Renowned Serbian Personalities

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Serbien - 340 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie


Jovan Ducij (Trebije, February 15, 1874 - Geary, Indiana, SAD, April 7, 1943), Serbian biologist and Yugoslavian writer, songwriter and diplomat. The main school is the head of the school in Trebižu, the teaching school in Sarajevo, and at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology in Geneva the head of law. Bio is one of the leaders of the people's, national independent organization in Krajevini Srbia. One of the most important songs of Serbian modernism



Details zum Artikel

Jahr: 2021

Händler-Kategorie: Serbia

oldthing-Nummer: 50249914
| Lagernummer: sb1074


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153 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: KZ-141431 Moscow
Sprache: englisch
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