guter bis sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Rückseite und die letzten 10 Blatt unten leicht eselsohrig - Deckel und die ersten 10 Blatt mit einigen Druckstellen, PREFACE / Dr. Max George MEIER, KAF-representative/Turkey / Dr. Beatrice GORAWANTSCHY, KAF-deputy representative/Turkey - THE EURO - ARAB DIALOGUE / Prof. Dr. Bernd WEISCHER, KAF - representative/Morocco, Regional coordinator of the Euro - Arab Dialogue Programme - TÜRK - ARAP - AVRUPA DÜNYASI HAKKINDA / Bülent AKARCALI, Türk Demokrasi Vakfı Başkanı, Istanbul Milletvekili - Mehmet GÜNDÜZ / Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Müsteşar Yardımcısı - The System of Education in the Federal Republic of Germany / Dr. Michael A. KÖHLER, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - An International Perspective in the Formulation and Implementation of a National Higher Education Policy / Kemal GÜRÜZ, Middle East Technical University, Ankara - Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung / Herbert BERGMANN - Palestinian Education System in the West Bank And Gaza Strip: The Present and the Future / Dr. Sami A. ADWAN - The Educational System in Egypt and New Trends in Egypt's Educational Policy / Dr. Abdul Samie Sayed AHMED, Faculty of Education - Ain-Shams University - "Educational Reform Plan in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan [1989 - 1998]" / Abla Abu NOWAR, Ministry of Education, Amman - Jordan - La Réforme de l'Enseignement En Tunisie Un projet de Société / Moncef BEN ABDELJELIL, Universitarie & Conseiller auprès de Mr. Le Ministre de l'Education et des Sciences Tunis - Educational Reforms in Egypt / Abdul - Monem - Al - Mashat - Kasachstan: Umgestaltungen des Bildungswesens in den letzten Jahren / Prof. Dr. Arynow MUHKTAR, Actijubinsk Universität, Kasachstan - La Nouvelle Reforme Du Système Educatif Au Maroc Droit A L'éducation ou Discrimination Entre Les Sexes / Aicha BELARBI, Faculté des Sciences de l'Education Rabat, Maroc Université Mohammed V - Education and Social Change in the Arab World / Munir BASHSHUR, American University of Beirut - Education and Segregation / Zsuzsanna VAJDA, Institute of Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Science - Education and Democratic Conflict Regulation in Multicultural States: Scope and limits of educational engineering / Prof. Dr. Theodor HANF, Arnold Bergstraeesser Institut, Freiburg - Changement socio - politique et representations sociales du systine scolaire dans un pays industriel avancé: les cas italien / Enrico POZZI (Université de Rome) - Eğitim Öğretim ve Islahatlar (Uzbekistan - Taşdu Hakkında) Profesör N.R. GAYBULLAYEV, Taşkent Devlet Üniversitesi Pedagojik Bölümünün Müdürü, Pedagogika Bilimleri Doktoru - L'éducation dans les sociétés multicommunautaires / Antoine Nasri MESSARRA, Professeur Université Libanaise - Probleme der Humanitären Bildung im Postsowjetischen Kasachstan / Prof. Dr. Yesimkhanv Tleugazky YESIMKHANOVICH - The Authors - Program - Programme, kartoniert, ca. 16,5 x 23,5, 288 Seiten