Herbigny de Thibouville, Henri-Lambert d`: Le Danger des Passions, ou Anecdotes Syriennes et Égyptiennes. Traduction nouvelle. Par l`Auteur de l`École de l`Amitié. Première partie. [Et:] Seconde partie.
Ein Angebot in Bücher & ZeitschriftenLiteratur & Belletristik - 30.140 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie
No publisher informations 1758, 2 parts in 1 volume. [IV], 208 pp.; [II], 192 pp. 16,4 x 10 cm, full temporary calf with gilt lettering and raised bands on spine.
H.-L. d`Herbigny, marquis de Thibouville (1710-1784) was a notable French writer, wit and bisexual. He first followed a military career, then left the army for a literary career. He was a close friend with Voltaire and had a busy correspondence with him. - Titles pages in red/black print. - Binding rubbed, head and tail of spine with faults, back cover with some small holes of worms, some foxing throughout, from page 43/part II to the end one tiny wormhole in upper corner, in generally a firm and fine copy.
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Details zum Artikel
Autor:Herbigny de Thibouville, Henri-Lambert d`
Titel:Le Danger des Passions, ou Anecdotes Syriennes et Égyptiennes. Traduction nouvelle. Par l`Auteur de l`École de l`Amitié. Première partie. [Et:] Seconde partie
Verlagsort:No publisher informations 1758
Seitenanzahl:2 parts in 1 volume. [IV], 208 pp.; [II], 192 pp. 16,4 x 10 cm, full temporary calf with gilt lettering and raised bands on spine