Bücher & Zeitschriften

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Azzi, Angelo; Masotti, Lanfranco; Vecli, Arnaldo (Hg.): Membrane Proteins. Isolation and Characterization
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - London - Paris - Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, (1986).

Azzi, Angelo; Masotti, Lanfranco; Vecli, Arnaldo (Hg.): Membrane Proteins. Isolation and..

24,00 €
Perman, G. I. (Hg.): Limiting Greenhouse Effects. Controlling Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1990, December 9   14. [=..

Perman, G. I. (Hg.): Limiting Greenhouse Effects. Controlling Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Report of..

20,00 €
Nógrádi, Mihály: Stereoselective Synthesis
 Weinheim, VCH (Verlag Chemie), 1987.

Nógrádi, Mihály: Stereoselective Synthesis Weinheim, VCH (Verlag Chemie), 1987.

11,00 €
Gielen, Marcel: General Chemistry
 London, Freund Publishing House, (1995).

Gielen, Marcel: General Chemistry London, Freund Publishing House, (1995).

12,00 €
Ethnobotany and thee Search for New Drugs. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 185]
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

Ethnobotany and thee Search for New Drugs. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 185] Chichester New..

34,00 €
Brown, D. W.; Floyd, A. J.; Sainsbury, M: Organic Spectroscopy
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Brown, D. W.; Floyd, A. J.; Sainsbury, M: Organic Spectroscopy Chichester New York Brisbane..

27,00 €
Breitmaier, Eberhard; Voelter, Wolfgang: Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy. High-Resolution Methods and Applications in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Third, completely revised edition
 Weinheim, VCH (Verlag Chemie), 1987.

Breitmaier, Eberhard; Voelter, Wolfgang: Carbon 13 NMR Spectroscopy. High Resolution Methods and..

10,00 €
Govil, Girjesh; Hosur, Ramakrishna V: Conformation of Biological Molecules. New Results from NMR. With 92 Figures. [= NMR 20]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1982.

Govil, Girjesh; Hosur, Ramakrishna V: Conformation of Biological Molecules. New Results from NMR..

16,00 €
Human Genetic Information: Science, Law and Ethics. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 149]
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1990.

Human Genetic Information: Science, Law and Ethics. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 149] Chichester..

10,00 €
Pople, John A.; Beveridge, David L: Appoximate Molecular Orbital Theory
 New York u. a.; McGraw-Hill Book Company, (1970).

Pople, John A.; Beveridge, David L: Appoximate Molecular Orbital Theory New York u. a.; McGraw..

27,00 €
Lettau, Herbert: Chemie der Heterocyclen. Mit 24 Bildern und 54 Tabellen. 1. Auflage
 Leipzig, Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, 1980.

Lettau, Herbert: Chemie der Heterocyclen. Mit 24 Bildern und 54 Tabellen. 1. Auflage Leipzig..

20,00 €
German Jordanian University Yearbook. Class of 2016 | 2017
 Amman, GJU, 2017.

German Jordanian University Yearbook. Class of 2016 | 2017 Amman, GJU, 2017.

27,00 €
Vodrázka, Zdenek: Physikalische Chemie für Biologen, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten, mit 128 Abbildungen und 111 Tabellen
 Berlin, Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, 1979.

Vodrázka, Zdenek: Physikalische Chemie für Biologen, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten, mit 128 Abbildungen..

44,00 €
Pigman, Ward; Horton, Derek; Wander, Joseph D. (Hg.): The Carbohydrates. Chemistry and Biochemistry. Second edition. Volume 1B
 New York - London - Toronto - Sydney - San Francisco, Academic Press, 1980.

Pigman, Ward; Horton, Derek; Wander, Joseph D. (Hg.): The Carbohydrates. Chemistry and..

12,00 €
Gründler, Wolfgang: Struktur und Bindung. 5., unveränderte Auflage. Mit 34 Bildern, 24 Tabellen und einem Anhang. [= Arbeitsbuch 1/2]
 Leipzig, Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, 1990.

Gründler, Wolfgang: Struktur und Bindung. 5., unveränderte Auflage. Mit 34 Bildern, 24 Tabellen..

17,00 €
Parrot, Nicole: Mannequins. Deutsche Übersetzung von Helena Zaugg
 Bern, Edition Erpf, (1982).

Parrot, Nicole: Mannequins. Deutsche Übersetzung von Helena Zaugg Bern, Edition Erpf, (1982).

17,00 €
Atta-ur-Rahman (Hg.): Sterioselective Synthesis (Part A). (= Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. Volume 1)
 Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo, Elsevier, 1988.

Atta ur Rahman (Hg.): Sterioselective Synthesis (Part A). (= Studies in Natural Products Chemistry..

18,00 €
Reale, Isabella (Hg.): Mosaico. Nuove contaminazioni: Mosaico - Architettura - Arte - Design. 12 luglio - 5 ottobre 1997. Prima edizione
 Pordenone - Udine, Edizioni Biblioteca dell'Immagine, 1997.

Reale, Isabella (Hg.): Mosaico. Nuove contaminazioni: Mosaico Architettura Arte Design. 12..

15,00 €
Kemp, Daniel S.; Vellaccio, Frank: Organic Chemistry
 New York, Worth Publishers, (1980).

Kemp, Daniel S.; Vellaccio, Frank: Organic Chemistry New York, Worth Publishers, (1980).

24,00 €
Microbial toxins and diarrhoeal disease. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 112]
 London, Pitman, 1985.

Microbial toxins and diarrhoeal disease. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 112] London, Pitman, 1985.

10,00 €
Blohm, Hans-Ludwig: Die Stimme der Ureinwohner. Der kanadische Norden und Alaska
 Wesel, Verlag M. u. H. von der Linden, (2001).

Blohm, Hans Ludwig: Die Stimme der Ureinwohner. Der kanadische Norden und Alaska Wesel, Verlag M..

18,00 €
Gold- und Silbermünzen. 19. Auktion vom 26., 27., und 28. Januar 1988
 Basel, Schweizerischer Bankverein, 1988.

Gold und Silbermünzen. 19. Auktion vom 26., 27., und 28. Januar 1988 Basel, Schweizerischer..

34,00 €
Newton, Lucas (Hg.): Argentina. Crónicas de viajeros. 1a edición
 Buenos Aires, el autor, 2010.

Newton, Lucas (Hg.): Argentina. Crónicas de viajeros. 1a edición Buenos Aires, el autor, 2010.

27,00 €
Fowler, B. A. (Hg.): Mechanisms of Cell Injury: Implications for Human Health. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1985, October 20   25..

Fowler, B. A. (Hg.): Mechanisms of Cell Injury: Implications for Human Health. Report of the Dahlem..

64,00 €
Stieve, H. (Hg.): The Molecular Mechanism of Photoreception. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984, November 25   30. With 4 photographs, 105..

Stieve, H. (Hg.): The Molecular Mechanism of Photoreception. Report of the Dahlem Workshop …..

10,00 €
Bernhard, M.; Bricnkman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in Environmental Processes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984..

Bernhard, M.; Bricnkman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in..

44,00 €
May, R. M. (Hg.): Exploitation of Marine Communities. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984, April 1   6. With 4 photographs, 42..

May, R. M. (Hg.): Exploitation of Marine Communities. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984..

12,00 €
Weissman, I. L. (Hg.): Leukemia. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1983, November 13 - 18. With 4 photographs, 15 figures and 19 tables. [= Life Sciences Research Report 30]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, 1985.

Weissman, I. L. (Hg.): Leukemia. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1983, November 13 18..

27,00 €
Marler, P.; Terrace, H. S. (Hg.): The Biology of Learning. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1983, October 23   28. With 4..

Marler, P.; Terrace, H. S. (Hg.): The Biology of Learning. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin..

15,00 €
Nriagu, J. O. (Hg.): Changing Metal Cycles and Human Health. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1983, March 20   25. With 4..

Nriagu, J. O. (Hg.): Changing Metal Cycles and Human Health. Report of the Dahlem Workshop …..

10,00 €
Fried, C. (Hg.): Minorities: Community and Identity. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1982, Nov. 28   Dec. 3. With 4 photographs, 4..

Fried, C. (Hg.): Minorities: Community and Identity. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1982..

34,00 €
Anderson, R. M.; May, R. M. (Hg.): Population Biology of Infectious Deseases. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1982, March 14   19..

Anderson, R. M.; May, R. M. (Hg.): Population Biology of Infectious Deseases. Report of the Dahlem..

15,00 €
Nicholls, J. G. (Hg.): Repair and Regeneration of the Nervous System. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1981, November 29   December 4..

Nicholls, J. G. (Hg.): Repair and Regeneration of the Nervous System. Report of the Dahlem Workshop..

17,00 €
Nancollas, G. H. (Hg.): Biological mineralization and Demineralizition. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1981, October 18   23. With 4 photographs, 82..

Nancollas, G. H. (Hg.): Biological mineralization and Demineralizition. Report of the Dahlem..

10,00 €
Holland, H. D.; Schidlowski, M. (Hg.): Mineral Deposits and the Evolution of the Biosphere. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1980, September 1 5..

Holland, H. D.; Schidlowski, M. (Hg.): Mineral Deposits and the Evolution of the Biosphere. Report..

17,00 €
Patzek, Peter (genannt Platten Pedro): Erzählungen der Historie & Imagepflege. Schallplattengeschichte(n). Mutmaßungen, Verrisse & Halbwahrheiten eines kritischen Menschen zum Jahrhundert der Schallplatte. Erste Auflage

Patzek, Peter (genannt Platten Pedro): Erzählungen der Historie & Imagepflege..

17,00 €
Crop Protetion and Sustainable Agriculture. A Wiley-Interscience Publication. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 177]
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

Crop Protetion and Sustainable Agriculture. A Wiley Interscience Publication. [= Ciba Foundation..

17,00 €
Carew, T. J.; Menzel, R.; Shatz, C. J. (Hg.): Mechanistic Relationships between Development and Learning. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin, January 19..

Carew, T. J.; Menzel, R.; Shatz, C. J. (Hg.): Mechanistic Relationships between Development and..

64,00 €
Oligonucleotides as Therapeutic Agents. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 209]
 Chichester - New York - Weinheim - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Oligonucleotides as Therapeutic Agents. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 209] Chichester New York..

12,00 €
Junge, Hans-Dieter: Pocket Dictionary of Laboratory Equipment English/German // Taschenwörterbuch Laborausrüstung Deutsch/Englisch. [= parat]
 Weinheim - New York, VCH (Verlag Chemie), 1987.

Junge, Hans Dieter: Pocket Dictionary of Laboratory Equipment English/German // Taschenwörterbuch..

10,00 €
Moore, James A.; Barton, Thomas J: Organic Chemistry: An Overview. [= Saunders Golden Sunburst Series]
 Philadelphia - London - Toronto, W. B. Saunders, 1978.

Moore, James A.; Barton, Thomas J: Organic Chemistry: An Overview. [= Saunders Golden Sunburst..

14,00 €
Goldberg, E. D. (Hg.): Atmospheric Chemistry. Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Atomospheric Chemistry Berlin 1982, May 2-7. [= Physical and Chemical Sciences Research Report 4]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Springer-Verlag, 1982.

Goldberg, E. D. (Hg.): Atmospheric Chemistry. Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Atomospheric..

16,00 €
The Biosynthesis of the Tetrapyrrole Pigments. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 180)
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

The Biosynthesis of the Tetrapyrrole Pigments. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 180) Chichester New..

27,00 €
Frauenfelder, H.; Deisenhofer, J.; Wolynes, P. G: Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic Acids
 Berlin, Dahlem University Press, (1999).

Frauenfelder, H.; Deisenhofer, J.; Wolynes, P. G: Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic..

27,00 €
Schlichting, I.; Egner, U. (Hg.): Data Mining in Structural Biology. Signal Transdution and Beyond. With 37 Figures and 14 Tables. [= Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop 34]
 Berlin u. a., Springer, 2001.

Schlichting, I.; Egner, U. (Hg.): Data Mining in Structural Biology. Signal Transdution and Beyond..

17,00 €
Holzgreve, W.; Lessl, M: Stem Cells from Cord Blood, In Utero Stem Cell Development, and Transplantation-Inclusive Gene Therapy. With 27 Figures and 16 Tables. [= Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop 33]
 Berlin u. a., Springer, 2001.

Holzgreve, W.; Lessl, M: Stem Cells from Cord Blood, In Utero Stem Cell Development, and..

14,00 €
Mulzer, J.; Bohlmann, R. (Hg.): The Role of Natural Products in Drug Discovery. With 161 Figures and 23 Tables. [= Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop 32]
 Berlin u. a., Springer, 2000.

Mulzer, J.; Bohlmann, R. (Hg.): The Role of Natural Products in Drug Discovery. With 161 Figures..

20,00 €
Walden, P.; Sterry, W.; Hennekes, H. (Hg.): Therapeutic Vaccination Strategies. With 37 Figures and 9 Tables. [= Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop 30]
 Berlin u. a., Springer, 2000.

Walden, P.; Sterry, W.; Hennekes, H. (Hg.): Therapeutic Vaccination Strategies. With 37 Figures and..

27,00 €

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