Paris 1930. 2me année. No. 3. "Hommage a Picasso". 4°. 5 Bll., S. 113-183 (1). Mit zahlr., tlw. ganzseit. Abb. OBrosch.
Bestell-Nr: 1650-17
Bemerkungen: Textes de Jacques Baron, Georges Bataille, Robert Desnos, Carl Einstein, Maurice Heine, Eugène Jolas, Marcel Jouhandeau, Edouard Kasyade, Michel Leiris, Camille Mauclair, Marcel Mauss, Georges Monnet, Léon Pierre-Quint, Jacques Prévert, Charles-Henri Puech, le Dr Reber, Georges Ribémont-Dessaignes, Georges Henri Rivière, André Schaeffner, Roger Vitrac. - Rare document bien préservé. "Documents was a Surrealist art magazine edited by Georges Bataille. Published in Paris between April 1929 and January 1931, it ran for 15 issues, each of which contained a wide range of original writing and photographs. It was overseen by the writer-philosopher Georges Bataille, who became more and more its single guiding figure as the issues progressed. Primarily through the pages of this journal, Bataille forcefully challenged the tenets of Surrealism espoused by André Breton in favor of an alternate model, in which humanity could embrace the formless, the sordid, the discarded and disregarded." (monoskop)
Schlagworte: Kunst, Zeitschriften
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