Cavallo, Tiberius. A treatise on the nature and properties of air, and other permanently elastic fluids. To which is prefixed an introduction to chymistry. London, Selbstverlag 1781. 4°. XII, 835, (1) S., [4] Bl. mit 3 gefalt. Kupfertafeln. Moderner Hldr. mit goldgepr. Rückenschild u. Rückenverg.
Duveen S. 127. Ferchl S. 89. Poggendorff I, 406. – Erste Ausgabe. – „In this treatise he deals with chemistry and hydrostatics as they bear on the composition and physical properties of aeriform and other fluids. He examines with caution most of Dr. Priestley’s experiments on air and institutes new ones to determine more accurately the composition of the atmosphere and the condition of inflammable and fixed air“ (DSB). – St. verso Titel, durchgehend etwas gebräunt und stellenweise leicht braunfleckig, gutes Exemplar.
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