith: Key Facts. Land Law.

2,00 €
o. Autor: Berlin August 13. Barriers to law and humanity.

o. Autor: Berlin August 13. Barriers to law and humanity.

15,00 €
Yakobson, Sergius: World security and regional arrangements - Soviet position.

Yakobson, Sergius: World security and regional arrangements - Soviet position.

6,00 €
Webster, C: The discovery of Boyle’s Law, and the concept of the elascicity of air in the seventeenth century.

Webster, C: The discovery of Boyle’s Law, and the concept of the elascicity of air in the..

8,00 €
Thornley, G. C: Pleasant books in easy english. II. The hand of the law.

Thornley, G. C: Pleasant books in easy english. II. The hand of the law.

4,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The works  of Laurence Sterne complete in eight volumes. Containing  I. Tristram Shandy and the political romance. II. , with  continuations. III. The Koran. IV. Letters. V. Sermons. With an account of the life and writings of the autor.

Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne complete in eight volumes. Containing I. Tristram..

362,00 €
Spindler, George D. & L. S. Spindler: American Anthropologist. 67 (1965).,  Anhang, Laura Nader, The enthography of law.

Spindler, George D. & L. S. Spindler: American Anthropologist. 67 (1965)., Anhang, Laura Nader..

6,00 €
Kingsgbury, B.F: The extent of the floor-plate of His and its significance. `J.Comp.Neurol., 32, 113-135 (1920)., / The fundamental plan of the vertebrate brain., J. Comp.Neurol., 234, 461-491 (1922). /  On the so called law of anteroposterior development

Kingsgbury, B.F: The extent of the floor plate of His and its significance. `J.Comp.Neurol., 32..

4,00 €
Ruffner, James A: Reinterpretation of the genesis of Newton’s law of cooling.

Ruffner, James A: Reinterpretation of the genesis of Newton’s law of cooling.

4,00 €
Goldsmith, John & Vincent Powell-Smith: Against the Law. Guide to oddities of our legal system, past and present.

Goldsmith, John & Vincent Powell Smith: Against the Law. Guide to oddities of our legal system..

4,00 €
Freedman, Lawrence Zelic / Syndny B. Maughs: Psychiatry and the law. / Criminal psychopathology.

Freedman, Lawrence Zelic / Syndny B. Maughs: Psychiatry and the law. / Criminal psychopathology.

4,00 €
Eastwood, Bruce S: Metaphysical derivations of a law of refraction . Damianos and Grosseteste.

Eastwood, Bruce S: Metaphysical derivations of a law of refraction . Damianos and Grosseteste.

4,00 €
Law-Smith, Joan

Law-Smith, Joan

6,95 €
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