Leonid Staroselsky: Contacts and Contracts The Economic, scientific and technological Cooperation of the USSR with other countries.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Europa: Russland - 51 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 8


Throughout mankind's history the role of science and technology in the economic and social development of society has never been so great as it is today. The extent to which the achievements of science and technology find practical application largely influences the national income of the industrial socialist and capitalist countries. The Soviet Union leads the world in the number of scientific workers (every fourth scientist in the world is Soviet), in the volume of scientific research (every third scientific publication comes from the Soviet Union), and in investments in science (annual government allocations for science far exceed defence spending). But nevertheless it is only natural and logical that the USSR should seek maximum development of mutually advantageous scientific and technological cooperation and ever broader exchange of scientific and technological information with other countries. Humanity is confronted with problems that simply cannot be solved within the national framework. These are first of all protection of the biosphere, transport, and optimal utilisation of energy resources. Soon after the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the USSR called for the convening of European conferences on these three problems at state level. The first conference, on protection of the environment, was held in 1979 at which a number of important documents were adopted. Cooperation between the USSR and its partners abroad is now on a considerable scale. Whereas in 1957 the number of countries with which the Soviet Union had agreements on economic and technological cooperation was only 17, it rose to 81 in 1982. These agreements provide for the building and reconstruction by the Soviet Union in the countries concerned of more than 4,500 enterprises and projects, of which 2,700 have already been commissioned. The development of international economic. scientific and technological cooperation in the 1970s was largely facilitated by the improved international situation, for which the world is much obliged to the Peace Programme advanced and consistently implemented by the Soviet Union. There appeared the prerequisites for cooperation in practically all fields, which, in turn, had a positive influence on interstate relations, creating an atmosphere of confidence and mutual understanding.Unfortunately, since the early 1980s detente has suffered a severe setback. Reactionary circles in the West, particularly the present US Administration. are responsible for this. The US Administration seeks to torpedo detente and is trying to impose maximum restrictions on contacts with the USSR and other socialist countries. However, the majority of businessmen in West European countries continue to show an interest in developing scientific and technological, commercial and economic cooperation with the socialist world
ca. 14,5 x 19,5
40 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern.


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Details zum Artikel

Autor: Leonid Staroselsky

Titel: Contacts and Contracts
The Economic, scientific and technological Cooperation of the USSR with other countries

Verlagsname: Novosti, Moskau

Jahr: 1984

Freie Beschreibung: Throughout mankind's history the role of science and technology in the economic and social development of society has never been so great as it is today. The extent to which the achievements of science and technology find practical application largely influences the national income of the industrial socialist and capitalist countries. The Soviet Union leads the world in the number of scientific workers (every fourth scientist in the world is Soviet), in the volume of scientific research (every third scientific publication comes from the Soviet Union), and in investments in science (annual government allocations for science far exceed defence spending). But nevertheless it is only natural and logical that the USSR should seek maximum development of mutually advantageous scientific and technological cooperation and ever broader exchange of scientific and technological information with other countries. Humanity is confronted with problems that simply cannot be solved within the national framework. These are first of all protection of the biosphere, transport, and optimal utilisation of energy resources. Soon after the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the USSR called for the convening of European conferences on these three problems at state level. The first conference, on protection of the environment, was held in 1979 at which a number of important documents were adopted. Cooperation between the USSR and its partners abroad is now on a considerable scale. Whereas in 1957 the number of countries with which the Soviet Union had agreements on economic and technological cooperation was only 17, it rose to 81 in 1982. These agreements provide for the building and reconstruction by the Soviet Union in the countries concerned of more than 4,500 enterprises and projects, of which 2,700 have already been commissioned. The development of international economic. scientific and technological cooperation in the 1970s was largely facilitated by the improved international situation, for which the world is much obliged to the Peace Programme advanced and consistently implemented by the Soviet Union. There appeared the prerequisites for cooperation in practically all fields, which, in turn, had a positive influence on interstate relations, creating an atmosphere of confidence and mutual understanding.Unfortunately, since the early 1980s detente has suffered a severe setback. Reactionary circles in the West, particularly the present US Administration. are responsible for this. The US Administration seeks to torpedo detente and is trying to impose maximum restrictions on contacts with the USSR and other socialist countries. However, the majority of businessmen in West European countries continue to show an interest in developing scientific and technological, commercial and economic cooperation with the socialist world
ca. 14,5 x 19,5
40 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 43993904
| Lagernummer: 324032


96 % Positiv
218 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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