Light Metals 1984 Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 113th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles ... 1984.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.148 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 26



guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Bindung leicht gelockert - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Vorsatz mit weiterem Stempel - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich, 8,5 Seiten Inhaltsverzeichnis, davon 2 hier: - ALUMINUM REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY III - Alternative Processes - TiB2 Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spraying and Electroplating   D.W. Townsend and L.G. Boxall - Use of TiB2 Cathode Material Application and Benefits in Coventional VSS Cells   L.G. Boxall and A.V. Cooke - Carbon Partition Between carbothermically Reduced Al and Al203-A14c3 Melts   L.M. Ruch, A.F. Saavedra, and R.M. Kibby - The Production of Raw Al/Si Alloys from Italian Leucitic Minerals by a Direct carbothermic Process. Experiments and Results on a Pilot Plant   M.F. Landi, S. Da. Roit, S. Montesi, and L. Piras - Microscopic Investigation of clay chlorination E.S. Martin and K. Wafers - ALUMINUM REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY IV - Alumina Transportation To Cells   I. Stankovich - Crusting Behavior of Smelter Aluminas   D.W. Townsend and L.G. Boxall - Aluminum Pechiney Specifications for optimising the Aluminas Used in Sidebreak and Point Feeding Reduction Pots   Y. Bertaud and A. Lectard - ALUMINUM REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY V - Modelling and Analysis - Thermal Analysis of Soederberg Pots   T. Ohto and T. Matsushima - Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Aluminum Pots   P. Entner, W. Schmidt-Hatting, Z. Mitrovic, U. Gruber, D. Rufer, and B. Fjørnes - The current Efficiency of a Shorted Anode in a Prebake cell W.W. Hyland - Physical Modelling of Bubble Behaviour and Gas Release from Aluminum Reduction cell Anodes   S. Fortin, M. Gerhardt, and A.J. Gesing - Potroom Ventilation System by Segregated Air Layers O. Lid and O. Haugen - ALUMINUM REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY VI - Fundamental Studies - Thermodynamics of Metal oxide Reactions in Hall cells   A.J. Becker and D.R. Careatti - Interactions of Gases in Molten Salts: carbon Dioxide and oxygen in cryolite-Alumina Melts   H. Numata and J. O'M. Bockris - The Rate Determining Step of Metal Loss in Cryolite-Alumina Melts Z. Qiu and L. Fan - Model calculations of the Electrical conductivity of Cryolite Melts   P. Fellner, K. Grjotheim, and K. Kvandc - On the Anode Effect in Industrial Aluminum cells   J. Thonstad, F. Nordmo, A.B. HusOy, K.O. Vee, and O.G. Austrheim - Determination of Melting Temperatures and Al - 2 - 0 - 3 - Solubilities for Hall cell Electrolyte Compositions   S.S. Lee, K.S. Lei, P. Xu, and J.J. Brown, Jr. - CARBON TECHNOLOGY I - Coker Feedstock charaoteristics and calcined Coke Properties   P.J. Rhedey and S.K. Nadkarni - Influence of Maximum Temperature and Heat-Soak Times on the Properties of calcined Coke   A.F. Bopp, G.B. Groff, and B.H. Howard - Desulfurization of Petroleum coke   N.H. Brandt and R.S. Kapner - New Applications to Upgrade coal Tar Products H. Kremer and S. Cukier - CARBON TECHNOLoGY II - Correlation of Raw Material Properties with Binder Content of HS Soderberg Paste   L. Castonguay and S.K. Nadkarni - Temperature Stability of Soderberg Anode Pitch M. Sørlie - Evaluation of Volumetric Anode Mix Formulation D. Belitskus - Anode consumption Test cell   P.P. Russell, K.R. Weisbrod, and S.S. Jones - Interrelation Between composition and Properties of coal Tar Pitches and Properties of Anode   M.L. Itskov, R.V. Svoboda, V.I. Denisenko, E.A. Kolodin, and G.F. Vedernokov - a. m. o, Leinen, ca. 15,5 x 23,5, 1749 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: J. P. McGeer, Alcan International Ltd., Kingston Laboraties

Titel: Light Metals 1984
Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 113th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles ... 1984

Verlagsname: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York

Jahr: 1984

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39054518
| Lagernummer: 322253


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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