Comte, Michel. Aiko T. Göttingen, Steidl 2000. Quer-4°. [124] S. mit 45 teils farb. Duotone-Tafeln. OLn. mit Klarsicht-Schutzumschlag in Orig.-Pappschuber.
Erste Ausgabe. – Eines von 500 num. Exemplaren, von M. Comte signiert. – „Michel Comte’s book of erotic photographs of a Japanese geisha by the name of Aiko T. A hotel room in 1990 was the site of this artistic collaboration between photographer and model: clothed, then nude; coy, then claiming the delights of self-pleasure; self-possessed yet toying with notions of power and submission-Aiko T is a master of her art before Comte’s lens. The haptics of the resulting book object-clothbound and embossed, wrapped in clear acetate and housed in a slipcase-mimic the sensuous experiences depicted within“ (G. Steidl). – Tadellos.Gute Ware
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