Amsterdam, van Harrevelt 1763 u. 1766. Tome seconde et tome quatrieme (ap. de 4). 8°. XVI, 443; 284 S. Mit je 1 gest. Titelvign. u. 6 Kupferaf. Pbd. d. 19. Jhdts. m. Rückensch. EA
Bestell-Nr: 1311-10
Bemerkungen: Ziegenfuß II, 365; Cioranescu 53572 - Jean Baptiste René Robinet (Rennes 1735-1820), französ Naturphilosoph, Wegbereiter der Evolutionslehre. - "Robinet`s most important work. In certain of his statements Robinet appears to be heralding the theory of transformism and the idea that all living beings are constructed according to a single basic plan. Robinet`s work illustrates several important elements in the scientific thinking of the second half of the eighteenth century: the unity of nature, the chain of beings, universal dynamism and sensibility and vitalism. It also illustrates the role of Leibnitz in the development of enlightenment ideas on living nature. Robinet`s writings cast an interesting light on the genesis of the theory of transformism". (Dict. of Scientific Biography XI,492f.)
Schlagworte: Philosophie, Naturwissenschaften
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