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7.398 Artikel gefunden


Scharfe, Wolfgang: Abriss der Kartographie Brandenburgs 1771 - 1821. [= Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin Band 35]
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1972.

Scharfe, Wolfgang: Abriss der Kartographie Brandenburgs 1771 1821. [= Veröffentlichungen der..

54,00 €
The Gateway to a Continent - The Great Central Zone. [With a coloured "Map showing the Grand Central Area in New York City" to teh "New York World's Fair 1939"
 New York, ohne Verlag, 1939.

The Gateway to a Continent The Great Central Zone. [With a coloured "Map showing the Grand..

54,00 €
Lindenmeyer, Paul H. (Hg.): Supramolecular Structure in Fibers. The 25th Anniversary Conference of The Fiber So Society Held at Boston, Massachusetts, September 21-23, 1966. [= Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia No. 20]
 New York - Londo

Lindenmeyer, Paul H. (Hg.): Supramolecular Structure in Fibers. The 25th Anniversary Conference of..

15,00 €
Price, Fraser P. (Hg.): The Meaning of Crystallinity in Polymers. American Chemical Society Symposium Held at Phoenix, Arizona, January 18, 1966. [= Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia No. 18]
 New York - London - Sydney, Interscience Pub

Price, Fraser P. (Hg.): The Meaning of Crystallinity in Polymers. American Chemical Society..

15,00 €
Geil, Phillip H. (Hg.): Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part B: Physics. Volume B1. [1] Number 1. [2] Number 2. [3] Number 3
 New York, Marcel Dekker, March / August / October 1967.

Geil, Phillip H. (Hg.): Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part B: Physics. Volume B1. [1] Number..

54,00 €
Al-Bayati, Basil: Community and Unity. First published in Great Britain
 London - New York, Academy Editions - St. Martin's Press, 1983.

Al Bayati, Basil: Community and Unity. First published in Great Britain London New York, Academy..

15,00 €
Haydn Smith, Ian (Hg.): International Film Guide 2010, the definitive annual review of world cinema. 46th edition
 London - New York, Wallflower Press, (2010).

Haydn Smith, Ian (Hg.): International Film Guide 2010, the definitive annual review of world..

24,00 €
Rath, Werner; Friese, Klaus (Hg.): Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft. 90 Abbildungen - 177 Tabellen. [1. Auflage]
 Stuttgart - New York, Georg Thieme Verlag, (2005).

Rath, Werner; Friese, Klaus (Hg.): Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft. 90 Abbildungen 177..

34,00 €
Benthall, Jonathan: disasters, relief and the media
 London - New York, I. B. Tauris & Co, 1993.

Benthall, Jonathan: disasters, relief and the media London - New York, I. B. Tauris & Co, 1993.

10,00 €
Herpin, Theodore: Du pronostic et du traitement curatif de l'èpilepsie. Ouvrage couronné par l'Institut de France en 1850
 Paris - Londres - New-York - Madrid, chez J.-B. Baillière Librairie de l'académie nationale de médecine, 1852.

Herpin, Theodore: Du pronostic et du traitement curatif de l'èpilepsie. Ouvrage couronné par..

480,00 €
Marcé, Louis-Victor: Traité pratique des Maladies Mentales
 Paris - Londres - New-York, J.-B. Baillière et Fils, 1862.

Marcé, Louis Victor: Traité pratique des Maladies Mentales Paris Londres New York, J. B..

94,00 €
Durusel, Vedat: Turkish Carpets
 New York, Durusel Carpets Manufacturing Industry and Trade Co., 1979.

Durusel, Vedat: Turkish Carpets New York, Durusel Carpets Manufacturing Industry and Trade Co..

10,00 €
Wilcox, Peter: Rome's Enemies (1). Germanics and Dacians. Illustrated by Gerry Embleton. [16th printing]. [= Men-at-Arms 129]
 Botley - New York, Osprey Publishing, 2005.

Wilcox, Peter: Rome's Enemies (1). Germanics and Dacians. Illustrated by Gerry Embleton. [16th..

7,00 €
Wise, Terence: Ancient Armies of the Middle East. Illustrated by Angus McBride. [18th printing]. [= Men-at-Arms 109]
 Botley - New York, Osprey Publishing, 2005.

Wise, Terence: Ancient Armies of the Middle East. Illustrated by Angus McBride. [18th printing]. [=..

7,00 €
Feagin, James M: Methoden der Quantenmechanik mit Mathematica. Übersetzt von Felix Pahl. Mit einem Geleitwort von S. Brandt und H. D. Dahmen. Mit 80 Abbildungen, zahlreichen Übungen
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Springer, 1995.

Feagin, James M: Methoden der Quantenmechanik mit Mathematica. Übersetzt von Felix Pahl. Mit einem..

14,00 €
Arthur, George: Sarah Bernhardt
 Garden City New York, Doubleday Page and Company, 1923.

Arthur, George: Sarah Bernhardt Garden City New York, Doubleday Page and Company, 1923.

15,00 €
Tyrrell, Susan: Kites: The gentle art of high flying. Written and illustrated by Susan Tyrrell
 Garden City - New York, Dolphin Books, 1978.

Tyrrell, Susan: Kites: The gentle art of high flying. Written and illustrated by Susan Tyrrell..

10,00 €
Fowler, H. Waller: Kites, a practical guide to kite making and flying. Illustrated by Francis A. Williams
 New York, The Ronald Press Company, (1953).

Fowler, H. Waller: Kites, a practical guide to kite making and flying. Illustrated by Francis A..

14,00 €
Codrescu, Andrei: Road Scholar. Coast to Coast. Late in the Century. Photographs by David Graham. First edition
 New York, Hyperion, (1993).

Codrescu, Andrei: Road Scholar. Coast to Coast. Late in the Century. Photographs by David Graham..

9,00 €
Hunter, S. C: Mechanics of Continuous Media
 Chichester - New York - London - Sydney - Toronto, Ellis Horwood - Halsted Press, 1976.

Hunter, S. C: Mechanics of Continuous Media Chichester New York London Sydney Toronto..

25,00 €
Majendie, Lady Margaret: Dita. A Novel. [= Arrow Library No. 232]
 New York, Street & Smith Publishers, ohne Jahr [1902].

Majendie, Lady Margaret: Dita. A Novel. [= Arrow Library No. 232] New York, Street & Smith..

15,00 €
Breitmaier, E.; Voelter, W: 13 C NMR Spectroscopy. Methods and Applications in Organic Chemistry. 2nd edition. [= Monographs in Modern Chemistry 5]
 Weinheim - New York, Verlag Chemie, 1978.

Breitmaier, E.; Voelter, W: 13 C NMR Spectroscopy. Methods and Applications in Organic Chemistry..

18,00 €
Sweeney, Morgan J: The Magic Pear. Twelve outline drawing lessons with directions for the amusement of little folks. [A charming book of drawing lessons for boys and girls age 8 to 12]
 New York City, Hart Publishing, (1977).

Sweeney, Morgan J: The Magic Pear. Twelve outline drawing lessons with directions for the amusement..

15,00 €
Ballerstedt, Eike: Die Verkehrsversorgung in der Bundesrepublik. [= campus Forschung Band 93]
 Frankfurt/New York, Campus Verlag, 1979.

Ballerstedt, Eike: Die Verkehrsversorgung in der Bundesrepublik. [= campus Forschung Band 93]..

10,00 €
Waterhouse, Alan: Grundlage eines analytischen Modells zur Untersuchung visueller Veränderungen in der Stadt. [Dissertation]
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1971.

Waterhouse, Alan: Grundlage eines analytischen Modells zur Untersuchung visueller Veränderungen in..

18,00 €
Lehninger, Albert L: Prinzipien der Biochemie, ins Deutsche übertragen von Gislinde Peters und Diether Neubert
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1987.

Lehninger, Albert L: Prinzipien der Biochemie, ins Deutsche übertragen von Gislinde Peters und..

17,00 €
Kugler, Hartmut (Hg.): Interregionalität der deutschen Literatur im europäischen Mittelalter
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1995.

Kugler, Hartmut (Hg.): Interregionalität der deutschen Literatur im europäischen Mittelalter..

24,00 €
Lefond, Stanley J. (Hg.): Industrial Minerals and Rocks. (Non metallics other than Fuels). Fifth Edition. [1] Volume 1. [2] Volume 2
 New York, Society of Mining Engineers of The American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1983.

Lefond, Stanley J. (Hg.): Industrial Minerals and Rocks. (Non metallics other than Fuels). Fifth..

34,00 €
Ridge, John D. (Hg.): Ore Deposits of the United States, 1933-1967. The Graton-Sales Volume. First edition. [1] Volume I. Reprinted. [2] Volume II. Reprinted. [= Rocky Mountain Series]
 New York, The American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleu

Ridge, John D. (Hg.): Ore Deposits of the United States, 1933 1967. The Graton Sales Volume. First..

20,00 €
Shanks, Wayne C: Cameron Volume on Unconventional Mineral Deposits
 New York, Society of Mining Engineers of The American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1983.

Shanks, Wayne C: Cameron Volume on Unconventional Mineral Deposits New York, Society of Mining..

30,00 €
[Ausstellungskatalog:] Lefebre Gallery. March 21-April 15, 1967. Sugai - recent paintings. [For this exhibition Sugai has executed the original lithograph on the cover at Michel Cassé, Paris]
 New York, Lefebre Gallery, 1967.

[Ausstellungskatalog:] Lefebre Gallery. March 21 April 15, 1967. Sugai recent paintings. [For..

54,00 €
Lyons, Mark S: Interpretation of Planar Structure in Drill-Hole Core. [= Special GSA Papers, Number 78]
 New York, The Geological Society of America, 1964.

Lyons, Mark S: Interpretation of Planar Structure in Drill Hole Core. [= Special GSA Papers, Number..

15,00 €
Cohon, Jared L: Multiobjective Programming and Planning. [= Mathematics in Science and Engineering Volume 140]
 New York - San Francisco - London, Academic Press, 1978.

Cohon, Jared L: Multiobjective Programming and Planning. [= Mathematics in Science and Engineering..

11,00 €
Interregional Seminar On The Applications Of Electronic Data Processing Methods In Mineral Exploration And Development. First published
 New York, United Nations, 1987.

Interregional Seminar On The Applications Of Electronic Data Processing Methods In Mineral..

30,00 €
Roof, Katharine Metcalf: The Life and Art of William Merritt Chase. With Letters, Personal Reminiscences, and Illustrative Material. With reproductions of the Artist's Works
 New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1917.

Roof, Katharine Metcalf: The Life and Art of William Merritt Chase. With Letters, Personal..

28,00 €
Wilczynski, Jozef: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marxism, Socialism and Communism. Economic, philosophical, political and sociological theories, concepts, institutions and practices - classical and modern, east-west relations included
 Berlin - New York,

Wilczynski, Jozef: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marxism, Socialism and Communism. Economic..

13,00 €
Fichte, Jörg O. (Hg.): Zusammenhänge, Einflüsse, Wirkungen. Kongressakten zum ersten Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes in Tübingen, 1984
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1986.

Fichte, Jörg O. (Hg.): Zusammenhänge, Einflüsse, Wirkungen. Kongressakten zum ersten Symposium..

14,00 €
Bienvenu; Grimaud; Laurent (Hg.): Marker Proteins in Inflammation Volume 3. Proceedings of the third symposium, Lyon, France, June 26-28, 1985
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1986.

Bienvenu; Grimaud; Laurent (Hg.): Marker Proteins in Inflammation Volume 3. Proceedings of the..

14,00 €
Rostas, Francois (Hg.): Spectral Line Shapes. Volume 3. [= Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes. Aussois, France, June 11-15, 1984]
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1985.

Rostas, Francois (Hg.): Spectral Line Shapes. Volume 3. [= Proceedings of the Seventh International..

44,00 €
Moudgil, Virinder K. (Hg.): Molecular Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action. Recent Advances
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1985.

Moudgil, Virinder K. (Hg.): Molecular Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action. Recent Advances..

28,00 €
Dietrich, Wolf; Geckeler, Horst (Hg.): Logos Semantikos. Vol. III. Semantik - Semántica - Sémantique - Semantics
 Berlin - New York - Madrid, Walter de Gruyter - Editorial Gredos, 1981.

Dietrich, Wolf; Geckeler, Horst (Hg.): Logos Semantikos. Vol. III. Semantik Semántica..

18,00 €
Cuntz; Donaldson; Geyer; Huisken; Masser; Roquette; Rubin; Viehweg; Weissauer (Hg.): Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, gegründet 1826 von August Leopold Crelle. JRMAA8. Band 495
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1998.

Cuntz; Donaldson; Geyer; Huisken; Masser; Roquette; Rubin; Viehweg; Weissauer (Hg.): Journal für..

24,00 €
Cuntz, Joachim; Donaldson, Simon; Geyer; Huisken; Masser; Rubin; Viehweg; Weissauer (Hg.): Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, gegründet 1826 von August Leopold Crelle. JRMAA8. Band 501
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1998.

Cuntz, Joachim; Donaldson, Simon; Geyer; Huisken; Masser; Rubin; Viehweg; Weissauer (Hg.): Journal..

24,00 €
Milton, John (Hg.): Chilton's Auto Repair Manual 1970. [American Cars from 1963 to 1970 Plus Volkswagen]
 Philadelphia - New York - London, Chilton Book Company, 1970.

Milton, John (Hg.): Chilton's Auto Repair Manual 1970. [American Cars from 1963 to 1970 Plus..

24,00 €
Structural Steel Detailing. Second Printing
 New York, American Institute of Steel Construction, 1972.

Structural Steel Detailing. Second Printing New York, American Institute of Steel Construction..

15,00 €
Mathews, Joanna H: Bessie on her travels. [The Bessie Books].

Mathews, Joanna H: Bessie on her travels. [The Bessie Books].

35,00 €
Mathews, Joanna H: Bessie and Her Friends. [The Bessie Books].

Mathews, Joanna H: Bessie and Her Friends. [The Bessie Books].

42,00 €
Mathews, Joanna H: Bessie among the mountains. [The Bessie Books].

Mathews, Joanna H: Bessie among the mountains. [The Bessie Books].

21,00 €

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