Privatization in Egypt: The Debate in the People's Assembly.

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Seitenaufrufe: 10


On Privatization in Egypt: With Reference to the Experience of the Czech Republic and Mexico - Mahmoud Mohieldin and Saher Nasr - The Process of Privatization in the Egyptian Parties' Discourse - Nevine Mossaad - The Civil Debate over Privatization in Egypt: Conflicting Interpretations and Goals - Salwa Shaarawi Gomaa - The Legal Framework of Economic Liberalization and Privatization in Egypt - Ahmed El-Rashidy - An Over-all Analysis of Economic Liberalization and Privatization in the People's Assembly - Wafaa Abd-El Elah - A Membership Analysis of the People's Assembly - Ali El-Sawi - Parliamentarians and Issues of Privatization - Mustapha K. Al-Sayyid - The Debate over the Social Problems of Privatization in die People's Assembly - Azza Wahby - Parliamentary Debates over the External Dimensions of Privatization - Nazli M. Ahmed
ca. 17 x 24
382 Seiten.


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Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Wadouda Badran
Azza Wahby

Titel: Privatization in Egypt: The Debate in the People's Assembly

Verlagsname: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Kairo, Ägypten

Jahr: 1996

Freie Beschreibung: On Privatization in Egypt: With Reference to the Experience of the Czech Republic and Mexico - Mahmoud Mohieldin and Saher Nasr - The Process of Privatization in the Egyptian Parties' Discourse - Nevine Mossaad - The Civil Debate over Privatization in Egypt: Conflicting Interpretations and Goals - Salwa Shaarawi Gomaa - The Legal Framework of Economic Liberalization and Privatization in Egypt - Ahmed El-Rashidy - An Over-all Analysis of Economic Liberalization and Privatization in the People's Assembly - Wafaa Abd-El Elah - A Membership Analysis of the People's Assembly - Ali El-Sawi - Parliamentarians and Issues of Privatization - Mustapha K. Al-Sayyid - The Debate over the Social Problems of Privatization in die People's Assembly - Azza Wahby - Parliamentary Debates over the External Dimensions of Privatization - Nazli M. Ahmed
ca. 17 x 24
382 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 40940042
| Lagernummer: 327024


96 % Positiv
218 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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