* FEHLER 1903: ukraine (früher die UdSSR, russland) ★ 2 GRIVNA 2003 STG STEMPELGLANZ! NEUSILBER * ERROR: ukraine (ex. the USSR, russia) ★GERMAN SILVER!

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Münzen International - 5.845 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 4


* FEHLER 1903: ukraine (früher die UdSSR, russland) ★ 2 GRIVNA 2003 STG STEMPELGLANZ! NEUSILBER
* ERROR 1903: ukraine (ex. the USSR, russia) ★ 2 GRIVNAS 2003 UNC MINT LUSTRE! GERMAN SILVER!

Interesting type dedicated to 100 year of the world aviation. The coin together with the celebration of the world achievemnt shows a sketch of Leonardo da Vinci, which appeared many years before 1903 and a building with inscription next to it "NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY". It should mean that the building is the university in question. In fact, common to the local KGB and native ideology the image is a complete hoax and represents anything apart of the university. There are no niches (details 1 and 2 on the fragment) on the building and there is a tier (an additional subdivision between two top and lower storeys) on the building which is removed on the coin (detail 3). Due to small mintage (just 30000 pcs) this coin in beautiful high grade condition is rare.
MASS 12.84 g

Lot 4811


oldthing-Nummer: 44372217
| Lagernummer: 4811


50 % Positiv
6 Verkäufe
Privater Anbieter
Artikelstandort: CY-7550 Kiti
Sprache: englisch
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Mitglied-164538 am 04.10.2023

Alles super! Absolut zufrieden mit dem Kauf (:

Mitglied-153201 am 27.02.2022

Bisher ist noch nichts angekommen???!!!