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6.124 Artikel gefunden


Saxon, Lyle ; Tallant, Robert (Introd.): Fabulous New Orleans.

Saxon, Lyle ; Tallant, Robert (Introd.): Fabulous New Orleans.

80,00 €
Muller, Robert: New Genesis. Shaping a Global Spirituality.  [With a dedication by the author].

Muller, Robert: New Genesis. Shaping a Global Spirituality. [With a dedication by the author].

22,00 €
Hofmann, Walter Jürgen: Der Neue Bau von Kloster Erbach. [Mit einer Widmung des Autors].

Hofmann, Walter Jürgen: Der Neue Bau von Kloster Erbach. [Mit einer Widmung des Autors].

22,00 €
Andres, Stefan: Das Antlitz. Erzählung. [Signiert].

Andres, Stefan: Das Antlitz. Erzählung. [Signiert].

20,00 €
Möllenkamp, Werner: Der Chip. Roman. [Vom Autor signiert].

Möllenkamp, Werner: Der Chip. Roman. [Vom Autor signiert].

19,00 €
Ewen, David: The Story of George Gershwin.

Ewen, David: The Story of George Gershwin.

9,00 €
Scott, Walter: The Fortunes of Nigel.

Scott, Walter: The Fortunes of Nigel.

19,00 €
Scott, Walter: The Pirate.

Scott, Walter: The Pirate.

10,00 €
Scott, Walter: The Heart of Mid-Lothian.

Scott, Walter: The Heart of Mid-Lothian.

19,00 €
Lamb, Charles: The Essays of Elia.

Lamb, Charles: The Essays of Elia.

31,00 €
Brown, Ivor: H. G. Wells.

Brown, Ivor: H. G. Wells.

28,00 €
Hambleton, Jack: Charter Pilot. A Bill Hanson Story.

Hambleton, Jack: Charter Pilot. A Bill Hanson Story.

62,00 €
Webb, Jack: The Broken Doll.

Webb, Jack: The Broken Doll.

31,00 €
Benson, S. Vere: The Observer's Book of British Birds.

Benson, S. Vere: The Observer's Book of British Birds.

24,00 €
de Groot, Adreaan D: Saint Nicholas. A psychoanalytical study of his history and myth.

de Groot, Adreaan D: Saint Nicholas. A psychoanalytical study of his history and myth.

16,00 €
Paull, George A: Prince Dimple On His Travels.

Paull, George A: Prince Dimple On His Travels.

44,00 €
Scott, Walter: Waverley Novels. Vol. XXXI: Quentin Dorward.

Scott, Walter: Waverley Novels. Vol. XXXI: Quentin Dorward.

8,50 €
Scott, Walter: Waverley Novels. Vol. III: Guy Mannering or, The Astrologer.

Scott, Walter: Waverley Novels. Vol. III: Guy Mannering or, The Astrologer.

12,50 €
Seeler, Margaret: The Art of Enameling. [With the authos's dedication].

Seeler, Margaret: The Art of Enameling. [With the authos's dedication].

80,00 €
Arguelles, Jose: Surfers of the Zuvua: tales of interdimensional travel.

Arguelles, Jose: Surfers of the Zuvua: tales of interdimensional travel.

20,00 €
Fishel, Edwin C: The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil War.

Fishel, Edwin C: The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the..

18,00 €
Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

20,00 €
Rimmer, Alfred: Ancient Stone Crosses of England.

Rimmer, Alfred: Ancient Stone Crosses of England.

13,00 €
Higinbotham, John U: Three Weeks in Europe. The Vacation of a Busy Man.

Higinbotham, John U: Three Weeks in Europe. The Vacation of a Busy Man.

34,00 €
Roberts, Kenneth: Arundel.

Roberts, Kenneth: Arundel.

8,50 €
Ward, Humphry: Eleanor.

Ward, Humphry: Eleanor.

17,00 €
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: The Autocrat of the breakfast-table.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell: The Autocrat of the breakfast-table.

17,00 €
de la Roche, Mazo: Finch's Fortune.

de la Roche, Mazo: Finch's Fortune.

24,00 €
de la Roche, Mazo: Wakefield's Course.

de la Roche, Mazo: Wakefield's Course.

18,00 €
de la Roche, Mazo: Whiteoak Harvest.

de la Roche, Mazo: Whiteoak Harvest.

14,00 €
de la Roche, Mazo: Return to Jalna.

de la Roche, Mazo: Return to Jalna.

10,00 €
Hardy, Thomas: The return of the Native.

Hardy, Thomas: The return of the Native.

8,00 €
Conrad, Joseph: The Arrow of Gold. A Story Between Two Notes.

Conrad, Joseph: The Arrow of Gold. A Story Between Two Notes.

8,50 €
Morgan, Charles: The Judge's Story.

Morgan, Charles: The Judge's Story.

17,00 €
Dixit, Avinash K. & Nalebuff, Barry J: Thinking Strategically.

Dixit, Avinash K. & Nalebuff, Barry J: Thinking Strategically.

8,50 €
Wentworth, Patricia: Miss Silver Comes to Stay.

Wentworth, Patricia: Miss Silver Comes to Stay.

38,00 €
O'Connor, Frank: Traveller's Samples. Stories and Tales.

O'Connor, Frank: Traveller's Samples. Stories and Tales.

8,50 €
Boucher, Anthony (Ed.): A Treasury of Great Science Fiction. Volume Two.

Boucher, Anthony (Ed.): A Treasury of Great Science Fiction. Volume Two.

18,00 €
Souvenir of Salt-Lake. The City of The Saints.

Souvenir of Salt-Lake. The City of The Saints.

25,00 €
Williams, Donald: Looking at Australia.Talking art and culture.

Williams, Donald: Looking at Australia.Talking art and culture.

28,00 €
Fothergill, Jessie: The First Violin. A Novel.

Fothergill, Jessie: The First Violin. A Novel.

14,00 €
Kanon, Joseph: The Good German. A Novel.

Kanon, Joseph: The Good German. A Novel.

12,00 €
van der Post, Laurens: A View of all the Russians.

van der Post, Laurens: A View of all the Russians.

10,00 €
Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage.

Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage.

14,00 €
Lally, Kevin: Wilder Times. The Life of Billy Wilder.

Lally, Kevin: Wilder Times. The Life of Billy Wilder.

16,00 €
Friedman, Thomas L. & Mandelbaum, Michael: That Used to be US. What went wrong with America - and how it can come back.

Friedman, Thomas L. & Mandelbaum, Michael: That Used to be US. What went wrong with America and..

7,00 €
Kershaw, Ian: Hitler. 1936 - 1945: Nemesis.

Kershaw, Ian: Hitler. 1936 - 1945: Nemesis.

28,00 €
Kershaw, Ian: Hitler. 1889 - 1936: Hubris.

Kershaw, Ian: Hitler. 1889 - 1936: Hubris.

22,00 €
Hughes-Wilson, John: The Puppet Masters.

Hughes-Wilson, John: The Puppet Masters.

3,50 €
Hardy, Thomas: Tess of the d'Urbervilles.

Hardy, Thomas: Tess of the d'Urbervilles.

2,50 €
Sherwood, Frances: The Book of Splendor. A Novel.

Sherwood, Frances: The Book of Splendor. A Novel.

14,00 €
Levi, Primo: The Mirror Maker. Stories & Essays.

Levi, Primo: The Mirror Maker. Stories & Essays.

7,00 €
Ze-Ami ; Asaji, Nobori (Transl.): Kadensho or The Flower Book. A secret book of Noh Art.

Ze-Ami ; Asaji, Nobori (Transl.): Kadensho or The Flower Book. A secret book of Noh Art.

44,00 €
Riley, James Whitcomb: Riley Roses.

Riley, James Whitcomb: Riley Roses.

10,00 €
Halberstam, David: The Next Century.

Halberstam, David: The Next Century.

6,50 €
Cary, Diana Serra: The Hollywood Posse. The Story of a Gallant Band of Horsemen Who Made Movie History.

Cary, Diana Serra: The Hollywood Posse. The Story of a Gallant Band of Horsemen Who Made Movie..

8,00 €
McConnochie, Mardi: Coldwater.

McConnochie, Mardi: Coldwater.

18,00 €
Faulks, Sebastian: On Green Dolphin Street.

Faulks, Sebastian: On Green Dolphin Street.

6,50 €
Brooks, Van Wyck: The Flowering of New England 1815 - 1865.

Brooks, Van Wyck: The Flowering of New England 1815 - 1865.

22,00 €
Caruso, John Anthony: The Mississippi Valley Frontier.

Caruso, John Anthony: The Mississippi Valley Frontier.

10,00 €
Roberts, Kenneth: Oliver Wiswell.

Roberts, Kenneth: Oliver Wiswell.

22,00 €
Roberts, Kenneth: Rabble in Arms.

Roberts, Kenneth: Rabble in Arms.

50,00 €
Defoe, Daniel: Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722.

Defoe, Daniel: Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722.

48,00 €
Rankin, Ian: Fleshmarket Alley.

Rankin, Ian: Fleshmarket Alley.

4,00 €
Martin, Judith: No Vulgar Hotel. The Desire and Pursuit of Venice.

Martin, Judith: No Vulgar Hotel. The Desire and Pursuit of Venice.

8,50 €
Brooks, Van Wyck: New England: Indian Summer 1865 - 1915.

Brooks, Van Wyck: New England: Indian Summer 1865 - 1915.

15,00 €
Martin, James Kirby (Ed.): Interpreting Colonial America. Selected Readings.

Martin, James Kirby (Ed.): Interpreting Colonial America. Selected Readings.

6,00 €
Ritchie, David: The Binary Brain. Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Electronics.

Ritchie, David: The Binary Brain. Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Electronics.

10,00 €
Trevelyan, G. M: English Social History. A Survey of Six Centuries. Chaucer to Queen Victoria.

Trevelyan, G. M: English Social History. A Survey of Six Centuries. Chaucer to Queen Victoria.

8,00 €
Taylor, Phoebe Atwood: Spring Harrowing. An Asey Mayo Mystery.

Taylor, Phoebe Atwood: Spring Harrowing. An Asey Mayo Mystery.

62,00 €
Payton, Mary & Geoffrey: Pottery & Porcelain.

Payton, Mary & Geoffrey: Pottery & Porcelain.

8,50 €
Miller, Gustavus Hindman: Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted or What's in a Dream.

Miller, Gustavus Hindman: Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted or What's in a Dream.

10,00 €
Pandey, B. N. (Ed.): A Book of India.

Pandey, B. N. (Ed.): A Book of India.

12,00 €
Gibbs, Philip: The Street of Adventure.

Gibbs, Philip: The Street of Adventure.

4,00 €
Guillen, Michael: Bridges to Infinity. The Human Side of Mathematics.

Guillen, Michael: Bridges to Infinity. The Human Side of Mathematics.

10,00 €
Ferman, Ed & Malzberg, Barry: Arena : Sports SF.

Ferman, Ed & Malzberg, Barry: Arena : Sports SF.

10,50 €
Churchill, Caryl: Plays : 1. Owners. Traps. Vinegar Tom.Light Shining in Buckinghamshire. Cloud Nine.

Churchill, Caryl: Plays : 1. Owners. Traps. Vinegar Tom.Light Shining in Buckinghamshire. Cloud..

8,00 €
Holt, Robert: Assessing Personality.

Holt, Robert: Assessing Personality.

12,50 €
Whymper, Edward: Episodes from the Ascent of the Matterhorn.

Whymper, Edward: Episodes from the Ascent of the Matterhorn.

28,00 €
Kingsley, Charles: Yeast. A Problem.

Kingsley, Charles: Yeast. A Problem.

12,00 €
Fairless, Michael: The Roadmender.

Fairless, Michael: The Roadmender.

7,00 €
Carter, Bonnie & Skates, Craig: The Rinehart Handbook for Writers.

Carter, Bonnie & Skates, Craig: The Rinehart Handbook for Writers.

10,00 €
Constantini, O. & Hubmann, H: Moscow.

Constantini, O. & Hubmann, H: Moscow.

8,00 €
Pennell, T. L: Things Seen in Northern India.

Pennell, T. L: Things Seen in Northern India.

13,00 €
Lavender, David: Land of Giants. The Drive to the Pacific Nothwest 1750 - 1950.

Lavender, David: Land of Giants. The Drive to the Pacific Nothwest 1750 - 1950.

10,00 €
Lieberson, Goddard (Ed.): John Fitzgerald Kennedy ... as We Remember Him.

Lieberson, Goddard (Ed.): John Fitzgerald Kennedy ... as We Remember Him.

10,00 €
Huston, Nancy: An Adoration.

Huston, Nancy: An Adoration.

10,00 €
Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage. An annotated Text Backgrounds and Sources. Essays in Criticism.

Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage. An annotated Text Backgrounds and Sources. Essays in..

5,00 €
Wellman, Paul I: The Iron Mistress.

Wellman, Paul I: The Iron Mistress.

8,00 €
Cole, Burt: The Quick. A Science Fiction Novel.

Cole, Burt: The Quick. A Science Fiction Novel.

12,00 €
Ghose, Sudhin N: Tibetan Folk Tales and Fairy Stories.

Ghose, Sudhin N: Tibetan Folk Tales and Fairy Stories.

12,00 €
Jackson, P. W: Local Government.

Jackson, P. W: Local Government.

8,00 €
Grzimek, Bernhard; Stevens, R. H. (Transl.): No Room for Wild Animals.

Grzimek, Bernhard; Stevens, R. H. (Transl.): No Room for Wild Animals.

8,00 €
Skinner, Cornelia Otis: Nuts in May.

Skinner, Cornelia Otis: Nuts in May.

8,00 €
Johnston, Brian: It's been a Lot of Fun. An Autobiography.

Johnston, Brian: It's been a Lot of Fun. An Autobiography.

4,00 €
Polner, Tikhon; Wreden, Nicholas (Transl.): Tolstoy and His Wife.

Polner, Tikhon; Wreden, Nicholas (Transl.): Tolstoy and His Wife.

8,50 €

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