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254 Artikel gefunden


Nussbaum, Martha C: Hiding from Humanity. Disgust, Shame, and the Law. [4th printing]
 Princeton - Oxford, Princeton University Press, (2004).

Nussbaum, Martha C: Hiding from Humanity. Disgust, Shame, and the Law. [4th printing] Princeton..

14,00 €


20,35 €
Lawrence, D. H: Die Schwiegertochter (The Daughter-in-Law). Ein Stück in 4 Akten. (1912) Deutsch von Gustav K. Kemperdick. (In Übereinkunft mit dem Nachlaß von Mrs. Frieda Lawrence).

Lawrence, D. H: Die Schwiegertochter (The Daughter in Law). Ein Stück in 4 Akten. (1912) Deutsch..

15,00 €
Richer, Adrien. Vie des surintendans des finances 1790 FINANZGESCHICHTE FINANZEN

Richer, Adrien. Vie des surintendans des finances 1790 FINANZGESCHICHTE FINANZEN

600,00 €
Buch: Religion, Law and Society, Mitri, Tarek. 1995, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Religion, Law and Society, Mitri, Tarek. 1995, gebraucht, gut

20,28 €
Buch: Philosophie, Law, Stephen. Arena-Taschenbuch, 2003, Arena Verlag

Buch: Philosophie, Law, Stephen. Arena-Taschenbuch, 2003, Arena Verlag

8,66 €
Kirsch, Thomas G. (Ed.): Permutations of Order. Religion and Law as Contested Sovereignities.

Kirsch, Thomas G. (Ed.): Permutations of Order. Religion and Law as Contested Sovereignities.

45,00 €
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von (Ed.): Spatializing Law. An Anthropological Geography of Law in Society.

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von (Ed.): Spatializing Law. An Anthropological Geography of Law in Society.

42,00 €
Sachsenspiegel und Magdeburger Recht - Grundlagen für Europa = Saxon mirror and

Sachsenspiegel und Magdeburger Recht - Grundlagen für Europa = Saxon mirror and

11,00 €
Buch: Philosophie, Abenteuer Denken, Law, Stephen, 2007, Arena Verlag

Buch: Philosophie, Abenteuer Denken, Law, Stephen, 2007, Arena Verlag

8,68 €
Kyoto University: Annual Bibliography of oriental studies for 1969. - in japanisch und englisch / in japanese and english language ! - From the contents: List of periodicals consulted / History / Geography / Social studies / Economics / Politics / Law and

Kyoto University: Annual Bibliography of oriental studies for 1969. in japanisch und englisch /..

57,00 €
Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius and of the rules of court, a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law, vol. 10.

Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common..

95,00 €
Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius and of the rules of court, a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law, vol. 13.

Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common..

95,00 €
Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius and of the rules of court, a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law, vol. 15.

Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common..

95,00 €
Supplement to Petersdorff's Abridgment of English Common Law Cases, Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius, vol. 2.

Supplement to Petersdorff's Abridgment of English Common Law Cases, Argued and Determined in the..

95,00 €
Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius and of the rules of court, a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law, vol. 12.

Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common..

95,00 €
Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius and of the rules of court, a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law, vol. 14.

Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common..

95,00 €
Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius and of the rules of court, a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law, vol. 11.

Petersdorff, Charles: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common..

95,00 €
Yamagata, Tsutomu. Ten disciples SIGNIERT 1/300 Exemplaren VORZUGSAUSGABE JAPAN

Yamagata, Tsutomu. Ten disciples SIGNIERT 1/300 Exemplaren VORZUGSAUSGABE JAPAN

400,00 €
Perikhanian, A. G: Obshchestvo i pravo irana v parfianskii i sasanidskii periody. [Society and law of Iran in the Parthian and Sasanian periods].

Perikhanian, A. G: Obshchestvo i pravo irana v parfianskii i sasanidskii periody. [Society and law..

15,00 €
Benda-Beckmann, Franz und Keebet von (Ed.): Rules of Law and Laws of Ruling. On the Governance of Law.

Benda Beckmann, Franz und Keebet von (Ed.): Rules of Law and Laws of Ruling. On the Governance of..

49,00 €
Benda-Beckmann, Franz und Keebet von (Hg): Mobile People, Mobile Law. Expanding Legal Relations in a Contracting World.

Benda Beckmann, Franz und Keebet von (Hg): Mobile People, Mobile Law. Expanding Legal Relations in..

48,00 €
Ch' ing - shih wen-t' i. - edited by Ramon H. Myers: Ch' ing - shih wen-t' i. December 1978, volume 3, number 10. - from the contents: Fu-mei Chang Chen and Ramon H. Myers - Customary law and the economic growth of China during the Ch' ing period / Peter

Ch' ing shih wen t' i. edited by Ramon H. Myers: Ch' ing shih wen t' i. December 1978..

23,00 €
Kenmochi, Mayaku. Shobo 1963 DROGEN DRUGS JAPAN

Kenmochi, Mayaku. Shobo 1963 DROGEN DRUGS JAPAN

750,00 €
Douglas, Paul H. // Patman, Wright: World Economic Growth and Competition. December 10, 12, and 13, 1956. Sec. 5 (a) of Public Law 307, 79th Congress. Hearings before the Subcommittee on foreign economic policy of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of

Douglas, Paul H. // Patman, Wright: World Economic Growth and Competition. December 10, 12, and 13..

23,00 €
Wentholt, W: Comment on a stock exchange report. The mission of the Netherlands in the world. The Rule of Law 'Private Property be respected' be Applied.

Wentholt, W: Comment on a stock exchange report. The mission of the Netherlands in the world. The..

23,00 €
Van den Sandse, Johan 1664 Decisiones frisicae, sive rerum in suprema ... am

Van den Sandse, Johan 1664 Decisiones frisicae, sive rerum in suprema ... am

250,00 €
KERN, The Saddharma-Pundarika or the Lotus of... 1980

KERN, The Saddharma-Pundarika or the Lotus of... 1980

139,79 €
HELBICH, The Helbich Law and its Proof. 2007

HELBICH, The Helbich Law and its Proof. 2007

29,79 €
LAW, Die Amerikaner. Eine Studie der... 1913

LAW, Die Amerikaner. Eine Studie der... 1913

45,79 €
Law, Maurice A: Die Amerikaner. Komplett in 2 Bänden. Eine Studie der Völkerpsychologie. I. Band: Das Pflanzen einer Nation. II. Band: Das Ernten einer Nation.

Law, Maurice A: Die Amerikaner. Komplett in 2 Bänden. Eine Studie der Völkerpsychologie. I. Band:..

18,00 €
Untouchability and the Law: The Ground Reality.

Untouchability and the Law: The Ground Reality.

18,00 €
Report to the Hopi Kikmongwis and Other Traditional Hopi Leaders on Docket 196 and the Continuing Threat to Hopi Land and Sovereignty.

Report to the Hopi Kikmongwis and Other Traditional Hopi Leaders on Docket 196 and the Continuing..

40,00 €
Wagner, Anne, Wouter Werner and Deborah Cao: Interpretation, law and the connection of meaning. Collected papers on lagal interpretation in theory, adjudication and political practice.

Wagner, Anne, Wouter Werner and Deborah Cao: Interpretation, law and the connection of meaning..

26,00 €
Landa, Cesar and Julio Faundez: Contemporary constitutional challenges. [University of Warwick. School of Law].

Landa, Cesar and Julio Faundez: Contemporary constitutional challenges. [University of Warwick..

21,00 €
Reports of special assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the employment of women and children in agriculture.

Reports of special assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the employment of women and children in..

35,00 €
Fenwick, Mark: Networked Governance, Transnational Business and the Law.

Fenwick, Mark: Networked Governance, Transnational Business and the Law.

15,95 €
Coplin, William D: The Functions of International Law: An Introduction to the Role of International Law in the Contemporary World.

Coplin, William D: The Functions of International Law: An Introduction to the Role of International..

20,00 €
Regala, Roberto: World Peace Through Diplomacy and Law.

Regala, Roberto: World Peace Through Diplomacy and Law.

25,00 €
Schaper, Nils Ingmar: Steuerstaat im Wettbewerb. Internationaler Steuerwettbewerb und nationale Besteuerungsprinzipien als responsives System. [Recht der Steuern und der öffentlichen Finanzordnung/Tax Law and Public Finance 1].

Schaper, Nils Ingmar: Steuerstaat im Wettbewerb. Internationaler Steuerwettbewerb und nationale..

38,00 €
Human Genetic Information: Science, Law and Ethics. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 149]
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1990.

Human Genetic Information: Science, Law and Ethics. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 149] Chichester..

10,00 €
Borchard, Edwin M: Library of Congress. Guide to the law and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

Borchard, Edwin M: Library of Congress. Guide to the law and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil..

20,00 €
Green Lantern - The Third Law - Conclusion # 35 / JAN 93

Green Lantern - The Third Law - Conclusion # 35 / JAN 93

15,00 €
Brydall, John: Jus Imaginis apud Anglos; Intended chiefly for the instruction  of young persons. or The Law of England Relating to the Nobility & Gentry. Faithfully collected, and methodically digested for Common benefit.

Brydall, John: Jus Imaginis apud Anglos; Intended chiefly for the instruction of young persons. or..

600,00 €
Brill: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Fondscatalogus niet-oosterse uitgaven. Books and periodicals (excluding those on the orient) published by E.J. Brill, Leiden. Katalog: Religion, Philosophy and Psychologie, Law,  Economics, Sociology, Politics, Hi

Brill: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Fondscatalogus niet oosterse uitgaven. Books and..

21,00 €
The War Office: MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW 1929 (Reprinted December, 1939) *.

The War Office: MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW 1929 (Reprinted December, 1939) *.

40,00 €
McClain, Emlin: A Selection of Cases on Constitutional Law.

McClain, Emlin: A Selection of Cases on Constitutional Law.

67,00 €
Law, James: Experiments with Tubercuclin on Nontuberculous Cows. (= Bulletin 82, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Veterinary Division.).

Law, James: Experiments with Tubercuclin on Nontuberculous Cows. (= Bulletin 82, December, 1894..

13,00 €
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