o. O., Vlg. u. J. 3 Hefte [Typoskripte in Xerox]. 4°. 34; 28; 34 Bll. Geh.
Bestell-Nr: 1784-22
Bemerkungen: Enthält die Kapitel: I. Man as a Nucleus of Forces [Und:] II. Functional Design becomes obsolete through the biotechnical Approach [Und:] III. Heredity in Technology [Und:] IV. Art, Technolog and Housing [Und:] V. The Nature of the Tool [Und:] VI. Maintenance as Management [Und:] Continous Construction [Und:] VIII. Work, Leisure and Fatigue [Und:] New Terminology of Tool-production [Und:] Correlative Re-integration of Tool Production.
Schlagworte: Architektur, Kunst, Faksimiledrucke
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