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7.393 Artikel gefunden


Kocher, PaUl H: Master of Middle-Earth. The Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien.

Kocher, PaUl H: Master of Middle-Earth. The Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien.

11,00 €
Höfler, Max: Deutsches Krankheitsnamen-Buch. Mit einem Vorwort von Karl-Heinz Weimann.

Höfler, Max: Deutsches Krankheitsnamen-Buch. Mit einem Vorwort von Karl-Heinz Weimann.

107,00 €
Frowein, Cordula: Emigriert. Grete Stern und Ellen Auerbach. Fotografien vor und nach 1933. Erschienen aus Anlass der Ausstellung in der Zentralbibliothek, Wuppertal, 25. Okt. - 29. Nov. 1988, u.a.O.

Frowein, Cordula: Emigriert. Grete Stern und Ellen Auerbach. Fotografien vor und nach 1933..

30,00 €
Simi, Pete and Robert Futrell: American swastika - inside the white power movement's hidden spaces of hate.

Simi, Pete and Robert Futrell: American swastika inside the white power movement's hidden spaces..

28,00 €
Dümpelmann, Sonja: Seeing trees : a history of street trees in New York City and Berlin.

Dümpelmann, Sonja: Seeing trees : a history of street trees in New York City and Berlin.

35,00 €
Barr, Alfred H. (ed.): Picasso : 75th anniversary exhibition ; the Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 22 - September 8, 1957 ; the Art Institute of Chicago, October 29 - December 8, 1957.

Barr, Alfred H. (ed.): Picasso : 75th anniversary exhibition ; the Museum of Modern Art, New York..

12,00 €
Guariglia, Justin / Polly, Matthew: Shaolin. Temple of Zen. (Photographs by Justin Guariglia; essay by Matthew Polly).

Guariglia, Justin / Polly, Matthew: Shaolin. Temple of Zen. (Photographs by Justin Guariglia; essay..

9,00 €
Roget's pocket thesaurus A Treasury of synonyms and antonyms.

Roget's pocket thesaurus A Treasury of synonyms and antonyms.

5,50 €
Carow, Bernd (Katalogbearb.): Don Judd. 20. Juni bis 2. August 1970. Mit einem Vorwort von Manfred de la Motte. [Katalog 70 / 7].

Carow, Bernd (Katalogbearb.): Don Judd. 20. Juni bis 2. August 1970. Mit einem Vorwort von Manfred..

180,00 €
Kelly, Rob Roy: American Wood Type 1828 - 1900 - notes on the evolution of decorated and large types and comments on related trades of the period.

Kelly, Rob Roy: American Wood Type 1828 1900 notes on the evolution of decorated and large..

27,00 €
TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. - introduction by Angela Thirkell. - illustrated by Fritz Kredel: Anthony Trollope's Barchester Towers.

TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. introduction by Angela Thirkell. illustrated by Fritz Kredel: Anthony..

29,00 €
Behnken, Wolfgang und Roberta Armani: Esther Haase: Fashion in Motion. Mit Texten von Wolfgang Behnken und Roberta Armani. Aus dem Englischen von Thomas Bodmer. Widmungsexemplar.

Behnken, Wolfgang und Roberta Armani: Esther Haase: Fashion in Motion. Mit Texten von Wolfgang..

80,00 €
Lerner, Gerda: Die Entstehung des feministischen Bewusstseins : vom Mittelalter bis zur ersten Frauenbewegung. Frauen und Geschichte, Bd. 2.

Lerner, Gerda: Die Entstehung des feministischen Bewusstseins : vom Mittelalter bis zur ersten..

13,00 €
The Vixens.

The Vixens.

11,20 €
Pavilion of Women.

Pavilion of Women.

12,80 €
Jamaica Inn.

Jamaica Inn.

7,70 €
A Tale of Two Cities.

A Tale of Two Cities.

5,80 €
The Song of Bernadette.

The Song of Bernadette.

4,10 €


17,50 €
The Nuttal Dictionary of English Synonyms and Antonyms . 12000 words showing 100,000 parallel expressions with opposite examples.

The Nuttal Dictionary of English Synonyms and Antonyms . 12000 words showing 100,000 parallel..

11,00 €
Smith, Eugene: Let truth be the prejudice. W. Eugene Smith - his life and photographs. (Illustr. biography by Ben Maddow).

Smith, Eugene: Let truth be the prejudice. W. Eugene Smith his life and photographs. (Illustr..

45,00 €
Smith, Eugene: W. Eugene Smith. His photographs and notes.

Smith, Eugene: W. Eugene Smith. His photographs and notes.

30,00 €
Smith, Eugene / Smith, Aileen S: Minamata. Words and photographs by W. Eugene Smith and Aileen M. Smith. (1. ed.).

Smith, Eugene / Smith, Aileen S: Minamata. Words and photographs by W. Eugene Smith and Aileen M..

145,00 €
Salgado, Sebastiao: Other Americas. (1. American ed).

Salgado, Sebastiao: Other Americas. (1. American ed).

59,00 €
McCullin, Don: An uncertain grace. Photographs by Sebastiao Salgado. Essays by Eduardo Galeano.

McCullin, Don: An uncertain grace. Photographs by Sebastiao Salgado. Essays by Eduardo Galeano.

50,00 €
Delpire, Robert (Ed.): Henri Cartier-Bresson. Fotografien 1932-1946.

Delpire, Robert (Ed.): Henri Cartier-Bresson. Fotografien 1932-1946.

12,00 €
Bowers, Faubion / Fieger, Erwin: Japan. Islands of the Rising Sun. Photography by Erwin Fieger, A note on the photographs by L. Fritz Gruber.

Bowers, Faubion / Fieger, Erwin: Japan. Islands of the Rising Sun. Photography by Erwin Fieger, A..

36,00 €
Blickle, Frieder: New York zu Fuß.

Blickle, Frieder: New York zu Fuß.

20,00 €
Plasmaproteine: Pathophysiologie und Klinik

Plasmaproteine: Pathophysiologie und Klinik

9,00 €
Demele, Ottwald: Ursachen der Inflation.

Demele, Ottwald: Ursachen der Inflation.

15,00 €
Macharzina, Klaus and Wolfgang H. Staehle (editors): European approaches to international management.

Macharzina, Klaus and Wolfgang H. Staehle (editors): European approaches to international..

28,00 €
Grözinger, Karl Erich: Der Baʿal Schem von Michelstadt : ein deutsch-jüdisches Heiligenleben zwischen Legende und Wirklichkeit - Mit einem Neuabdr. der Legenden aus der Hand von Judaeus und Arthur Kahn.

Grözinger, Karl Erich: Der Baʿal Schem von Michelstadt : ein deutsch jüdisches Heiligenleben..

15,00 €
Lack, Hans Walter: The Bauers - Joseph, Franz & Ferdinand - masters of botanical illustration - an illustrated biography.

Lack, Hans Walter: The Bauers Joseph, Franz & Ferdinand masters of botanical illustration an..

53,00 €
Nash, Steven A: Wayne Thiebaud. A Paintings Retrospective.

Nash, Steven A: Wayne Thiebaud. A Paintings Retrospective.

45,00 €
Heyer, Georgette: Friday's Child.

Heyer, Georgette: Friday's Child.

23,00 €
Mead, Margaret: Coming of Age in Samoa. A psychological Study of primitive Youth for Western Civilisation.

Mead, Margaret: Coming of Age in Samoa. A psychological Study of primitive Youth for Western..

10,00 €
Friedlander, Lee: Factory valleys. Ohio & Pennsylvania.

Friedlander, Lee: Factory valleys. Ohio & Pennsylvania.

150,00 €
Evans, Walker: Walker Evans, photographs for the Farm Security Administration 1935-1938. A catalog of photographic prints available from the Farm Security Administration Collection in the Library of Congress. (2. paperback print).

Evans, Walker: Walker Evans, photographs for the Farm Security Administration 1935 1938. A catalog..

15,00 €
Cruikshank, George (Ill.): The tragical comedy or comical tragedy of Punch and Judy. With twenty-four illustrations, designed and engraved by George Cruikshank.

Cruikshank, George (Ill.): The tragical comedy or comical tragedy of Punch and Judy. With twenty..

39,00 €
A. G. Peck & Co., manufacturers of axes and edge tools. [Product catalogue]. Factory at Cohoes, New York. REPRINTof "Illustrated Catalgue of Axes & Edge Tools", N.Y. 1891.

A. G. Peck & Co., manufacturers of axes and edge tools. [Product catalogue]. Factory at Cohoes, New..

20,00 €
The Pace Gallery (Ed.): Cy Twombly. Works on Paper. January 8-30, 1988.

The Pace Gallery (Ed.): Cy Twombly. Works on Paper. January 8-30, 1988.

32,00 €
Binion, Rudolh (übersetzt: Jürgen Abel + Annelise Dengler): daß ihr mich gefunden habt; Hitler und die Deutschen: eine Psychohistorie.

Binion, Rudolh (übersetzt: Jürgen Abel + Annelise Dengler): daß ihr mich gefunden habt; Hitler..

20,00 €
(Stroop, Jürgen): The stroop report ("Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!); The Jewish Quarter of Warsaw is no more. A facsimile edition and translation of the official Nazi report on the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto.

(Stroop, Jürgen): The stroop report ("Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!); The..

60,00 €
Bronner, Stephen Eric: Ein Gerücht über die Juden; Die "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" und der alltägliche Antisemitismus.

Bronner, Stephen Eric: Ein Gerücht über die Juden; Die "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" und der..

22,00 €
Erlanger, Gad: Signs of the Times. The Zodiac in Jewish Tradition.

Erlanger, Gad: Signs of the Times. The Zodiac in Jewish Tradition.

45,00 €
Wilde, Oscar: Oscar Wilde: The Sphinx. Illustrated and decorated by Alastair [Hans-Henning von Voigt]. This edition is limited to 1000 copies and cannot be reprinted, as the stones from which the offset plates were printed in Belgium at the time of the Ge

Wilde, Oscar: Oscar Wilde: The Sphinx. Illustrated and decorated by Alastair [Hans Henning von..

750,00 €
Naogeorg, Thomas: Dramen Erster und Zweiter Band, Dramen I und II. Enthalten: Tragoedia nova Pammachius, Ein christlich und ganz lustig Spiel nebst der deutschen Übersetzung..

Naogeorg, Thomas: Dramen Erster und Zweiter Band, Dramen I und II. Enthalten: Tragoedia nova..

37,00 €
Hoffmann, Franz: The New York Times 1922 - 1950. Jazz Advertised. Vol. 7. A doc. with about 21.300 advert. and 3000 pict. in 7 vol..

Hoffmann, Franz: The New York Times 1922 1950. Jazz Advertised. Vol. 7. A doc. with about 21.300..

28,00 €

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