Information Processing Machines Proceedings of the Symposium held in Prague on ... 1964.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.135 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 9



guter bis sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Deckel leicht verzogen / gewölbt - zahlreiche Seiten senkrecht leicht wellig, Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich - Schutzumschlag gering defekt, This volume contains the proceedings of the Symposium on Information Processing Machines, organised by the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society and by the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, and held in Prague on September 7th-9th, 1964. Many outstanding specialists in this field from twelve countries have taken part in the Symposium, and contributed to its success. The problems discussed have specialised in two main themes, namely the Logical Structure of Computers, and Automatic Programming. The need to exchange ideas and experience, to discuss common questions and to reach closer mutual collaboration in solving problems emerging simultaneously in different parts of the world stresses the significance of such meetings as this. As, however, only few of the scientists and students interested could take part in it and as the papers read at the Symposium contain many new ideas which will surely be of interest to much a wider range of scientists and students, we publish these Proceedings and recommend them to all workers in computers and in the neighbouring fields. - Program of the symposium - JAN OBLONSKY, ANTONIN SVOBODA, Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, Prague: Important factors in designing data-processing systems - BERNARD MELTZER, University of Edinburgh: On-line computing in scientific research - MANFRED ROESNER, VEB Elektronische Rechenmaschinen, Karl Marx Stadt: Verifying the logical design of a digital computer on another one - DAVID B. G. EDWARDS, University of Manchester: The ATLAS computing system - KORNEL SPIRO, Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, Prague: A logical model of differentiation and generalisation in learning processes - K. VASSPEG, Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, Prague: On organizing of systems - EVZEN KINDLER, Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, Prague: Nonexact method in the research of programming languages - PETER NAUR, Akademiet for de tekniske Videnskaber, Kobenhavn: The performance of a system for automatic segmentation of programs within an ALGOL compiler (GIER ALGOL) - MAURICE V. WILKES, University Mathematical Laboratory, Cambridge: PUFS — a programmer's utility filing system - WILLEM L. VAN DER POEL, Netherlands Postal and Telecommunications Services, Leidschendam: SERA, a simulated machine for purposes of explaining compiler construction - JIRI RAICHL, Charles' University, Prague: An attempt to construct a formulational language for business problems - JAROSLAV KRAL, Technical University, Prague: To the problem of segmentation of program - GREGORY M. DILLON, Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Delaware: The status and use of COBOL in the USA - JAROSLAV VLČEK, EDVARD OUTRATA, Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, Prague: Elements of segment programming in a system of automatic programming - ANATOL W. HOLT, Applied Data Research, Princetown: Some theorizing on memory structure and information retrieval - WALTER J. KARPLUS, University of California, Los Angeles: Analog subroutines for digital computer programs - JERZY SWIANIEWICZ, Institute of Mathematical Machines, Warsaw: The language for computer description - KAREL ČULIK, Technical University, Prague: The construction of automaton mapping and a remark on the synthesis and minimization of an abstract automaton (Summary) - PETER T. KIRSTEIN, General Electric Co., Zurich: The use of digital computers in the solution of self-consistent space-charge flow problems - JAROSLAV FORMANDL, TOMISLAV SHEJBAL, Research Computing Center, Kancelarske stroje, Prague: Processor EK. — Program for the translation of symbolic instructions in EPOS code - JIRI MIKULAŠ, Research Computing Center, Kancelarske stroje, Prague: Autocode AEE-1 for generating programs for computer EPOS-1 with the aid of computer National Elliott 803 B - STANISLAV MAJERSKI, Institute of Mathematical machines, Warsaw: On the recognition of asynchronous parallel adder comletion (Summary) - ERICH BÜRGER, Technische Hochschule, Karl-Marx-Stadt: Problem of storing information on a punched-tape, Leinen, ca. 17,5 x 24,5, 249 Seiten

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (ČSAV), Prag

Titel: Information Processing Machines
Proceedings of the Symposium held in Prague on ... 1964

Verlagsname: Publishing House of ČSAV, Prague

Jahr: 1965

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 45134152
| Lagernummer: 329756


96 % Positiv
221 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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