Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) International Conference Karlsruhe 2010.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.188 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 15


Editor's Preface - Advisory Board - Keynotes - IWRM — Getting groundwater into the Process. Stephen Foster - How to develop capacity for IWRM: Examples from UNW-DPC. Reza Ardakanian - Taking care of the world's water. Stefan Kraus - Session 1.1. Water Utilization - The development and application of a catchment surveillance methodology, employing an inter-action matrix, for water resources vulnerability assessment and management. Barry Lloyd - Watershed Management Under Terms of Depletive Water Balance and High Vulnerability in Wadi Fuqeen: West Bank-Palestine. Jawad Hasan - Success in IWRM in Germany and in the arid Arabic Countries — is it possible to transfer German strategies and solutions to these countries? Practical insights. Wolfgang Korthals - Methods to evaluate and improve water allocation processes in a semi-arid watershed with given physical, environmental and social constraints and hydrological extreme conditions — Possibilities and Limitations. Nicole Kretschmer - Session 1.2. Water Harvesting - The state-of-the-art in the cost-efficiency use of water harvesting techniques in agriculture. Rodolfo Nobrega - Developing a soil map in a semi-arid region using remote sensing-based approaches for hydrological modelling- Wadi Kafrein / Jordan. William Alkhoury - Evaluation and ranking of alternatives for the use of water of different qualities in semi-arid areas by means of a Muti-Criteria Decision Making framework.. Jacob Bensabat - Session 1.3. Modeling of Water Resources - Handling of uncertain information in modeling complex water management systems. Michael Birkle - Integrated Water Resources Management in South Africa — Maximizing Water Efficiency by Interlinking Hydrological and Economic Modelling. Karl-Ulrich Rudolph - A systematic approach for multi-scale Integrated Water Resources Management. Jens Tränckner - Overall-effective measures for Integrated Water Resources Management in the coastal area of Shandong Province, China. Bertram Monninkhoff - Session 2.1. Water Resource Management & Treatment - Drinking Water Supply in a Rural Area of Indonesia: Lessons learned from the optimization of ground water and river water treatment plants. Stefan Stauder - Concept of appropriate water and waste water treatment in the karst region Gunung Kidul, Southern Java Indonesia. Kerstin Matthies/li> - Problems with cyanobacteria in a water supply river: case study of River Velhas, Brazil. Eduardo von Sperling - Water Quality and Aquifer Recharge: Studies on Emerging Pollutants and Viruses in the Jordan Valley. Andreas Tiehm - und weitere 2 Seiten Inhaltsverzeichnis
432 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern & 94 Seiten mit einer CD-ROM
ca. 15 x 21


sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Hartwig Steusloff

Titel: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) International Conference Karlsruhe 2010

Verlagsname: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Kit Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe

Jahr: 2010

Freie Beschreibung: Editor's Preface - Advisory Board - Keynotes - IWRM — Getting groundwater into the Process. Stephen Foster - How to develop capacity for IWRM: Examples from UNW-DPC. Reza Ardakanian - Taking care of the world's water. Stefan Kraus - Session 1.1. Water Utilization - The development and application of a catchment surveillance methodology, employing an inter-action matrix, for water resources vulnerability assessment and management. Barry Lloyd - Watershed Management Under Terms of Depletive Water Balance and High Vulnerability in Wadi Fuqeen: West Bank-Palestine. Jawad Hasan - Success in IWRM in Germany and in the arid Arabic Countries — is it possible to transfer German strategies and solutions to these countries? Practical insights. Wolfgang Korthals - Methods to evaluate and improve water allocation processes in a semi-arid watershed with given physical, environmental and social constraints and hydrological extreme conditions — Possibilities and Limitations. Nicole Kretschmer - Session 1.2. Water Harvesting - The state-of-the-art in the cost-efficiency use of water harvesting techniques in agriculture. Rodolfo Nobrega - Developing a soil map in a semi-arid region using remote sensing-based approaches for hydrological modelling- Wadi Kafrein / Jordan. William Alkhoury - Evaluation and ranking of alternatives for the use of water of different qualities in semi-arid areas by means of a Muti-Criteria Decision Making framework.. Jacob Bensabat - Session 1.3. Modeling of Water Resources - Handling of uncertain information in modeling complex water management systems. Michael Birkle - Integrated Water Resources Management in South Africa — Maximizing Water Efficiency by Interlinking Hydrological and Economic Modelling. Karl-Ulrich Rudolph - A systematic approach for multi-scale Integrated Water Resources Management. Jens Tränckner - Overall-effective measures for Integrated Water Resources Management in the coastal area of Shandong Province, China. Bertram Monninkhoff - Session 2.1. Water Resource Management & Treatment - Drinking Water Supply in a Rural Area of Indonesia: Lessons learned from the optimization of ground water and river water treatment plants. Stefan Stauder - Concept of appropriate water and waste water treatment in the karst region Gunung Kidul, Southern Java Indonesia. Kerstin Matthies/li> - Problems with cyanobacteria in a water supply river: case study of River Velhas, Brazil. Eduardo von Sperling - Water Quality and Aquifer Recharge: Studies on Emerging Pollutants and Viruses in the Jordan Valley. Andreas Tiehm - und weitere 2 Seiten Inhaltsverzeichnis
432 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern & 94 Seiten mit einer CD-ROM
ca. 15 x 21

ISBN: 9783866445451

oldthing-Nummer: 39227312
| Lagernummer: 324982


96 % Positiv
217 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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