Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, H. H. // Pettit, R. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Powell, G. H.
Felt, Ephraim Porter: On Certain Grass-Eating Insects. (Bulletin 64: p.45-102 , Plate I - XIV) // Law, James: Tuberculosis in Relation to Animal Industry and Public Health. (Bulletin 65: p. 103-175) // Bailey, L. H.: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (Bulletin 70: p. 255-265, Plate 1-2) // Lodeman, E. G.: Black-Knot of Plums and Cherries, and Methods of Treatment. (Bulletin 81: p. 633-655) // Law, James: Experiments with tuberculin on Nontuberculous Cows. (Bulletin 82: p. 657-676) // Bailey, L. H.: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (Bulletin 84: p. 1-34) // Wing, H. H.: Whey Butter. (Bulletin 85: p. 35-41) // Pettit, R. H.: Studies in Artificial Cultures of Entomogenous Fungi. (Bulletin 97: p. 337-378, Plate I - XI) // Bailey, L. H. and Powell, G. H.: Cherries. (Bulletin 98: p. 379-412)
Gebunden Hardcover
Freie Beschreibung:
23 x 15 cm. Hardcover. Former library possession with stamps and signatures. With some plates, tables and some illustrations in black and white in text. Good condition. --- Brauner neuerer Halbleinenband. Aus dem Bestand der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät Berlin mit den üblichen Stempeln und Signaturen. Mit einigen Tafeln, s/w Abbildungen, Fotos, Tabellen und Grafiken im Text. Guter Zustand
Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Ithaca, New York; March, 1894 // April, 1894 // August, 1894 // December, 1894 // December, 1894 // January, 1895 // March, 1895 // July, 1895 // July, 1895